Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2019-00060

Case Number:2019-00060
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:1/30/2019

Case Nature:


Case Filings
11/26/2019 1:23:17 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. The proposed tariffs to revise existing DSM programs and to implement new DSM programs are approved. 2. Salt River Electric's proposal to discontinue its DSM-3(b), Direct Load Control Program - Commercial tariff is denied and Salt River shall revise that tariff to conform to the revisions approved for EKPC. 3. Each owner-member shall provide a statement in EKPC's next base rate case indication whether it supports the recovery of DSM expenditures in base rates or in a rider specific to each owner-member, along with an explanation of the reasons for its preference. 4. Within 20 days of the date of entry of this Order, each Distribution Cooperative shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the revisions approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order. 5. The case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.


EKPC Cooperatives Motion to Submit for a Decision on the Existing Record


Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Second Request for Information


Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Second Request for Information


Fleming-Mason Energy Cooperative, Inc. Response to Staff Second Request for Information


Salt River Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Second Request for Information

4/25/2019 10:33:23 AM

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to 15 of East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.'s Cooperatives


Shelby Energy Cooperative, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Fleming-Mason Energy Cooperative, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Licking Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Salt River Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Inter-County Energy Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Owen Electric Cooperative, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information


Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information

3/28/2019 9:23:12 AM

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to 15 of East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.'s Cooperatives


Licking Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Propose Tariff Sheets pursuant to Commission Order


Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Request to Update Contact Information

2/27/2019 11:08:24 AM

Order Entered: 1. The proposed tariffs to discontinue DSM programs, except the Salt River DSM-3(b), Direct Load Control Program-Commercial, are approved for service rendered on and after March 1, 2019. 2. The proposed tariffs to revise existing DSM programs and to implement new DSM programs and the Salt River tariff to discontinue DSM-3(b), Direct Load Control Program-Commercial, are suspended for one day, and shall become effective March 2, 2019, subject to change prospectively. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, the Distribution Cooperatives shall, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, file revised DSM tariffs for the discontinued programs as approved herein, reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall file revised tariffs for the new and revised DSM programs suspended herein, reflecting that they were allowed to become effective on March 2, 2019, subject to change prospectively. 4. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 5. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed, and indexed and shall include the name of the witness who will be responsible for responding to questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record, and the original and ten copies to the Commission. Electronic documents shall be in portable document format (PDF), shall be searchable, and shall be appropriately bookmarked.


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings


EKPC Cooperatives (Big Sandy, Blue Grass Energy, Clark Energy, Cumberland Valley, Farmers, Fleming-Mason, Grayson, Inter-County, Licking Valley, Nolin, Owen Electric, Salt River, Shelby Energy, South Kentucky, and Taylor) DSM Filings