View Case Filings for: 2024-00242
Service Type:Sewer
Filing Date:9/27/2024
Category:Alternative Rate Filing Adjustment
Wood Creek Water District
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
3/21/2025 9:38:22 AM
Final Order Entered: 1. The recommendations contained in the Commission Staff’s Report, are adopted and incorporated by reference into this Order as if fully set out herein. 2. The wastewater service rates proposed by Wood Creek District are denied. 3. The wastewater service rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Wood Creek District on or after the date of this Order. 4. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Wood Creek District shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates and charges approved herein and their effective date, and stating that the rates and charges were authorized by this Order. 5. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket. |
2/6/2025 11:48:02 AM
Response to Staff Report Brendan Welch Wood Creek Water District |
1/23/2025 3:57:08 PM
Staff Report |
12/16/2024 3:33:21 PM
Response to Second Data Request for ARF Brendan R Welch Wood Creek Water District |
12/2/2024 4:41:14 PM
Data Request |
11/18/2024 12:03:18 PM
Response to RFI #1 Brendan R Welch Wood Creek Water District |
10/16/2024 2:02:07 PM
Procedural Schedule |
9/30/2024 11:21:43 AM
20240930_PSC Deficiency Cured Letter.pdf |
9/27/2024 3:03:17 PM
Revised Forms for Alternate Rate Filing Brendan R Welch Wood Creek Water District |
9/18/2024 2:05:55 PM
20240918_PSC Deficiency Letter.pdf |
9/13/2024 3:26:00 PM
Alternate Rate Filing Brendan R Welch Wood Creek Water District |
8/16/2024 2:11:24 PM
Order Entered: 1. Wood Creek District’s application is rejected as filed. 2. Wood Creek District’s shall file an amended application using the historical test year of 2023, with known and measurable adjustments, that coincides with the most recent annual report, in compliance with 807 KAR 5:076, Section 9 as soon as possible. 3. Wood Creek District shall reissue customer notice in accordance with 807 KAR 5:076, Section 5, if utilization of the correct test year changes the requested rates reflected in the previous notice. 4. If customer notice has to be reissued, Wood Creek District shall file proof of publication of the customer notice within 45 days of the filing of the amended application. 5. Wood Creek District’s amended application shall comport with all applicable filing requirements and cure all deficiencies specified in the August 9, 2024 letter prior to the amended application being deemed filed. |
8/9/2024 9:52:55 AM
20240809_PSC Deficiency Letter.pdf |
7/31/2024 4:10:27 PM
ARF Application Brendan Welch Wood Creek Water District |
7/24/2024 2:44:42 PM
20240724_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf |
Wood Creek Water District Notice of Intent to File an Application for a Rate Adjustment pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076 Using Electronic Filing Procedures |