Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2023-00338

Case Number:2023-00338
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:12/6/2023

Rattlesnake Ridge Water District

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
7/12/2024 8:44:51 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. The recommendations contained in the Commission Staff’s Report, are adopted and incorporated by reference into this Order as if fully set out herein. 2. The water service rates proposed by Rattlesnake Ridge District are denied. 3. The water service rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order are approved for service rendered by Rattlesnake Ridge District on or after July 12, 2024. 4. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Rattlesnake Ridge District shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates and charges approved herein and their effective date, and stating that the rates and charges were authorized by this Order. 5. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Rattlesnake Ridge District shall file updated tariff sheets reflecting accurate charges and services as discussed in the Order. 6. The Commission shall open a separate proceeding, Case No. 2024-00176, to monitor the surcharge proceeds collection and expenses subject to the following conditions: a. Within 120 days of the date of service of this Order, Rattlesnake Ridge District shall file into the record of Case No. 2024-00176 a QIIP, including a comprehensive unaccounted-for water loss reduction plan that establishes priorities and a time schedule for eliminating each source of unaccounted-for water loss and provides a detailed spending plan for the proceeds of a surcharge.

5/21/2024 2:57:52 PM

RRWD Response to Commission Staff Report filed 5/10/24

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


RRWD 2024 monthly water loss reports


RRWD response to Commission Staff's Report

5/10/2024 3:47:26 PM

Staff Report

4/22/2024 12:33:16 PM

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule established on December 21, 2023, and February 8, 2024, is amended. 2. Commission Staff’s Report shall be filed on May 21, 2024. 3. All provisions of the Commission’s December 21, 2023 and February 8, 2024 Orders not in conflict with the provisions of this Order shall remain in effect.

4/1/2024 8:29:10 AM

Supplemental information

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Health insurance information requested


Health insurance information requested

3/28/2024 10:44:11 AM

Supplemental response filing to Staffs RFI 2

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District

3/28/2024 8:54:45 AM

Supplemental response to Staffs second RFI

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Response 5 b


RRWD Supplemental response

3/27/2024 1:21:02 PM

Order Entered: Rattlesnake Ridge District shall respond to all outstanding requests for information within 10 days of the date of service of this Order.

3/21/2024 4:58:02 PM

Responses to Staffs RFI 2

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District

3/11/2024 3:54:13 PM

Additional responses to Staffs request for information and phone call

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District

2/27/2024 7:18:09 PM

RRWD response to Commission Staffs second request for information

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


(Response 14 a


Response 17


Response 28 for 2022


Response 28 for 2023


Read first responses

2/27/2024 1:50:45 PM

20240227_PSC Letter Filing Field Review Memo into the Record.pdf

2/22/2024 1:51:45 PM

Data Request

2/12/2024 11:09:58 AM

Response to Commission February 8, 2024 procedural order

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


RRWD field review list of attendees

2/8/2024 8:52:46 AM

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule established on December 21, 2023, is amended. 2. A field review shall be conducted on February 15, 2024. 3. Rattlesnake Ridge District shall make Bill Gilbert, David Gifford, Rebecca Kitchen, and Sam Reid available to Commission Staff during the February 15, 2024 field visit. 4. Within five days of the date of service of this Order, Rattlesnake Ridge District shall file a list of any other Rattlesnake Ridge District officers, agents, and employees who Rattlesnake Ridge District will make available to Commission Staff during the February 15, 2024 field visit. 5. Rattlesnake Ridge District shall make the records identified in this Order available to Commission Staff during the February 15, 2024 field visit. 6. All supplemental requests for information to Rattlesnake Ridge District shall be filed no later than February 22, 2024. 7. All provisions of the Commission’s December 21, 2023 Order not in conflict with the provisions of this Order shall remain in effect.

1/25/2024 4:15:17 PM

Supplemental response to phone request by Commission Staff

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Documentation of Insurance payment

1/22/2024 2:45:29 PM

Rattlesnake Ridge WD Response to PSC RFI 1

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Response to 1.e.


Response to 1.h.


Response to 12


Read First Response

12/21/2023 8:17:50 AM

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed. 2. On or before the date set forth in the procedural schedule, Rattlesnake Ridge District shall file its responses to the Commission Staff’s request for information, attached to this Order as Appendix B. 3. Rattlesnake Ridge District shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff as provided in those requests. 4. No later than the date set forth in the procedural schedule, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report (Commission Staff’s Report) containing its recommendations regarding Rattlesnake Ridge District’s requested rate adjustment. 5. No later than 14 days after the date of service of the Commission Staff’s Report, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings contained in Commission Staff’s Report; and b. Any additional evidence for the Commission to consider.

12/6/2023 4:29:32 PM

20231206_PSC Deficiency Cured Letter.pdf

12/1/2023 10:12:40 PM

Supplemental response to filing deficiency

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


email from Carter County Times newspaper

11/30/2023 11:36:06 AM

RRWD response to filing deficiencies

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Revised ARF Form 3's


Revised application attachments 1 and 3


Revised copy of Public notice


Read First RRWD response

11/21/2023 12:15:46 PM

20231121_PSC Deficiency Letter.pdf

11/20/2023 2:16:15 PM

ARF application

Sam Reid Rattlesnake Ridge Water District


Attachment 9


Read First Cover letter

10/5/2023 3:03:29 PM

20231005_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Rattlesnake Ridge Water District Notice of Intent to File an Application for a Rate Adjustment pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076 Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20231005_Rattlesnake Ridge Water District Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Rattlesnake Ridge Water District Notice of Intent and Election