View Case Filings for: 2020-00349
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:11/25/2020
Kentucky Utilities Company
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
12/6/2022 8:54:08 AM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s petitions for confidential treatment are granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. LG&E/KU shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment. |
11/4/2022 3:44:06 PM
Order Entered: 1. KU/LG&E’s motion for an extension of time to file their RTO Membership Analysis is granted. 2. KU/LG&E shall have up to and including November 14, 2022, to file their 2022 RTO Membership Analysis. |
12/14/2021 2:32:20 PM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s proposed notice and changes to its website pertaining to the issue of joint ownership of accounts, as filed on October 22, 2021, and amended on November 23, 2021, is approved. 2. Within 45 days of the date of this Order, LG&E/KU shall include the notice in their Power Source newsletter and on their website. 3. Within ten days of publishing the notice in Power Source and on their website, LG&E/KU shall file a copy of the notice with the Commission. |
12/8/2021 4:05:24 PM
Commission HEREBY ORDERS, Nunc pro tunc, that: 1. KU’s rates set forth in Appendix B to the December 6, 2021 Order are stricken and replaced with Appendix A attached to this Order. 2. LG&E’s rates set forth in Appendix C to the December 6, 2021 Order are stricken and is replaced with Appendix B attached to this Order. 3. All other provisions of the Commission’s December 6, 2021 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect. |
12/7/2021 5:00:23 PM
Order Entered: 1. DOD/FEA’s April 1, 2021 motion for confidential treatment is granted. |
12/7/2021 4:49:01 PM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU's April 20, 2021; May 19, 2021, August 2, 2021; and August 13, 2021 motions for confidential treatment are granted. 2. The designated material contained in LG&E/KU’s response to Staff’s Sixth Request, Items 14(c), 14(d), and 26, as described in the April 20, 2020 motion; in LG&E/KU’s August 2, 2021 motion; and LG&E/KU’s August 13, 2021 motion granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further Order of this Commission. 3. The designated material contained in LG&E/KU’s response to Staff’s Sixth Request, Item 25, as described in the April 20, 2021 motion that is granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period or until further Order of this Commission. |
12/7/2021 4:05:26 PM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU's November 25, 2020; December 15, 2020; and February 19, 2021 motions for confidential treatment are granted in part and denied in part. 2. LG&E/KU’s January 22, 2021 motion for confidential treatment is granted. 3. LG&E/KU’s November 25, 2020 motion for confidential treatment of the designated material, with the exception of Tab 60 to the application, is granted. 4. LG&E/KU’s December 15, 2020 motion for confidential treatment of the designated material, with the exception of LG&E/KU’s responses to Staff’s First Request, Items 6, 39, 40, and 41, is granted. 5. LG&E/KU’s February 19, 2021 motion for confidential treatment, with the exception of KU’s response to Sierra Club’s Second Request, Item 6(b), is granted. 6. LG&E/KU November 25, 2020 motion for confidential treatment of the designated material in Tab 60 to the application is denied. 7. LG&E/KU’s December 15, 2020 motion for confidential treatment of the designated material in LG&E/KU’s responses to Staff’s First Request, Items 6, 39, 40, and 41 is denied. 8. LG&E/KU’s February 19, 2021 motion for confidential treatment of the designated material in KU’s response to Sierra Club’s Second Request, Item 6(b), is denied. |
12/6/2021 2:07:04 PM
Order Entered: 1. The Order of June 30, 2021 is amended to reflect the modifications discussed in this Order. 2. The rates and charges for LG&E/KU, as set forth in Appendix B and C to this Order, are fair, just and reasonable rates, and these rates are approved for service rendered on and after the date of entry of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E/KU shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates, charges, and modifications approved or as required herein and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket. |
11/30/2021 4:03:18 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company respond to Commission’s Orders of June 30, 2021 with an analysis of the future of LGEs and KUs fossil-fuel generation. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
11/23/2021 1:22:37 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company respond to Ordering Paragraph No. 11 of the Commission’s Orders of September 24, 2021 with a supplemental proposed notice regarding the joint account issues raised in the Orders. Original r Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
11/4/2021 2:34:52 PM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s petition for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part. 2. LG&E/KU’s petition for rehearing on the issue of the description of the netting methodology on page 48 of the September 24, 2021 Order is granted. 3. The first sentence in the second paragraph on page 48 of the September 24, 2021 Order is stricken and replaced with the following: Consistent with our finding in Case No. 2020-00174 and KRS 278.465(4), the Commission finds that LG&E/KU should continue to net the dollar value of the total energy consumed and the dollar value of the total energy exported by eligible customer generators over the billing period in NMS 2 consistent with the billing period netting period established in NMS 1. 4. LG&E/KU’s petition for rehearing regarding the calculation of NMS 2 rate components is denied. The calculation of these rates is provided in the Appendix to this Order. 5. LG&E/KU’s petition for rehearing on the issue of cost recovery of QF and NMS 2 costs through their FAC is granted, with recovery as set forth in this Order. 6. LG&E/KU’s petitions for rehearing on the remaining issues are denied. 7. This matter shall remain open pending the final determination on other matters, including those for which LG&E/KU were granted rehearing by Order entered August 12, 2021. |
11/1/2021 3:07:36 PM
Order Entered: 1. Attorney General/KIUC’s petition for rehearing is denied. 2. Joint Intervenors’ petition for rehearing is denied. 3. This matter shall remain open pending the final determination on matters for which LG&E/KU were granted rehearing by Order entered August 12, 2021. |
10/27/2021 4:16:53 PM
KU LGE Reply to KY Solar Industries and Joint Intervenors Responses to KU and LGE Petition for Reconsideration Kendrick R Riggs Kentucky Utilities and Lousville Gas and Electric Company |
10/22/2021 10:05:28 PM
Response of Joint Intervenors to LGE and KU Request For Reconsideration Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
10/22/2021 3:31:07 PM
KYSEIA Joint Response to Joint Petition of KU and LGE for Reconsideration David Spenard KYSEIA |
10/22/2021 1:54:09 PM
KU-LGE Jt Response to Joint Intervenors Petition for Rehearing Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
10/22/2021 12:40:18 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company respond to Ordering Paragraph No. 11 of the Commission’s Orders of September 24, 2021 with a proposed notice regarding the joint account issues raised in the Orders. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
10/20/2021 9:05:42 PM
Response of Joint Intervenors To Request of AG and KIUC For Rehearing Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
10/20/2021 2:14:36 PM
KYSEIA combined response to OAG, KIUC, and Joint Intervenors petitions for rehearing David Spenard KYSEIA |
10/19/2021 1:37:45 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s 2021 RTO Membership Study Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
10/15/2021 4:21:06 PM
KU-LGE Jt Ptn for Reconsideration Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
10/15/2021 9:30:33 AM
Order Entered: LG&E/KU’s motion to schedule an informal conference is denied. |
10/14/2021 5:53:06 PM
Joint Intervenors Petition for Rehearing Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
10/14/2021 9:48:22 AM
Order Entered: LG&E/KU’s objection to filing Joint Intervenors’ errata sheet into the record is overruled. |
10/13/2021 10:55:46 AM
OAG and KIUCs Request for Rehearing J. Michael West Office of the Attorney General |
10/6/2021 3:09:02 PM
LGE-KU Jt Mtn for Informal Conference Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
9/30/2021 10:22:50 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company submit the first quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
9/30/2021 10:16:46 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company submit the first quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
9/24/2021 9:36:14 AM
Final Order Entered: 1. The rates and charges proposed by LG&E/KU in Tariff SQF and LQF are denied. 2. The rates and charges for LG&E/KU’s Tariff SQF and LQF, as set forth in Appendix A and B to this Order, are fair, just and reasonable rates, and these rates are approved for service rendered on and after the date of entry of this Order. 3. The proposed revisions to Solar Share Program Rider Tariff and the Green Tariff Rider are approved. 4. The rates and charges proposed by LG&E/KU in Tariff NMS 2 are denied. 5. The rates and charges for LG&E/KU’s Tariff NMS 2, as set forth in Appendix A and B to this Order, are fair, just and reasonable rates, and these rates are approved for service rendered on and after the date of entry of this Order. 6. LG&E/KU’s Tariff NMS 2 shall be modified as described in this Order. 7. LG&E/KU’s Tariff NMS 1 is approved. 8. LG&E/KU’s proposed tariff revisions contained in Appendix C to this Order are approved. 9. Within 90 days of the date of entry of this Order, LG&E/KU shall submit a filing that details how LG&E/KU will increase the transparency of their PROSYM modeling to the Commission. |
9/21/2021 11:29:41 PM
Response Of Joint Intervenors To Objection Of Kentucky Utilities And Louisville Gas And Electric Company To Joint Intervenors’ September 17, 2021 Errata Sheet Filing Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
9/20/2021 3:26:04 PM
KU-LGE Objection to Jt Intervenors 9-17-21 Errata Sheet Filing Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
9/17/2021 7:22:07 PM
Errata Sheet and Filing of Exhibit 1 to Supplemental Post-Hearing Brief of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
9/8/2021 12:44:57 PM
20210908_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - August 18, 2021.pdf |
9/8/2021 12:43:17 PM
20210908_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - August 17, 2021.pdf |
9/7/2021 11:27:24 PM
Supplemental Post-Hearing Brief of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
9/7/2021 5:39:17 PM
KYSEIA Joint Post-Hearing Memorandum Brief David Spenard KYSEIA |
9/7/2021 5:31:07 PM
KU-LGE Post-Hearing Brief W. Duncan Crosby III Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
9/7/2021 2:24:57 PM
Post-Hearing Brief of OAG/KIUC J. Michael West Office of the Attorney General |
9/7/2021 1:53:01 PM
Sierra Clubs Post-Hearing Brief Joe F. Childers Sierra Club |
8/27/2021 1:34:44 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Post-Hearing Request for Information dated August 20, 2021 Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/25/2021 7:21:39 PM
Joint Intervenors’ Response To Commission Staff’s Post-Hearing Request For Information. Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/25/2021 4:36:04 PM
KU-LGE Joint Petition for Confidential Protection Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
8/25/2021 9:22:29 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company Supplemental Responses for Question No. 4d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/24/2021 8:43:04 AM
Order Entered: 1. A videoconference IC is scheduled on August 26, 2021, at 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. 2. Parties who participated in the August 17–18, 2021 hearing will be contacted by electronic mail to provide details for joining the IC by videoconference. |
8/20/2021 12:04:35 PM
Data Request |
8/20/2021 11:48:39 AM
Data Request |
8/19/2021 3:42:37 PM
KU-LGE Response Ltr to KPSC 8-22(e) Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
8/19/2021 3:26:24 PM
KU-LGE Jt Mtn for Informal Conference Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
8/19/2021 2:35:07 PM
Order Entered: 1. Post-hearing data requests, if any, shall be filed on or before August 20, 2021. 2. Responses to post-hearing data requests shall be filed on or before August 27, 2021. 3. The parties may, but are not required, to file simultaneous post-hearing briefs on or before September 7, 2021. 4. LG&E/KU’s motion for leave to file corrected testimony is granted. 5. LG&E/KU’s motion for leave to file sur-rebuttal testimony is granted. 6. LG&E/KU’s motion for leave to deviate from filing requirements is granted. LG&E/KU shall file four copies of its response to Staff’s Eighth Request, Item 22(3) in electronic format on a USB drive within seven days of the date of this Order. 7. This case shall stand submitted for a decision by the Commission effective 12:01a.m., September 8, 2021. |
8/16/2021 2:00:23 PM
FERC approval for the planned accounting treatment for the accrual of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction during the LGE and KU Advanced Metering Infrastructure implementation period Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/16/2021 1:12:05 PM
KYSEIA Combined Errata Filing David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/16/2021 10:35:12 AM
Order Entered: 1. Louisville Metro and LFUCG’s joint motion to be excused from the August 17–18, 2021 hearing is granted. 2. Joint Intervenors motion for counsel to participate virtually in the August 17– 18, 2021 hearing is granted. 3. Commission Staff shall contact Joint Intervenors with instructions for participating remotely. |
8/16/2021 10:23:25 AM
Order Entered: 1. The Attorney General’s motion for counsel to participate virtually in the August 17–18, 2021 hearing is granted. 2. Commission Staff shall contact Joint Intervenors with instructions for participating remotely. |
8/16/2021 9:55:08 AM
KYSEIA Response to KU and LGE Joint Motion for Leave to File Sur-Rebuttal David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/13/2021 10:41:04 PM
KYSEIA Combined Supplemental Update David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/13/2021 4:31:45 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Eighth Request for Information. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/13/2021 2:48:05 PM
Kentucky Utilities Companys and Louisville Gas and Electric Companys Joint Motion for Leave to File the Sur-Rebuttal Testimony of David S. Sinclair Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/13/2021 1:10:45 PM
OAG Counsels Motion for Leave to Participate Virtually in August Hearings Larry Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General |
8/12/2021 5:12:40 PM
Motion of Joint Intervenors To Allow Virtual Participation At Hearing By Counsel Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/12/2021 4:17:23 PM
Order Entered: 1. KYSEIA’s motion for its witness Justin R. Barnes to testify by videoconference at the August 17-18, 2021 hearing is granted. 2. Joint Intervenors’ motion for their witnesses James Owen and Karl Rabago to testify by videoconference at the August 17-18, 2021 hearing is granted. 3. Sierra Club’s motion for its counsel, Joe Childers and Matthew Miller, to participate by videoconference at the August 17-18, 2021 hearing is granted. 4. Commission Staff shall contact the parties to provide instructions for participating in the August 17-18, 2021 hearing by videoconference. |
8/12/2021 3:12:28 PM
Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s motion for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part. 2. LG&E/KU’s motion for rehearing on the issues of disallowed forecasted legal expenses, reduction of rate case expenses, reporting requirements, time frame for notice of modification of the stay-out provision, reduction to stipulated revenue increases, and TS-2 Pipeline Supplier rate, as described herein, are granted. 3. LG&E/KU’s motion for rehearing on the issues of ROE and revenue adjustments for the late payment charge waiver are denied. |
8/12/2021 2:53:08 PM
KYSEIA Response to Staff 4th request David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/12/2021 2:30:00 PM
Order Entered: Walmart’s motion to be excused from attending the August 17–18, 2021 hearing is granted. |
8/12/2021 2:17:29 PM
Order Entered: Kroger’s motion to be excused from attending the August 17–18, 2021 hearing is granted. |
8/12/2021 2:09:54 PM
Order Entered: DoD-FEA’s motion to be excused from attending the August 17–18, 2021 hearing is granted. |
8/12/2021 1:57:41 PM
Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General and KIUC is granted in part and denied in part. 2. The request for Mr. Baron to testify virtually is granted. 3. The request for Mr. Baron to be excused from testifying is denied. |
8/11/2021 10:05:41 PM
Motion to be Excluded from Hearing M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
8/9/2021 4:48:04 PM
KU-LGE Jt Mtn for Leave to File Correction to Suppl Rebuttal Testimony of Robert M. Conroy Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
8/9/2021 10:46:03 AM
KU-LGE Response to AGs Mtn to Excuse Witness Stephen J. Baron Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
8/6/2021 1:32:04 PM
Response of Joint Intervenors To Commission Staff’s Fourth Request For Information Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/5/2021 8:51:14 PM
Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of James Owen And Karl Rábago On Behalf Of Joint Intervenors. Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/5/2021 4:13:33 PM
KYSEIA Combined Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/5/2021 2:41:46 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/5/2021 2:10:31 PM
Motion of Sierra Club to Attend Hearing Virtually Joe F. Childers Sierra Club |
8/5/2021 12:59:15 PM
Motion to Excuse Witness J. Michael West Office of the Attorney General |
8/3/2021 4:17:23 PM
Data Request |
8/3/2021 4:08:22 PM
Data Request |
8/3/2021 3:40:55 PM
Data Request |
8/2/2021 6:53:24 PM
KYSEIA Response to Staff 3rd Data Request David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/2/2021 6:18:15 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to Kentucky Solar Industries Associations Inc’s Combined Requests for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/2/2021 6:10:36 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Societys, and Metropolitan Housing Coalition Second Supplemental Data Requests Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/2/2021 5:59:59 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Seventh Request for Information. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
8/2/2021 5:42:58 PM
Motion for Excusal from Hearing Emily W. Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
8/2/2021 5:13:52 PM
Motion Of Joint Intervenors To Allow Virtual Hearing Participation By Witnesses Owen and Rabago Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/2/2021 4:58:00 PM
KYSEIA Combined Responses to KU and LGE David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/2/2021 3:51:14 PM
Response of Joint Intervenors To Joint Supplemental Data Requests Propounded By LGE and KU Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
8/2/2021 3:37:20 PM
8/2/2021 2:33:53 PM
KYSEIA Motion for Leave to Permit Virtual Testimony David Spenard KYSEIA |
8/2/2021 12:04:58 PM
Walmart Inc.s Motion Requesting to be Excused from Hearing Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc. |
7/23/2021 1:58:28 PM
KU-LGE Jt Ptn for Partial Rehearing and Clarification of June 30, 2021 Final Orders Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
7/23/2021 10:28:41 AM
Supplemental Response to Question No. 14(d) of Commission Staffs First Request for Information Andrea M. Fackler Kentucky Utilities Company |
7/22/2021 9:46:15 PM
Joint Intervenors Second Supplemental Data Requests to LGE KU Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
7/22/2021 4:29:44 PM
KU-LGE Suppl Data Requests to Joint Intervenors Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
7/22/2021 4:23:50 PM
KU-LGE Suppl Data Requests to KYSIA Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
7/22/2021 4:23:07 PM
Data Request |
7/22/2021 3:58:08 PM
KYSEIA combined requests for information to KU and LGE David Spenard KYSEIA |
7/22/2021 2:25:13 PM
Data Request |
7/20/2021 3:28:33 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company response to Ordering Paragraph No. 34 of June 30, 2021. (Resale of Electric Energy) Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
7/20/2021 3:17:53 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company response to Ordering Paragraph No. 5 of the Commissions Orders of June 30, 2021. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
7/19/2021 11:45:01 AM
Read First Letter For Refiled Supplemental Testimony of Karl Rábago Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
7/14/2021 9:50:51 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company Hearing Notice Request submitted to KY Press Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
7/13/2021 10:10:12 PM
Rábago Testimony with verification Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
7/13/2021 9:59:48 PM
Supplemental Testimony of Karl Rabago and James Owen Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
7/13/2021 6:22:03 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Supplemental Testimony and Exhibits Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
7/13/2021 4:36:59 PM
Kroger letter re no filing of Supplemental Testimony as authorized by Order dated June 30, 2021 Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
7/13/2021 3:28:21 PM
Letter advising Walmart will not be filing Supplemental Testimony Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc. |
7/13/2021 2:27:37 PM
KYSEIA Supplemental Testimony David Spenard KYSEIA |
7/12/2021 1:48:52 PM
Order Entered: KYSEIA’s motion to amend the procedural schedule is denied. |
7/12/2021 10:16:04 AM
OAG-KIUC Joint Notice of No Filing of Additional Testimony Regarding Net Metering Larry Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General |
7/8/2021 11:34:44 AM
Order Entered: 1. An in person hearing in these matters shall be held on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, and continue on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room at the offices of the Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Telephonic public comments shall be accepted at the beginning of the hearing. Instructions for telephonic and written public comment shall be posted on the PSC website,, prior to the beginning of the hearing |
7/8/2021 6:12:20 AM
Response Of Joint Intervenors In Support Of Kentucky Solar Industries Association, Inc. Motion For Amendment Of Procedural Schedule. Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
7/6/2021 5:06:57 PM
KU-LGE Joint Response to KYSIA Motion for Amendment of Procedural Schedule Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
7/2/2021 3:05:08 PM
KYSEIA Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule David Spenard KYSEIA |
7/2/2021 2:42:50 PM
Order Entered HEREBY ORDERS, nunc pro tunc, that: 1. The second sentence on the first full paragraph on page 26 is stricken and is replaced with the following language: In that matter the Commission noted that KU’s sister entity LG&E’s “description of regulatory advocacy appears to be a form of lobbying activity, which the Commission has not included for rate-making purposes in previous cases.” 2. The second sentence on the first full paragraph on page 27 is stricken and is replaced with the following language: Had both of the other two activities occurred prior to January 2021, the Commission would have denied all EEI dues for Kentucky Power 3. All other provisions of the Commission’s June 30, 2021 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect. |
6/30/2021 3:59:05 PM
Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. |
6/30/2021 3:36:26 PM
Order Entered: The case record of Case No. 2018-00348 is incorporated by reference into this proceeding. |
6/30/2021 2:39:33 PM
Final Order Entered: 1. The rates and charges proposed by KU are denied. 2. KU's motion for leave to file the Stipulation and the testimonies in support of the Stipulation is granted. 3. The Stipulation (without exhibits), along with the Addendum, attached hereto as Appendix A, are approved with the modifications discussed herein. 4. The rates and charges in Appendix B, attached hereto, are fair, just and reasonable for KU to charge for service rendered on and after July 1, 2021. 5. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, KU shall file notice whether FERC approval of the accounting treatment of AFUDC for AMI deployment is required and, if FERC approval is required, provide the expected timeline for KU to file its requires for FERC approval. 6. Beginning on September 30, 2021, and continuing through the deployment of AMI as set forth in the application, KU shall file quarterly status reports, including the status of the implementation and deployment of the project, adherence to budgets, adherence to timeliness, any significant change orders, number of AMI implemented, and the number of non-AMI meters removed and retired. 7. KU shall file with its next base rate case a written baseline quantifying all benefits derived from AMI deployment in conformance with the items set forth in Appendix E. |
6/25/2021 1:30:59 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Supplemental Response for Question No. 33 to the Commission Staffs Post-Hearing Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
6/1/2021 9:57:33 PM
KYSEIA Joint Post-Hearing Response David Spenard KYSEIA |
6/1/2021 8:27:33 PM
Post Hearing Reply Brief of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
6/1/2021 4:26:19 PM
KU-LGE Joint Post-Hearing Reply Brief Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
6/1/2021 3:31:05 PM
Joint Responsive Post-Hearing Brief of AG and KIUC Heather Napier KY Office of the Attorney General |
5/25/2021 11:06:07 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company Supplemental Responses for Question Nos. 3 and 14d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
5/24/2021 10:28:24 PM
Post-Hearing Brief of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
5/24/2021 8:50:03 PM
KYSEIA Joint Post-Hearing Memorandum David Spenard KYSEIA |
5/24/2021 4:09:36 PM
KU-LGE Joint Post-Hearing Brief Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
5/24/2021 3:58:23 PM
OAG and KIUCs Post-Hearing Brief J. Michael West OAG |
5/24/2021 3:53:02 PM
Post-Hearing Brief of Walmart Inc. Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc. |
5/24/2021 3:51:49 PM
DOD-FEAs Post-Hearing Brief Emily W. Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
5/24/2021 2:23:04 PM
Post-Hearing Brief of The Kroger Co. Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
5/24/2021 1:32:41 PM
Sierra Clubs Post-Hearing Brief Joe F. Childers Sierra Club |
5/24/2021 9:29:40 AM
Brief M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
5/19/2021 3:06:09 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Societys, and Metropolitan Housing Coalition Post-Hearing Data Requests Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
5/19/2021 3:06:02 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to Kentucky Solar Industries Associations Inc’s Post-Hearing Requests for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
5/19/2021 3:05:56 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Post-Hearing Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
5/11/2021 12:31:11 PM
20210511_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - April 28, 2021.pdf |
5/11/2021 12:19:19 PM
20210511_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - April 27, 2021.pdf |
5/11/2021 12:00:33 PM
20210511_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - April 26, 2021.pdf |
5/7/2021 2:03:07 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company files a Joint Errata to Stipulation Exhibit 1 Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
5/5/2021 6:57:56 PM
KYSEIA combined post-hearing data requests David Spenard KYSEIA |
5/5/2021 6:11:09 PM
Supplemental Data Requests from Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
5/5/2021 12:44:29 PM
Data Request |
5/3/2021 1:20:10 PM
Order Entered: 1. Post-hearing data requests, if any, shall be filed on or before May 5, 2021. 2. Responses to post-hearing data requests shall be filed on or before May 19, 2021. 3. All parties shall file a memorandum brief in support of their respective post- hearing positions on or before May 24, 2021. Briefs shall include support for the proposed settlement and each party’s position as to the cogeneration tariff and net metering issues even though those issues will remain the subject of additional proceedings. 4. All parties may file a responsive brief on or before June 1, 2021. 6. This case shall stand submitted for a decision by the Commission effective 12:01 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time on June 2, 2021 with the exception of issues pertaining to the cogeneration tariff and net metering issues (Riders NMS-1 and NMS-2) which will be the subject of additional discovery and potentially a second hearing. |
4/28/2021 6:09:30 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Supplemental Responses for Question Nos. 3 and 14d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/27/2021 12:44:58 PM
KYSEIA Errata Filing David Spenard KYSEIA |
4/22/2021 1:44:31 PM
KU submits Notarized Affidavit attesting to the Publication of Notice of Public Hearing Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/21/2021 3:57:11 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Corrected Attachment to Question No. 23 to the Commission Staffs Sixth Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/20/2021 7:19:45 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Sixth Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/20/2021 4:42:18 PM
KYSEIA response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information David Spenard KYSEIA |
4/20/2021 4:02:29 PM
Joint Intervenors’ Response To Second Set Of Data Requests Propounded By Commission Staff Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
4/19/2021 3:54:28 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Companys Joint Motion seeking leave to file the Stipulation Testimony of Kent W. Blake in support of the Stipulation and Recommendation Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/15/2021 3:05:11 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Supplemental Response for Question No. 104 to Joint Initial Data Requests of the Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/14/2021 2:25:25 PM
Data Request |
4/14/2021 11:38:22 AM
Data Request |
4/14/2021 11:27:18 AM
Data Request |
4/14/2021 10:56:22 AM
KU submits Base Period update to Filing Requirements Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/12/2021 3:27:13 PM
Kentucky Utilities Companys Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/7/2021 12:06:57 PM
OAG-KIUC Joint Motion for Partial Deviation From Filing Requirements Lawrence Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
4/2/2021 12:26:01 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company submits attachments to Commission Staffs Fifth Request for Information Question No. 18 and withdraws Motion for Approval to Deviate From Rule Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/1/2021 8:29:12 PM
Responses to Requests for Information M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
4/1/2021 4:50:26 PM
The Kroger Co.s Responses to Commission Staffs First Request for Information Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
4/1/2021 4:44:57 PM
The Kroger Co.s Response to Joint Data Requests of KU and LGE Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
4/1/2021 4:26:35 PM
Responses of Walmart Inc. to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Companys Data Requests Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc. |
4/1/2021 4:21:19 PM
Responses of Walmart Inc. to Commission Staffs First Request for Information Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc. |
4/1/2021 4:17:06 PM
Notice of Appearance of Counsel on behalf of Walmart Inc. Carrie H. Grundmann Notice of Appearance of Counsel |
4/1/2021 4:10:04 PM
KYSEIA Response to Joint Data Requests KU LGE 2 of 2 David Spenard KYSEIA |
4/1/2021 3:39:21 PM
KYSEIA Response to Joint Data Requests KU LGE 1 of 2 David Spenard KYSEIA |
4/1/2021 2:31:18 PM
Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Responses to Commission Staff and LFUCG and Metro First Set of Discovery Michael L. Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) |
4/1/2021 2:30:09 PM
KYSEIA Response to Commission Staff Data Requests David Spenard KYSEIA |
4/1/2021 2:12:34 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Fifth Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
4/1/2021 1:49:35 PM
OAGs Responses to DRs of PSC Staff and Intervenors Lawrence Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
4/1/2021 1:39:52 PM
Joint Responses of OAG-KIUC to Data Requests Lawrence Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
4/1/2021 12:07:48 PM
DOD-FEAs Response to RFIs from Commission Staff, LGE/KU, and LFUCG and Metro; and DOD-FEAs Motion for Confidential Protection Emily W. Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
Joint Intervenors Responses To Data Requests From Commission Staff Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
3/31/2021 11:25:32 PM
Joint Intervenors Responses To Data Requests From LGE and KU Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
3/29/2021 2:48:02 PM
Order Entered: the joint motion of KU and LG&E requesting the scheduling of an informal conference for purposes of settlement negotiations as described above is granted. |
3/23/2021 8:20:39 AM
KU Supplemental Response for Question No. 14c to the KSIAs Initial Requests for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
3/23/2021 8:18:02 AM
KU Supplemental Responses for Question Nos. 3 and 14d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
3/22/2021 1:08:16 PM
KUs Hearing Notice Request to KY Press, Inc. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
3/19/2021 5:13:27 PM
Requests for Information to KIUC, DOD, and OAG M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
3/19/2021 3:19:50 PM
KU-LGE Joint Data Requests to AG-KIUC; DoD-FEA; Kroger; Walmart; KYSIA; LFUCG-Lou Metro; and Joint Intervenors,MA-MHC-KFTC-KSES Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
3/19/2021 2:37:03 PM
Motion For Leave To File Revised Direct Testimony Of Karl R. Rábago On Behalf of Joint Intervenors, and tendered Revised Direct Testimony Of Karl R. Rábago On Behalf of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
3/19/2021 11:33:03 AM
DOD-FEAs 1st Request for Information to the Office of the Attorney General Emily Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
3/19/2021 8:52:10 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:44:36 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:37:59 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:32:11 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:25:20 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:19:08 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 8:02:18 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 7:53:53 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 7:46:17 AM
Data Request |
3/19/2021 7:39:40 AM
Data Request |
3/18/2021 4:57:57 PM
KU-LGE Jt Mtn for Informal Conference Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company |
3/18/2021 3:07:39 PM
Order Entered: 1. A videoconference hearing in this matter shall be held on Monday, April 26, 2021, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and continuing on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 9 a.m. EDT, Wednesday, April 28, 2021, at 9 a.m. EDT, Thursday, April 29, at 9 a.m. EDT, and Friday, April 30, at 9 a.m. EDT in the Richard Raff Hearing Room at the offices of the Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Kentucky Utilities Company (KU) shall give notice of the hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statements: “This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website,”; and “Public comments may be made at the beginning of the hearing. Those wishing to make oral public comments may do so by following the instructions listed on the PSC website,” At the time the notice is mailed or publication is requested, KU shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9), a digital video transcript shall be made of the hearing. |
3/12/2021 9:23:57 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commission Staffs Fourth Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
3/9/2021 1:44:44 PM
Watkins Testimony Lisa Mendez OAG |
3/8/2021 11:24:19 PM
Supplemental Filing Of Exhibits to The Direct Testimony of James Owen Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
3/8/2021 4:03:38 PM
Watkins Testimony - Workpapers Lisa Mendez OAG |
3/5/2021 7:53:45 PM
Direct Testimony of Karl Rabago and Direct Testimony of James Owen on behalf of Joint Intervenors Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Society |
3/5/2021 4:58:50 PM
Testimony of Richard Bunch Morgan Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
3/5/2021 3:52:55 PM
Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Lisa V. Perry and Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Andrew D. Teague on behalf of Walmart Inc. Don C. A. Parker Walmart Inc. |
3/5/2021 3:39:17 PM
3/5/2021 2:56:14 PM
Direct Testimony of Justin Bieber on behalf of The Kroger Co. Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
3/5/2021 2:56:11 PM
KYSEIAs pre-filed testimony David Edward Spenard KYSEIA |
3/5/2021 1:33:44 PM
DOD-FEAs Direct Testimony Emily W. Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
3/5/2021 11:58:18 AM
AG-KIUC Testimony of witness KOLLEN, AG Testimony of witness ALVAREZ Larry Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
3/5/2021 9:12:29 AM
Attorney Generals Motion for Deviation Larry Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
3/4/2021 2:00:19 PM
OAG Direct Testimony of Glenn Watkins Larry Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
3/2/2021 9:24:10 AM
Joint Errata of Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company that provides corrections to the Direct Testimony of Lonnie E. Bellar. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/26/2021 3:04:11 PM
Supplemental Response for Question No. 56 to Commission Staffs First Request for Information Andrea M. Fackler Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/26/2021 12:36:29 PM
Data Request |
2/26/2021 7:29:25 AM
20210226_PSC Letter Regarding Strategen Consulting, LLC.pdf |
2/24/2021 10:01:42 AM
KU Supplemental Response for Question No. 30c to the Commission Staffs Second Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/24/2021 9:58:10 AM
KU Supplemental Response for Question No. 14c to the KSIAs Initial Requests for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/24/2021 9:50:54 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company submits Mr. Spanos verification page for Responses to Joint Supplemental Data Requests of the Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers. Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/23/2021 10:07:03 AM
KU Supplemental Responses for Question Nos. 3 and 14d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:52:58 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Walmart Inc.s Supplemental Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:49:39 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies Second Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:44:00 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Sierra Clubs Supplemental Data Requests Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:38:07 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Societys Second Set of Data Requests. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:34:47 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Lexington Fayette Urban County Governments Second Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:30:46 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Kentucky Solar Industries Associations Inc.s Supplemental Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:26:50 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Kroger Co.s Second Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:20:09 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Joint Supplemental Data Requests of the Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:10:32 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commissions Third Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/19/2021 1:06:04 PM
Kentucky Utilities Companys Petition for Confidential Protection regarding certain information pertaining to data request responses KU filed on February 19, 2021. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/9/2021 8:53:30 AM
KU Supplemental Response for Question No. 63b to the Commission Staffs Second Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
2/5/2021 6:33:59 PM
2/5/2021 4:41:17 PM
LFUCG Second Request for Information to KU M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government |
2/5/2021 4:05:12 PM
Walmart Inc.s Supplemental Request for Information to Kentucky Utilities Company Don C. A. Parker Walmart Inc. |
2/5/2021 2:39:22 PM
Krogers Second Request for Information to KU Robert C. Moore The Kroger Co. |
2/5/2021 2:30:37 PM
OAG-KIUCs Joint Supplemental Data Requests Lawrence W. Cook Kentucky Attorney Generals Office |
2/5/2021 2:15:55 PM
Sierra Clubs Supplemental Data Requests to Company Joe F. Childers Sierra Club |
2/5/2021 1:51:23 PM
Second Request for Information Emily W. Medlyn United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies |
2/5/2021 1:29:04 PM
KYSEIA Supplemental Requests for Information to KU David Spenard KYSEIA |
2/5/2021 7:35:05 AM
Data Request |
2/3/2021 7:48:16 AM
Order Entered: The motions to intervene filed by the requesting residential customers identified herein are denied. |
1/29/2021 1:58:42 PM
KU Supplemental Responses for Question Nos. 3 and 14d to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/27/2021 12:38:58 PM
Kentucky Utilities Companys Corrected Response for Question No. 1(a) to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/26/2021 7:54:13 AM
Order Entered: The motions to intervene filed by the requesting residential customers identified herein are denied. |
1/22/2021 2:40:10 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the United States Department of Defense and all other Federal Executive Agencies First Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 2:29:39 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Joint Initial Data Requests of the Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:56:31 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Walmart Inc.s Initial Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:37:45 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Sierra Clubs Initial Data Requests Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:32:05 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Joint Intervenors Mountain Association, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and Kentucky Solar Energy Societys First Set of Data Requests. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:26:03 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Lexington Fayette Urban County Governments First Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:19:06 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Kentucky Solar Industries Associations Inc.s Initial Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:14:59 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to Kroger Co.s First Requests for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 1:10:41 PM
Kentucky Utilities Company Responses to the Commissions Second Request for Information. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/22/2021 12:59:30 PM
Kentucky Utilities Companys Petition for Confidential Protection and Motion to Deviate regarding certain information pertaining to data request responses KU filed on January 22, 2021. Michael E. Hornung Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/15/2021 9:50:16 AM
Alan Long Request for Intervention |
1/15/2021 9:44:55 AM
Gregory Gruenwald Request for Intervention |
1/14/2021 9:09:10 AM
Carol Haney Request for Intervention |
1/13/2021 10:02:19 AM
Dinah S. Deck Request for Intervention |
1/13/2021 9:58:53 AM
Mariko and Gentry Deck Request for Intervention |
1/12/2021 2:29:15 PM
KUs Certificate of Completed Notice and a Motion for Approval to Deviate from Rules Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company |
1/12/2021 7:06:35 AM
Order Entered: The motions to intervene filed by the requesting residential customers identified herein are denied. |
1/11/2021 10:46:53 AM
Larry R. Brock Request for Intervention |
1/8/2021 10:13:34 PM