View Case Filings for: 2023-00008
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:9/6/2023
Category:Fuel Adjustment Clause
Kentucky Power Company
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
12/13/2024 3:07:43 PM
Final Order Entered: 1. The Joint Motion to Approve a Settlement Agreement is granted. 2. The Joint Settlement, attached to this Order as an Appendix is approved. 3. Kentucky Power shall provide monthly updates of the status of the refund balance in its monthly FAC filings. 4. The charges and credits applied by Kentucky Power through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2020, through October 31, 2022, are approved. 5. Kentucky Power’s base fuel rate of $0.03380 per kWh is approved. 6. Kentucky Power’s request to recover $172,892.70 from a PUE spreadsheet calculation cell misalignment is approved for recovery in the FAC for one month in the first billing month following the date of this Order. 7. Kentucky Power shall file an update with its monthly FAC filings as to the credit to retail customers as set forth in the Order. 8. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Kentucky Power shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets with the Commission setting out the increase in its base energy rates discussed herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 9. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket. |
12/11/2024 11:55:04 AM
20241211_PSC Letter Filing IC Memo and Sign In Sheet into the Record.pdf |
11/20/2024 3:43:26 PM
Notice Of Filing Errata Exhibit 3 To Joint Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
11/14/2024 4:19:41 PM
Joint Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
11/1/2024 4:13:37 PM
Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion for an IC is granted. 2. An IC is scheduled on November 13, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. 3. Commission Staff will contact participants by electronic mail to provide details for joining the conference by video link. |
10/25/2024 3:01:56 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Motion for Informal Conference Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
9/30/2024 3:38:16 PM
Kentucky Power Companys Response to Commission Staff’s Fourth Set of Post Hearing Data Requests Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
9/18/2024 3:26:20 PM
Data Request |
9/4/2024 4:00:21 PM
Kentucky Power’s Supplemental Response to Commission Staff’s First Set of Post Hearing Data Requests, Item 6 Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
8/16/2024 5:12:45 PM
Kentucky Powers response to Commission Staffs third set of post-hearing data requests. Lerah Kahn Kentucky Power Company |
8/1/2024 7:51:19 AM
Data Request |
6/19/2024 4:06:34 PM
Kentucky Power’s Supplemental Responses to Commission Staff’s Second Set of Post Hearing Data Requests, Items 3 and 4 Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
6/5/2024 4:11:06 PM
Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s objections to Commission Staff’s Second Post-Hearing Request are hereby overruled. 2. Kentucky Power shall provide a full and complete answer to Commission Staff’s Second Post-Hearing Request, Item 3. 3. Kentucky Power shall provide a full and complete answer to Commission Staff’s Second Post-Hearing Request, Item 4. 4. Kentucky Power shall provide the requested information no later than 14 days after the date of service of this Order. |
5/22/2024 4:35:56 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing Response Brief. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
5/22/2024 4:31:14 PM
Joint Reply Brief of Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers Michael L. Kurtz Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers |
5/15/2024 5:27:53 PM
Post-Hearing Brief of Kentucky Power Company Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
5/15/2024 4:30:09 PM
Joint Brief of Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers Michael L. Kurtz Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers |
5/1/2024 3:13:30 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Responses to Commission Staff’s Second Set of Post Hearing Data Requests Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
4/23/2024 8:52:45 AM
20240423_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - February 13, 2024.pdf |
4/8/2024 4:16:58 PM
Data Request |
4/2/2024 12:37:19 PM
Order Entered: 1. The previous procedural schedule entered on February 23, 2024, is amended as set forth in this Order and shall be followed. 2. Any supplemental post-hearing requests for information, if any, shall be filed on or before April 10, 2024. 3. Responses to any supplemental post-hearing requests for information shall be filed on or before May 1, 2024. 4. All parties shall file a memorandum brief, should they choose to do so, in support of their respective post-hearing position on or before May 15, 2024. 5. All parties shall file any post-hearing response briefs, should they choose to do so, addressing only issues raised in initial briefs on or before May 22, 2024. 6. The Commission does not look favorably upon motions for continuance. Accordingly, future motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. |
3/22/2024 3:25:09 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Responses to Commission Staff’s Post Hearing Data Requests and Attachments Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
2/29/2024 2:47:21 PM
Data Request |
2/23/2024 11:54:32 AM
Order Entered: 1. Post-hearing requests for information, if any, shall be filed on or before March 1, 2024. 2. Responses to post-hearing requests for information shall be filed on or before March 22, 2024. 3. Th e Commission shall issue a subsequent procedural schedule to include deadlines for filing simultaneous briefs and reply briefs. |
2/21/2024 10:52:06 AM
Kentucky Power Company’s Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
2/20/2024 3:24:55 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s February 20, 2024 Supplemental Response to Commission Staff’s data request 1-35 Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
2/14/2024 1:42:39 PM
Verification page of Lerah M. Kahn for Notice Of Adoption Of Testimonies and Responses to Data Requests filed February 12, 2024 Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
2/14/2024 1:35:40 PM
Attorney Generals Hearing Exhibit #1 J. Michael West Office of the Attorney General |
2/12/2024 7:04:13 PM
Notice of adoption Lerah M. Kahn Kentucky Power Company |
2/9/2024 8:40:13 AM
Order Entered: Hector Garcia Santana is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Kentucky Power in association with Katie M. Glass in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Katie M. Glass, or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association, acts as co-counsel and is present at all proceedings before this Commission. |
2/6/2024 4:09:26 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing a Notice of Filing of Proof of Newspaper Publication. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
2/6/2024 4:02:35 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing verified Notice of Adoption of Responses to Data Requests. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
2/5/2024 5:34:52 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing Rebuttal Testimony and Motion for Confidential Treatment. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
2/5/2024 5:27:46 PM
Kentucky Power filing errata testimony for Scott Bishop and Doug Rosenberger. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
2/5/2024 5:24:09 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s February 5, 2024 Supplemental Response to AG-KIUC 1-2 Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
2/2/2024 2:12:34 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Motion For Leave To Appear Pro Hac Vice Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
1/30/2024 1:13:25 PM
Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion for preparation of a stenographic hearing transcript is granted. 2. Kentucky Power shall directly pay all costs for the court reporter(s). 3. Kentucky Power shall contact Commission Staff to schedule a time for the court reporter(s) to set up and test their equipment. |
1/24/2024 2:48:55 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Motion For The Preparation Of A Stenographic Transcription Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
1/17/2024 12:46:53 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Notice of Filing of Request For Publication Of Notice Of Hearing Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
1/16/2024 2:11:14 PM
Responses to Data Requests of Kentucky Power J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
1/5/2024 3:57:43 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing data requests to Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
12/22/2023 12:19:41 PM
Attachments 2 to Lane Kollen Testimony J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 12:16:05 PM
Attachment 1 to Direct Testimony of Lane Kollen J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 12:11:01 PM
Direct Testimony of Lane Kollen J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:55:13 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 6 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:52:47 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 5 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:50:06 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 4 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:47:27 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 3 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:44:35 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 2 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:41:13 AM
Futral Testimony Attachments 1 J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/22/2023 8:36:22 AM
Direct Testimony of Randy Futral J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
12/12/2023 3:17:09 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Responses to Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc.’s November 16, 2023 Data Requests Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
12/12/2023 2:37:15 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Responses to Commission Staff’s November 17, 2023 Data Requests Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
12/5/2023 12:02:52 PM
Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years for Kentucky Power’s response to Staff’s First Request, Item 4, Attachment 2; and until January 1, 2025, for its responses to Staff’s First Request, Items 33, Attachments 1 and 2; 34, Attachment 1; and 35, Attachment 1;or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Kentucky Power shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment. |
11/20/2023 1:29:22 PM
Order Entered: 1. A hearing in this matter shall be held on February 13, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and continuing until called from the bench by the presiding officer, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room at the offices of the Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 2, if the hearing is not concluded on the designated day, the hearing may be continued upon verbal announcement by the presiding officer. A verbal announcement made by the presiding officer shall be proper notice of the continued hearing. 3. Witnesses who sponsor schedules, testimony, or responses to requests for information shall participate in person at the February 13, 2024 hearing. 4. Kentucky Power Company (Kentucky Power) shall give notice of the hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). |
11/17/2023 3:07:54 PM
Data Request |
11/16/2023 8:49:24 AM
AG/KIUC Supplemental Data Requests J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
11/3/2023 3:45:48 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing responses to Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc.s October 20, 2023 data requests and attachments. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
11/3/2023 3:37:01 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing response to Commission Staffs October 19, 2023 data requests and attachments. Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
10/20/2023 8:12:31 AM
OAG/KIUC Initial Data Requests J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
10/19/2023 12:06:45 PM
Data Request |
10/19/2023 10:44:46 AM
Notice of Witness Sharing J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
10/6/2023 4:36:19 PM
Kentucky Power Company filing Testimony and responses to Commission Staffs September 6, 2023 data requests and attachments. Scott Edward Bishop Kentucky Power Company |
9/18/2023 3:57:09 PM
Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion to amend the procedural schedule in this case is granted. 2. Kentucky Power’s motion to extend the deadline to file the direct testimony of its witnesses in verified prepared form and its responses to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information for an additional 90 days is denied. 3. Kentucky Power shall have an additional 14 days, up to and including October 6, 2023, to file the direct testimony of its witnesses in verified prepared form and its responses to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information. 4. The amended procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 5. Kentucky Power and intervenors shall respond to all requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, whether identified in the procedural schedule or otherwise, as provided by those requests. 6. All provisions of the Commission’s Order of September 6, 2023, that are in conflict with the provisions of this Order are vacated. All other provisions of the Commission’s September 6, 2023 Order not in conflict shall remain in effect. |
9/13/2023 4:38:40 PM
Kentucky Power Company’s Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
9/7/2023 11:40:23 AM
Kentucky Power Companys Notice of Entry of Appearance of Counsel and Written Statement Marilyn Michelle Caldwell Kentucky Power Company |
9/6/2023 10:24:48 AM
Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Written Statement of Mail Waiver Michael L. Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) |
9/6/2023 9:49:33 AM
Written Statement J. Michael West Office of the Kentucky Attorney General |
9/6/2023 9:03:18 AM
Order Entered: 1. The Attorney General and KIUC are granted intervention in this proceeding. 2. Within seven days of the date of service of this Order the Attorney General shall file with the Commission either: a. A statement as required by 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8(9)(b); or b. A statement that the Attorney General will not participate in this proceeding. 3. Within seven days of the date of service of this Order KIUC shall file with the Commission either: a. A statement as required by 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8(9)(b); or b. A statement that KIUC will not participate in this proceeding. 4. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed. 5. On or before the date set forth in the procedural schedule, Kentucky Power shall file its responses to the Commission Staff’s request for information, attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Kentucky Power shall file with the Commission, no later than the date set forth in the procedural schedule attached as Appendix A, written direct testimony of the witnesses Kentucky Power intends to call at the scheduled hearing in this matter. |