Kentucky Public Service Commission

Order Vault 2016

Order Vault
Order DateDocument Case Number
1/4/2016 20160104_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/5/2016 20160105_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order entered: The accounting treatment requested by Big Rivers to establish a regulatory asset for the income statement impacts including gains, losses, depreciation and accretion expense related to its Green and Station Two ash ponds is approved for 2

1/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at Buckhorn Road, Beaver, Floyd County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 24' 3.3" by West Longitude 82° 40' 4.86". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shaii be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

1/6/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentation at KRWA's Water and Wastewater Training-McCreary County training event held on December 18, 2015, in Whitley City, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of six credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 30 days after the date of this Order, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed: b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending the presentations; e. Documents indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators approved the training for continuing education credit; and f. Documents indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Wastewater System Operators approved the training for continuing education credit.

1/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Big Sandy's request to withdraw its application is granted. 2. This matter shall be removed from the Commission's docket without prejudice.

1/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentation at the Northeast Regional Meeting scheduled to be held on January 12, 2016, in Morehead, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 2. The presentation at the Green River Regional Meeting scheduled to be held on January 14, 2016, in Owensboro, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 3. The presentation at the Western Regional Meeting held on January 21, 2016, in Draffenville, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 4. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 5. No later than 30 days after the entry of this Order, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed: b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending the presentations; and

1/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.19 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. South 641's proposed rates are approved, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, for water service rendered on and after January 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, South 641 shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 410 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at Willis Road, Prestonsburg, Floyd County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 38' 5.95" by West Longitude 82° 44' 24.30". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decision regarding the pending KAZC application for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decision. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

1/7/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Lyon District is granted a CPCN for the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Lyon District's proposed plan of financing is approved. 3. Lyon District is authorized to issue $1,900,000 of its Waterworks Revenue Bonds maturing over 40 years at an interest rate not exceeding 3.00 percent per annum.

1/7/2016 20160107_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00412
1/7/2016 20160107_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00411
1/8/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference





1/8/2016 20160108_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/8/2016 20160108_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00343
1/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Commission's December 22, 2015 Order requiring the filing of a witness list by January 13, 2016, is suspended indefinitely. 2. The January 20, 2016 hearing in this matter is suspended to a date to be determined.

1/11/2016 20160111_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00264
1/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion for confidential protection is granted in part and denied in part. 2. EKPC's request for confidential treatment of information set forth in its response to Staff's Post-Hearing Request, Item 2, is granted. The information set forth in EKPC's response to Staff's Post-Hearing Request, Item 2, shall remain confidential for a period of ten years. 3. EKPC's request for confidential treatment of information set forth in EKPC's response to Staff's Post-Hearing Request, Items 8 and 9, is denied. 4. Within seven days of the date of this Order, EKPC shall file a revised response to Staffs Post-Hearing Request, Items 8 and 9, reflecting as unredacted the information that has been denied confidential treatment. 5. The materials set forth in EKPC's response to Staffs Post-Hearing Request, Item 2, for which EKPC's request for confidential treatment has been granted, shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of ten years. 6. The materials set forth in EKPC's response to Staff's Post-Hearing Request, Items 8 and 9, for which EKPC's request for confidential treatment has been denied, shall not be placed in the public record or made available for inspection for 20 days from the date of this Order to allow Movant to seek a remedy afforded by law. 7. Use of the materials that were granted confidential treatment in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9).

1/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Atmos is authorized to issue up to 2,500,000 shares of common stock through its LTIP, as set forth in its application. 2. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. EKPC's request for a determination that all future LFGTE projects are exempt from the requirements for a CPCN under KRS 278.020(1) is denied. 2. In lieu of filing an application for a declaratory order, EKPC is authorized to request a Staff legal opinion as to whether a future LFGTE project falls within the ordinary course of business exemption pursuant to KRS 278.020(1) or requires a CPCN based on a demonstration of the information discussed in the findings above.

1/13/2016 STAFF_REPORT

Notice of Filing of Commission Staff Report

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Bush Gardens is required to file written comments regarding the findings in the Commission Staff Report no later than January 29, 2016, or 14 days after the filing of the report, whichever occurs earlier.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Delta and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after January 20, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Delta shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate proposed by Public is denied. 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Public on and after February 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Public shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Eddyville, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a CPON that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Fredonia, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: LGE is granted a OPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by Louisville Metro Government for natural gas transmission and distribution service. 2. If LGE is not the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that LGE was not the successful bidder. 3. If LGE is the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If LGE is the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities within the area subject to the jurisdiction of Louisville Metro Government.

1/13/2016 20160113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00264
1/14/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.

1/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The proposed special contract between EKPC, Nolin, and AGC is suspended for five months, up to and including June 16, 2016. 2. EKPC shall file responses to the request for information attached as an Appendix to this Order within 14 days of the date of this Order. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record, and the original and one copy to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond.

1/14/2016 20160114_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2014-00372
1/14/2016 20160114_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00368
1/14/2016 20160114_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant's motion for confidential protection of its response to the Staff's Initial Request, Item 17, is granted. 2. Pursuant to KRS 61.878, the information for which Movant requests confidential protection shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period of time, or until further Order of the Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

1/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . Cannonsburg's request to withdraw its application is granted. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket without prejudice.

1/15/2016 20160115_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00143
1/15/2016 20160115_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00210
1/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. KAWC is authorized to continue participating in the AWCC borrowing program under the terms of the Financial Services Agreement that it executed with AWCC on June 15, 2000. 2. a. KAWC is authorized to issue to AWCC securities in the form of notes or debentures in an aggregate amount of $12,250,000 from time to time, prior to December 31 , 2017, for the purpose of refinancing the short-term debt used to fund various construction expenditures and to meet other internal cash requirements. b. KAWC shall obtain an interest rate from AWCC that is no greater than the lowest available rate to KAWC or the average rate available on bonds issued by AWCC. 3. At least 15 days prior to KAWC's issuance of any notes or debentures that have been authorized herein, KAWC shall notify the Commission in writing of the proposed issuance. In this notice, KAWC's President and Treasurer shall certify under oath the amount of the issuance and that the debt issuance does not exceed the total amount authorized in this Order. 4. For all securities or evidences of indebtedness that have a term exceeding two years and that are issued under the Financial Services Agreement's borrowing program, KAWC shall file a report detailing the terms and conditions of the particular securities issued. It shall include an analysis showing that the interest rate for the securities was the most reasonable under the circumstances at the time of the issuance.

1/19/2016 20160119_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2014-00371
1/20/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


1/20/2016 20160120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00039
1/20/2016 20160120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2014-00372
1/20/2016 20160120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2014-00371
1/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Trustee's Motion for Rehearing and Supplemental Motion for Rehearing are granted for the limited purposes of considering the legal issues as described in this Order. 2. A ruling on the merits of the Trustee's Motion for Intervention shall be deferred. 3. The Trustee shall file his brief addressing the issues identified in this Order on or before February 4, 2016. 4. BCSD, as receiver, and the AG may file a response brief to the Trustee on or before February 18, 2016. 5. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

1/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Atmos is authorized to negotiate and execute, through the end of its 2016 fiscal year, a term loan for up to five years in an amount not to exceed $200 million with a variable rate. 2. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application. 3. Atmos shall agree only to such terms and prices that are consistent with the parameters set out in its application. 4. Atmos shall, within 30 days from the date of closing, file with this Commission a statement setting forth the date or dates of implementation of the term loan authorized herein, the interest rate, and all fees and expenses, including underwriting discounts or commissions or other compensation.

1/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Atmos and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after February 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Atmos shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by LG&E and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for gas supplied by LG&E on and after February 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

1/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Energy is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Williamstown, Kentucky, for natural gas transmission and distribution service. 2. If Duke Energy is not the successful bidder, Duke Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Duke Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Duke Energy is the successful bidder. Duke Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Duke Energy is the successful bidder. Duke Energy shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/21/2016 20160121_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00416
1/21/2016 20160121_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/25/2016 20160125_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/25/2016 20160125_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

1/25/2016 20160125_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00029
1/26/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Muhlenberg County Water District No. 3

1/26/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

1/26/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a monopole antenna tower not to exceed 160 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 303 South Way, Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 59' 12.4 7" by West Longitude 86° 27' 32.72". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

1/26/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate proposed by Navitas KY is denied. 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Navitas on and after February 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Navitas KY shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

1/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movant's motion for confidential protection of exhibit 5 to its application is granted. 2. Pursuant to KRS 61.878, the information for which Movant requests confidential protection shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period of time, or until further Order of the Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials In question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment.

1/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky's motion for confidential protection for the attachments to Its responses to Staffs Fourth Request, Items 6 and 9, Is granted. 2. The materials set forth In the attachments to Duke Kentucky's responses to Staffs Fourth Request, Items 6 and 9, shall not be placed In the public record or made available for public Inspection for a period of ten years, or until further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials In question In any Commission proceeding shall be In compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Duke Kentucky shall Inform the Commission If the materials In question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to Inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, then Duke Kentucky shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established In KRS 61.878. If

1/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: GoGo shall have until January 22, 2016, to submit responses to Commission Staff's First Request for Information.

1/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the time in which the Commission shall render its decision on the application is extended an additional 60 days, pursuant to KRS 278.020(6), up to and including April 7, 2016.

1/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Frontier are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings by Frontier on and after February 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Frontier shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 4. Frontier shall provide detailed discussions of its efforts to decrease the incidence of gas loss on its system, as well as any updates to projections for when such losses are expected to decrease to 5 percent or below, with every future application in which gas cost recovery is proposed with no L&U limit.

1/27/2016 20160127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00194
1/27/2016 20160127_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2015-00194
1/27/2016 20160127_PSC_ORDER02.pdf 2015-00194
1/27/2016 20160127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00152
1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Complainant shall file responses to Staff's Initial Request. 2. If no response is received within ten days of the date of this Order, this case shall be dismissed with prejudice without further Order.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Complainant shall file responses to Staff's Initial Request. 2. If no response is received within ten days of the date of this Order, this case will be dismissed with prejudice without further Order.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Complainant shall file responses to Staff's Initial Request. 2. If no response is received within ten days of the date of this Order, this case will be dismissed with prejudice without further Order.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The proposed merger between Graves District and Sedalia District is approved, subject to the conditions set forth in ordering paragraphs 2 through 12, as of the date of this Order. 2. The name of the resulting district of this merger shall be "Graves County Water District." 3. The current members of the Graves District board of commissioners shall, in accordance with KRS 74.363(2), continue to serve as members of the board of commissioners of the resulting district for one year from the date of this Order. 4. No later than one year from the date of this Order, Graves District shall file documentation of compliance with KRS 74.363(3). which requires appointments to be made to its board of commissioners with initial terms of two years for approximately one-third of the commissioners, three years for approximately one-third of the commissioners, and four years for the remaining commissioners. 5. Graves District shall establish two divisions. Division 1 shall contain the customers of Graves District's current service territory. Division 2 shall contain the customers of Sedalia District's current service territory. 6. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, the resulting district of this merger shall file an adoption notice in accordance with 807 KAR 5:011, Section 11, adopting, ratifying, and making its own the rates, rules, classifications, and administrative regulations of Graves District and Sedalia District in effect at the time of the merger.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order entered: LG&E's motion to amend its application is granted. 2. The GLT rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by LG&E on and after the date of this Order. 3. LG&E's proposal to include the replacement of Aldyl-A pipe and services in its GLT program is approved. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates and tariff revisions approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Coalfields Telephone's request for deviation from the filing requirement of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 15(2)(e), is granted. 2. Coalfields Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

1/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. This proceeding is established to investigate the reasonableness of the proposed tariff DSM-11. 2. The proposed tariff DSM-11 is suspended for five months from February 1, 2016, up to and including June 30, 2016.

1/28/2016 20160128_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: February 2, 2016 hearing in this matter is indefinitely suspended.

1/29/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.25 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Harrison County's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after January 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Harrison County shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/29/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, LLC

1/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . This proceeding is established to investigate the reasonableness of the seven proposed Service Agreements. 2. The Service Agreements fi led in TFS2015-00781 , TFS2015-00782, TFS2015-00783, TFS2015-00784, and TFS2015-00785, which were all filed on December 16, 2015, are suspended for five months from January 15, 2016, up to and including June 14, 2016. 3. The Service Agreement filed in TFS2016-00012, which was filed on January 11 , 2016, is suspended for five months from February 10, 2016, up to and including July 9, 2016. 4. The Service Agreement filed in TFS2016-00019, which was filed on January 19, 2016, is suspended for five months from February 18, 2016, up to and including July 17, 2016. 5. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further orders prior to the end of the suspension periods.

1/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kenergy is to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order.

1/29/2016 20160129_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request



2/1/2016 20160201_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
2/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . Bush Gardens' request for an informal conference is granted. 2. An informal conference shall be held on February 9, 2016, at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky.


Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

2/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant Is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 360 feet In height, with attached antenna, and Is to be located at Middle Fork, Salyersvllle, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 38' 9.93" by West Longitude 83° 9' 36.92". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall Immediately notify the Commission In writing. If, after the antenna tower Is built and utility service Is commenced, the tower Is not used for a period of three months In the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed. If any. In the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained In the utility's general correspondence file.

2/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . North Central is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct new facilities as set forth in its application and as described in this order. 2. Should the costs of the construction authorized herein exceed by more than 10 percent the estimated costs contained in the application, North Central shall immediately notify the Commission in writing of the adjustment and include an explanation of the additional costs for the Commission's approval. 3. As provided for in this Order, North Central shall maintain records that clearly and sufficiently document the proper allocation of costs for jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional services provided as a result of this construction project. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. No later than April 15, 2016, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Wood Creek's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than April 29, 2016, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; and b. Any additional evidence for the Commission to consider. 3. If a party requests a hearing or informal conference, then the party shall make the request in its written comments and state the reason why a hearing or informal conference is necessary. 4. If Commission Staff finds that Wood Creek's financial condition supports a higher rate than Wood Creek proposes or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Wood Creek's application, Wood Creek in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge.

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2/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: no later than five days from the date of this Order, Columbia shall file a statement as to whether there are any material issues of fact that warrant a hearing or whether this case may be submitted for adjudication based on the existing record without a hearing. By

2/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. JSEWD is authorized to enter into the loan agreement with KRWFC to borrow no more than $470,000, with a term of 15 years and annual interest rates that vary from 1.95 percent to 3.8 percent per annum. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in its application, JSEWD shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission loan amortization schedules. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, JSEWD shall file a written statement with the Commission setting forth the date on which the agreement was entered, the actual interest rates, and the principal amount. 4. The proceeds from the KRWFC loan authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in JSEWD's application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/3/2016 20160203_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00039
2/4/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Carrollton's Second Motion to Dismiss is granted. 2. Carrollton's Motion to Schedule Depositions is denied as moot. 3. This matter shall be closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Order Entered: 1. East Kentucky Power Cooperative ("East Kentucky") shall appear in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, on April 7, 2016, at 9:00a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, to submit itself to examination on the application of its Fuel Adjustment Clause ("FAC") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. Neither opening statements nor summaries of pre-filed testimony will be permitted. 2. Not less than seven days and no more than 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing, East Kentucky shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of the purpose, time, place, and date of the scheduled hearing. In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," 3. East Kentucky shall file with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016, proof of publication of its notice for the hearing. 4. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. 5. a. The information requested in the Appendix to this Order is due no later than 14 days from the date of this Order. Responses to requests for information in paper medium shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed. Responses shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with an original in paper medium and an electronic version to the Commission.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Order Entered: 1. Big Rivers Electric Corporation ("Big Rivers") shall appear in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, to submit itself to examination on the application of its Fuel Adjustment Clause ("FAC") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. Neither opening statements nor summaries of pre-filed testimony will be permitted. 2. Not less than seven days and no more than 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing, Big Rivers shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of the purpose, time, place, and date of the scheduled hearing. In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," 3. Big Rivers shall file with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016, proof of publication of its notice for the hearing. 4. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. 5. a. The information requested in the Appendix to this Order is due no later than 14 days from the date of this Order. Responses to requests for information in paper medium shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed. Responses shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with an original in paper medium and an electronic version to the Commission.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. , Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation ("Big Sandy") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Big Sandy shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Big Sandy filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1 (7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Big Sandy shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Big Sandy shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. 6. Any request for intervention must be filed by March 4, 2016.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation ("Blue Grass") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Blue Grass shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Blue Grass filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1 (7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Blue Grass shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Blue Grass shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. 6. Any request for intervention must be filed by March 4, 2016.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. ("Clark Energy") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Clark Energy shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Clark Energy filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1 (7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Clark Energy shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Clark Energy shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. 6. Any request for intervention must be filed by March 4, 2016.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc. ("Cumberland Valley") from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Cumberland Valley shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Cumberland Valley filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1 (7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Cumberland Valley shall publish notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Cumberland Valley shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2016. 5. The official record of proceeding shall be video only. 6. Any request for intervention must be filed by March 4, 2016.

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

2/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; A public hearing shall be held on April 7, 2016, at 9:00 a.m.. Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. If no interested party files written notice of its intent to attend this hearing with the Commission by April 5, 2016, this public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. shall file with the Commission, no later than 21 days from the date of this Order, an affidavit attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. shall publish the following notice no less than seven days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its

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2/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU Is granted a CPCN that authorizes It to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Mt. Olivet, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU Is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at Issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU Is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at Issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the Initial franchise fee. 4. If KU Is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an Increase or decrease In the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth In the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities In said city.

2/8/2016 20160208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00343
2/8/2016 20160208_PSC_ORDER.pdf

(Copied from Case: 2016-00070 )Order

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2/9/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered nunc pro tunc, that: 1. The Opening Order, at page 2, numbered paragraph 2, is amended as follows: The Service Agreements attached hereto and incorporated herein as 2016-00052-A, 2016-00052-B, 2016-00052-C, 2016-00052-D, and 2016-00052-E were all filed on December 16, 2015, and are suspended for five months from January 15, 2016, up to and including June 14, 2016. 2. The Opening Order, at page 2, numbered paragraph 3, is amended as follows: The Service Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as 2016-00052-F was filed on January 11 , 2016, and is suspended for five months from February 10, 2016, up to and including July 9, 2016. 3. The Opening Order, at page 2, numbered paragraph 4, is amended as follows: The Service Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as 2016-00052-G was filed on January 19, 2016, and is suspended for five months from February 18, 2016, up to and including July 17, 2016. 4. All other provisions of the Opening Order not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect.

2/9/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU Is granted a GPCN that authorizes It to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Mentor, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU Is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at Issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU Is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at Issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the Initial franchise fee. 4. If KU Is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an Increase or decrease In the amount of the Initial franchise fee set forth In the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities In said city.

2/9/2016 20160209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
2/9/2016 20160209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00027
2/10/2016 STAFF_REPORT


2/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The AMRP rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Columbia on and after December 31, 2015. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/10/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


2/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The proposed acquisition of the water operation assets of Overland by Big Sandy District is approved, subject to the conditions set forth in ordering paragraphs 2 through 8, as of the date of this Order. 2. Big Sandy District shall notify the Commission of the purchase of Overland's water operations assets within ten days of the completion thereof. 3. Big Sandy District shall establish two divisions. Division 1 shall contain the customers of Big Sandy District prior to this approval. Division 2 shall contain the former customers of Overland. 4. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, Big Sandy District shall file an adoption notice in accordance with 807 KAR 5:011, Section 11, adopting, ratifying, and making its own the rates, rules, classifications, and administrative regulations of Overland at the time of the acquisition. The rates, rules, classifications, and administrative regulations of Overland adopted by Big Sandy District shall apply to the new Division 2. 5. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, Big Sandy District shall file with the Commission the journal entries that will be used to record the proposed acquisition. 6. The recording of the acquisition adjustment and its amortization are approved for accounting purposes only. The ratemaking treatment of the adjustment and any associated costs shall be deferred until Big Sandy District's next rate case proceeding.

2/10/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to B&H Gas Company and B&S Oil and Gas Company

2/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.27 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Union County's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered by Union County on and after January 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Union County shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

2/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. EKPC is authorized to establish a regulatory asset as described herein for the undepreciated balance of the Dale Station assets, excluding Projects 5 and 10, which are currently recovered through EKPC's environmental surcharge. 2. EKPC shall amortize the regulatory asset authorized in Ordering paragraph 1 over 42 months after December 31, 2015, as proposed in its application. 3. EKPC shall establish a separate regulatory asset for Projects 5 and 10 as described herein, which shall be deferred and considered for recovery in EKPC's next base rate case. 4. EKPC shall be allowed to record a return, calculated in the same manner as in EKPC's environmental surcharge mechanism, on the unamortized balance of Projects 5 and 10 and the accumulated insurance costs incurred. 5. The regulatory assets approved herein are for accounting purposes only. 6. EKPC shall remove Projects 5 and 10 from its environmental surcharge mechanism effective with the date of this Order. 7. EKPC shall file annually an updated report related to Projects 5 and 10, including the balance of the regulatory asset as of December 31, 2015, and the carrying cost and insurance cost incurred after 2015. Carrying charges are to be calculated on the prior-month ending balance beginning with the December 31, 2015 ending balance of the regulatory asset.

2/11/2016 STAFF_REPORT

Notice of Filing of Corrected Signature Page to Commission Staff Report

2/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Farmdale District is not required to satisfy or answer Complainant's complaint. 2. Complainant shall file any amendment to its complaint within 20 days of the date of this Order. 3. If Complainant files an amended complaint, the amended complaint must request relief which Complainant has not already received. 4. If the complaint is not amended within 20 days of the date of this Order or within any extension of this time that the Commission may grant, the complaint shall be dismissed without further Order. 5. If an amended complaint is timely filed but does not request relief that the Complainant has not already received, the complaint shall be dismissed as moot.

2/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The record from Case No. 2014-00342, including the post case referenced correspondence file for that case, is incorporated by reference into the record of the instant case. 2. Mountain District shall file with the Commission, no later than 14 days from the date of this Order, the original and ten copies of the information listed in the Appendix to this Order. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided. b. Each response shall be answered under oath, or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of the person's knowledge, information and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Mountain District shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material aspect. d. For any request to which Mountain District fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, the party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond.

2/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion for a 15-day extension of time is granted. 2. EKPC shall file the journal entries reflecting how the Bluegrass Station transaction was recorded no later than February 12, 2016. 3. This matter is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

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2/12/2016 20160212_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf


2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

The water service rates requested by Harrison County are denied. 2. The water service rates set forth in Appendix Bto this Order are approved for services rendered by Harrison County on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Harrison County shall file revised tariff sheets with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, containing the rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order.

2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Jimmy Dalton shall file with the Commission, no later than 14 days from the date of this Order, the original and two copies of the information listed in the Appendix to this Order, with a copy to Western Pulaski District. Mr. Dalton's failure to file the requested information in a timely manner shall be considered as notice that he does not wish to be considered for appointment to Western Pulaski District Board. 2. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and two copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath, or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of the person's knowledge, information and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Mr. Dalton shall make timely amendment to any prior response if he obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material aspect.

2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The EAS traffic agreement is approved.

2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Nathan Edward Rainwater shall advise the Commission in writing by February 24, 2016, whether his complaint against Kenergy has been resolved to his satisfaction.

2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulations, 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 6 and 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. The Attorney General shall serve any request for information to Mountain District no later than seven days from the date of this Order. 5. Mountain District shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record its responses to the Attorney General's request for information no later than 21 days from the date of this Order. 6. Mountain District's responses to the Attorney General's request shall comply with ordering paragraph 3 of the February 11, 2016 Order. 7. All provisions of the February 11, 2016 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect. 8. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

2/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentation scheduled to be held February 23-24, 2016, in Central City, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for water district commissioners to receive a maximum of 12 credit hours of water district management training. 2. Russ shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 30 days after the entry of this Order, Russ shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed: b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the curriculum that occurred after Russ's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending the presentations; and e. Documents indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators approved the training for continuing education credit.

2/12/2016 20160212_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/12/2016 20160212_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00039
2/12/2016 20160212_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00277
2/15/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Atmos Energy Corporation

2/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Stipulation is adopted and approved in its entirety as a complete resolution of all issues in this case. 2. In the event that Rhonda James, Lester "John" Collins, Toni Akers, or Mike Litafik assume the role as commissioner of Mountain District in the future, each as a new Commissioner shall complete the mandatory new-commissioner training required pursuant to KRS 74.020(8)(a), and as a new commissioner shall, in addition to the mandatory training, complete an extra five hours of Commission accredited training within 12 months of his or her appointment. 3. Mountain District shall pay $500 as a civil penalty within 30 days of the date of this Order by cashier's check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer and mailed or delivered to the Office of General Counsel, Public Service Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602. 4. Upon payment of the $500 civil penalty, this case shall be closed and removed from the Commission's docket without further Order of the Commission.

2/15/2016 DATA_REQUEST

2/15/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Navitas KY, NG, LLC

2/15/2016 20160215_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/16/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

2/16/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Conference Call

2/16/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

2/18/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


2/18/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


2/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power's motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, for summary judgment, is denied. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed, and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and an original and seven copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information that indicates the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond.

2/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion to file supplemental testimony is granted, and the supplemental testimony is accepted for filing as of the date of this Order. 2. EKPC's motion to schedule an informal conference is granted. 3. EKPC's motion to suspend the procedural schedule is granted. 4. The date by which EKPC is to either request a hearing or submit the case for decision based on the record is suspended until further Order of the Commission. 5. An informal conference shall be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at 1 :30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, KY 40602.

2/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A hearing in this matter shall be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, beginning at 1 0:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of hearing evidence in this case. 2. Bush Gardens shall give notice of the hearing pursuant to KRS 424.300 and 807 KAR 5:076, Section 12. 3. Bush Gardens shall provide a copy of the public notice to the Commission on or before the date of the hearing. In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," 4. Bush Gardens shall file a list of its anticipated witnesses and a summary of their testimony no later than February 24, 2016. 5. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001 Section 9(9)(a), the record of the formal hearing in this matter shall be by videotape only.

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2/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents 4. Within seven days of entry of this Order, the Attorney General shall provide his electronic mail address to which all electronic documents issued by the Commission and other parties of record may be served upon the Attorney General in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8)(b).

2/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Warren District is granted a CPCN to proceed with the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Warren District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the prior approval of the Commission. 4. Warren District shall require construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil or mechanical engineering to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with the best practices of the construction trades involved in the project. 5. Warren District is authorized to enter the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA and, under the terms of that agreement, to borrow from KIA an amount not to exceed $1 ,090,050 to be repaid over a 20-year period at an interest rate of 3.0 percent per annum. 6. Within 30 days of executing its proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA, Warren District shall file with the Commission an executed copy of the Assistance Agreement. Warren District shall use $1,090,050 of the proceeds from the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA only for the lawful purposes set forth in its application.

2/19/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Atmos Energy Corporation

2/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 2. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record, and the original and six copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath, or for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond. e. A party filing a paper containing personal information shall, in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(10), encrypt or redact the paper so that the personal information cannot be read.

2/19/2016 20160219_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

(Copied from Case: 2016-00070 )Data Request

2/19/2016 20160219_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/19/2016 20160219_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. North Central is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct new facilities as set forth in its application and as described in this Order. 2. Should the costs of the construction authorized herein exceed by more than 10 percent the estimated costs contained in the application, North Central shall immediately notify the Commission in writing of the adjustment and include an explanation of the additional costs for the Commission's approval. 3. As provided for in this Order, North Central shall maintain records that clearly and sufficiently document the proper allocation of costs for jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional services provided as a result of this construction project. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Cincinnati Bell is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Dry Ridge, Kentucky, for telephone service. 2. If Cincinnati Bell is not the successful bidder, Cincinnati Bell shall, within ten days of the award of the telephone franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Cincinnati Bell was not the successful bidder. 3. If Cincinnati Bell is the successful bidder, Cincinnati Bell shall, within ten days of the award of the telephone franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Cincinnati Bell is the successful bidder, Cincinnati Bell shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial telephone franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

2/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentation at the KRWA 2016 Management Conference held February 17-18, 2016, In Bowling Green, Kentucky, Is accredited and approved for a maximum of 12 credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 30 days after each presentation, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited Instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes In the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending the presentations; and e. Documents Indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators and the Kentucky Board of Certification of Wastewater System Operators approved the training for continuing education credit.

2/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.21 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Dexter-Almo's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered by Dexter-Almo on and after January 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Dexter-Almo shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein. 4. Dexter-Almo shall file its next purchased water adjustment between June 1, 2016, and July 20, 2016.

2/22/2016 20160222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00418
2/23/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The presentations scheduled to be held March 14, 2016, in Morehead, Kentucky, and March 16, 2016, in Maysville, Kentucky, are each accredited and approved for water district commissioners to receive a maximum of six credit hours of water district management training. 2. RCAP shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 60 days after the entry of this Order, RCAP shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed: b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the curriculum that occurred after RCAP's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. Documents demonstrating the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators' approval of the training for continuing education credit.

2/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. Within seven days of entry of this Order, the Attorney General shall provide his electronic mail address to which all electronic documents issued by the Commission and other parties of record may be served upon the Attorney General in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8)(b).

2/24/2016 20160224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00027
2/25/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Johnny D. Pennington

2/25/2016 DATA_REQUEST01

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company

2/25/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within seven days of the date of this Order, Mr. Graham shall file a reply, if any, to the Applicant's response in opposition to Mr. Graham's request for intervention. 2. Upon the expiration of the seven-day period afforded to Mr. Graham for filing a reply, if any, his request for intervention shall stand submitted for a decision based on the record.

2/25/2016 20160225_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/26/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

2/26/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . Hardin No. 1's request for a deviation from the requirement of 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7(1), regarding the filing of ten additional copies in paper medium for its application is granted. 2. Hardin No. 1, unless ordered otherwise, is permitted to hereafter file an original unbound and three additional copies in paper medium when filing a "paper," as the term is defined by 807 KAR 5:001, Section 1 (9), with the Commission in this proceeding. 3. Hardin No. 1's application in this case is accepted for filing as of the date of this Order.

2/26/2016 20160226_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/26/2016 20160226_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
2/26/2016 20160226_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00027
2/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Bush Gardens is granted a deviation from the time requirement in 807 KAR 5:076, Section 12(4). 2. Bush Gardens shall provide notice of the hearing to its customers at its earliest opportunity. 3. All other provisions of the Commission's February 18, 2016 Order not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect.

2/29/2016 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: A telephone line shall be established to receive public comments during the March 2, 2016 hearing. 2. Public comments may be tendered during the March 2, 2016 hearing, commencing at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, through dialing (502) 782-2663 and entering conference code 22633. 3. Public comments may also be tendered in person during the March 2, 2016 hearing or submitted in writing during the pendency of this case.

2/29/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


2/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The complaint of Nathan Edwin Rainwater against Kenergy Corp. is dismissed with prejudice. 2. This matter shall be closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

2/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Columbia and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for billing for the March 2016 billing cycle beginning on March 1, 2016. 2. Columbia shall revise its GCA tariff and mechanism so that its ACA and BA are calculated quarterly, effective with its GCA filing for the June 2016 billing cycle as described herein. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates and ACA and BA mechanism revisions approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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2/29/2016 20160229_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00364
2/29/2016 20160229_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00061


3/1/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE






3/1/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Coalfields Telephone is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct new facilities as set forth in its application and as described in this Order.

3/1/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


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3/1/2016 20160301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/1/2016 20160301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/1/2016 20160301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/1/2016 20160301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/1/2016 20160301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/1/2016 20160301_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

3/1/2016 20160301_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
3/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: EKPC's motion to extend for 90 days, through May 28, 2016, the period of abeyance is granted to the extent that the Commission shall take no action on EKPC's application during that time period to allow the parties and Commission Staff to further discuss the issues in this case. 2. The temporary suspension of the requirement in the PJM Integration Order for EKPC to file a rate mechanism to flow back capacity market benefits to customers shall continue during the period of abeyance, as extended by this Order. 3. EKPC shall file, on or before April 13, 2016, and at the end of the extended period of abeyance, written reports summarizing the status of the efforts by the parties and Commission Staff to reach a consensus on the issue of a flow-back rate mechanism. 4. Nothing shall prevent the parties from filing documents or the Commission from entering further Orders during the abeyance of this case.

3/2/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This case is opened for the purpose of considering U.S. 60's motion for an extension of time. 2. U.S. 60's motion for a 45-day extension of time within which to fulfil the requirements set forth in numbered paragraph 2 to the Stipulation in Case No. 2015- 00037 is granted. 3. All other terms of the Commission's August 17, 2015 Order and the Stipulation in Case No. 2015-00037 not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/2/2016 20160302_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/3/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


3/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that this case is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that this case is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that this case is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The water service rates requested by McKinney are denied. 2. The water service rates set forth in Appendix A to this Order are approved for services rendered by McKinney on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, McKinney shall file revised tariff sheets with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, containing the rates set forth in Appendix A to this Order. 4. In all future reporting periods, McKinney shall use the "PSG Approved Service Life" set forth in Appendix B to this Order for the listed asset groups when calculating and reporting depreciation for all reporting periods after the date of this Order. No adjustment to accumulated depreciation or retained earnings should be made to account for this change in accounting estimate.

3/3/2016 20160303_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00073
3/4/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that William Harris of Columbia, Kentucky, is appointed to fill the existing vacancy on Adair County District's Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire August 10, 2018.

3/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky's revised proposed Rider Premier Power Service tariff is approved for service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 2. Duke Kentucky's proposal to file an annual summary report in lieu of filing the individual special contracts is denied. 3. Duke Kentucky's request for approval of the proposed Standard Contract in lieu of filing individual customer contracts is denied. 4. Duke Kentucky shall file with the Commission all special contracts related to Rider PPS. 5. Duke Kentucky's request to record the revenues, capital costs, and expenses associated with the proposed Rider Premier Power Service tariff below the line for accounting purposes is denied. 6. Duke Kentucky shall record the revenues, capital costs, and expenses associated with the proposed Rider Premier Power Service tariff above the line for accounting purposes.

3/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky's Application for a declaratory Order that Commission approval of the proposed acquisition is not required under KRS 278.020(5) or KRS 278.020(6) is granted, subject to Duke Kentucky's written acknowledgment filed February 5, 2016, accepting and agreeing to be bound by Duke Kentucky's commitment not to seek a higher rate or return on equity than would have been sought if the proposed acquisition had not occurred. 2. Duke Kentucky shall make an informational filing reflecting its post-transaction organizational structure once the transaction has been consummated and the organizational structure finalized. 3. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Atmos Is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Danville, Kentucky, for the transmission and distribution of natural gas. 2. If Atmos is not the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

3/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of California, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

3/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Energy is granted a OPCN that authorizes It to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Erlanger, Kentucky, for electric and natural gas transmission and distribution service. 2. If Duke Energy is not the successful bidder, Duke Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Duke Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Duke Energy is the successful bidder. Duke Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Duke Energy is the successful bidder. Duke Energy shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the. Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

3/7/2016 20160307_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . Within ten days of the date of this Order, the Companies shall respond to Staff's First Request issued on February 10, 2016. 2. If responses are not received within ten days of the date of this Order, a show cause proceeding will be initiated to determine whether there are any reasons why penalties should not be imposed pursuant to KRS 278.990 for the failure to file responses.

3/9/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered, nunc pro tunc, that: 1. Footnote 1 in the Appendix to the February 29, 2016 Order in this matter is amended to read as follows: 1/ The Gas Cost Adjustment, as shown, is an adjustment per Mcf determined in accordance with the "Gas Cost Adjustment Clause" as set forth on Sheets 48 through 51 of Columbia's Tariff. The Gas Cost Adjustment applicable to a customer who is receiving service under Rate Schedule GS or IUS and received service under Rate Schedule SVGTS shall be $4.3062 per Mcf only for those months of the prior 12 months during which they were served under Rate Schedule SVGTS. 2. All other provisions of the February 29, 2016 Order shall remain in full force and effect.

3/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered, Nunc pro tunc, that: 1. Page 3 of the Order served electronically on March 4, 2016, is corrected to reflect that it was "Entered MAR 04 2016 ... . " 2. All other provisions of the Order served electronically on March 4, 2016, shall remain in full force and effect.

3/10/2016 20160310_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
3/10/2016 20160310_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2016-00059
3/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Complainant's complaint is dismissed with prejudice. 2. This matter shall be closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed in this proceeding.

3/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Western Lewis are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Western Lewis on and after April 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Western Lewis shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 4. Western Lewis shall file the information required in finding paragraph 8 concurrent with the filing of its next application for OCR rates.

3/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Martin and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Martin shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Ridgelea shall continue to operate its utility facilities during the pendency of this matter and shall continue operating until the Commission issues an Order adjudicating Ridgelea's request to abandon or transfer its facilities. 2. An informal conference shall be held at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. Daylight Savings Time. 3. The Acting Executive Director shall serve copies of this Order upon the Attorney General's Office of Rate Intervention and the Franklin County Fiscal Court.

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3/11/2016 20160311_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/11/2016 20160311_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/11/2016 20160311_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00109
3/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The water service rates requested by Laurel No. 2 are denied. 2. The water service rates set forth in Appendix Ato this Order are approved for services rendered by Laurel No. 2 on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Laurel No. 2 shall file revised tariff sheets and special contracts with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, containing the rates setforth in Appendix Aof this Order. 4. In all future reporting periods. Laurel No. 2 shall use the "PSC Approved Service Life set forth in Appendix B to this Order for the listed asset groups when calculating and reporting depreciation for all reporting periods after the date of this

3/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: T. Rowe Price's Application for a declaratory Order that its proposed increase in beneficial ownership of NiSource does not require Commission approval under KRS 278.020(6) is granted, subject to T. Rowe Price's written acknowledgement, filed within ten days of the date of this Order, accepting and agreeing to be bound by T. Rowe Price's commitment that, if its investment policy changes and it seeks to acquire control or influence control of NiSource or Columbia Gas, T. Rowe Price will provide notice to the Commission before taking action and will file an application for approval of the acquisition pursuant to KRS 278.020(6).

3/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The revised Special Contract as filed on March 4, 2016, for service among EKPC, Nolin, and AGC is approved. EKPC shall file by March 31 of each year, beginning in 2016, a report detailing the prior calendar year's interruption of AGC as described in the findings above. 3. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file. 4. The Executive Director is delegated authority to grant reasonable extensions of time for the filing of any documents required by this Order upon EKPC's showing of good cause for such extension.

3/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.

3/14/2016 20160314_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00355
3/14/2016 20160314_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00364
3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on US 421, Lenarue, Marian County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 48' 32.77" by West Longitude 83° 16' 6.64". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Ballard Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Ballard Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Ballard Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: North Central Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. North Central Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. North Central Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Peoples Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Peoples Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Peoples Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

South Central Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. South Central Telephone's 2015 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. South Central Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Mountain Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Mountain Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Mountain Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Citipower are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Citipower on and after April 1, 2016. 3. Citipower shall submit all invoices received from Citigas and Citizens Gas as part of all future OCR rate filings. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Citipower shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/16/2016 20160316_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/16/2016 20160316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00411
3/16/2016 20160316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00412
3/17/2016 20160317_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

3/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.07 per 1 ,000 gallons is approved. 2. Bath District's proposed rates are approved. 3. The rates as set forth in Appendix B to this Order are approved for water service rendered by Bath District on and after February 15, 2016. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Bath District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/17/2016 20160317_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00311
3/18/2016 DATA_REQUEST


3/18/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.

3/18/2016 DATA_REQUEST


3/18/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Atmos Energy Corporation

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Burkesville are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Burkesville on and after March 28, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Burkesville shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1.The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.49 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Monroe District's proposed rates are approved. 3. The rates as set forth in Appendix B to this Order are approved for water service rendered by Monroe District on and after March 1, 2016. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Monroe District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The amended rate proposed by Bluegrass and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Bluegrass shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Natural Energy Is denied 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Natural Energy on and after April 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Natural Energy shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Millennium and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Millennium shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Valley Gas and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Valley Gas shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

3/18/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Owen Electric is granted a OPCN that authorizes It to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Erlanger, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If Owen Electric is not the successful bidder, Owen Electric shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Owen Electric was not the successful bidder. 3. If Owen Electric is the successful bidder, Owen Electric shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Owen Electric is the successful bidder, Owen Electric shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

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Data Request

3/18/2016 20160318_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/18/2016 20160318_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/18/2016 20160318_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

(Copied from Case: 2016-00070 )Data Request

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Data Request

3/18/2016 20160318_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/18/2016 20160318_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00315
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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

3/21/2016 20160321_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00073
3/21/2016 20160321_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on KY 568, approximately 0.5 miles northeast of Cranks, Harlan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 46' 15.03" by West Longitude 83° 9' 40.17". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a monopole antenna tower not to exceed 190 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located off of McKnight Road, Benham, Marian County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 57' 44.96" by West Longitude 82° 56' 58.33". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.20 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. North Hopkins's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix Bto this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after March 15, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, North Hopkins shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $(0.17) per 1 ,000 gallons is approved. 2. Henderson District's proposed rates are denied. 3. The rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for water service rendered by Henderson District on and after March 1, 2016. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Henderson District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/22/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.22 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Nebo District's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after March 15, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Nebo District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/22/2016 20160322_PSC_Notice.pdf


3/23/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to East Kentucky Network, LLC d/b/a Appalachian Wireless

3/23/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.

3/23/2016 20160323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00382
3/23/2016 20160323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
3/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power's request for a declaration that the biannual ground-inspection requirements of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(e), are inapplicable to its 34.5-kV and 46-kV electric line facilities and that these facilities are instead subject to the ground-inspection requirements of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(c), is denied. 2. Kentucky Power's request for a declaration that, to the extent that it complies with the ground-inspection requirements of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(c), with respect to its electric lines operating at or above 69 kV, it may make the inspections required by 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(b)4 aerially is granted. 3. Kentucky Power's request for a deviation from the inspection requirements of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(e), for its 34.5-kV and 46-kV electric line facilities is denied. 4. Kentucky Power's request for a deviation from the prohibition in 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(g), as it applies to inspection requirements under 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26(4)(b)4 is denied as moot.

3/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. BGE's proposed rate is denied. 2. The recommendations and findings contained in Commission Staff's Report, as modified herein, are adopted and incorporated by reference into this Order as if fully set out herein. 3. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by BGE on and after the date of this Order. 4. The nonrecurring charge set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved. 5. BGE's proposed Late Payment Charge is denied. 6. BGE shall work closely with the Commission's Tariff Branch Staff to craft language that clearly states the utility's policies and complies with the applicable statutes and regulations. 7. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, BGE shall file revised tariff sheets with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, setting forth the rate approved herein.

3/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located 1.1 -2- Case No. 2015-00373 mile southeast of Fredville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37°35' 29" by West Longitude 82° 57' 22". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The motion of Atmos Energy to intervene is granted. 2. Atmos Energy shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Atmos Energy shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001, Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. Atmos Energy shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission's March 11, 2016 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Within seven days of entry of this Order, Atmos Energy shall provide the electronic mail address to which all electronic documents issued by the Commission and other parties of record may be served upon Atmos Energy in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8)(b).

3/24/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to WKG Storage, Inc.

3/24/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 265 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 1999 US 460 West, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 53' 33.99" by West Longitude 83° 17' 14.13". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the revised FAA application for the proposed construction within ten days of filing the revised application and a copy of the final decision regarding the revised FAA application within ten days of receiving the decision. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/24/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Licking Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

3/24/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky

3/24/2016 20160324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00100
3/24/2016 20160324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00040
3/28/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . Movant's motions for confidential protection of certain information in its Back-Up Power Supply Plant, and its response to Commission Staffs First Request for Information, Item 10, and its attachments to Items 8 and 9, are granted. 2. Pursuant to KRS 61.878, the information for which Movant requests confidential protection shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of the Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

3/28/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

3/28/2016 20160328_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicants are granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on Campground Road, Corbin, Knox County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 58' 22.02" by West Longitude 84° 3' 51.38". 2. The Applicants shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The proposed acquisition of Pinewood's wastewater assets by Western Mason is approved. 2. Pinewood shall notify the Commission within ten days of the transfer's completion. 3. Within 60 days of the date of transfer of Pinewood's assets to Western Mason, Pinewood shall file with the Commission its 2016 Annual Report covering the period of January 1, 2016, through the date of transfer. 4. If there is a material revision to the proposed acquisition, Pinewood shall apply for Commission approval for the revision, and no material revision will be effective without prior Commission approval. 5. The Executive Director is delegated authority to grant reasonable extensions of time for the filing of any documents required by this Order upon Pinewood's showing of good cause for such extension. 6. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Foothills Rural Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Foothills Rural Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Foothills Rural Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 275 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 3293 KY 134, Hazel Green, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 45' 3.84" by West Longitude 83° 15' 17.98". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/29/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Hardin County Water District No. 1

3/29/2016 20160329_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00054
3/29/2016 20160329_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Complainant shall file responses to Kentucky Power and Commission Staff's requests for information within ten days of the date of this Order. 2. If Complainant fails to file, within ten days of the date of this Order, responses to Kentucky Power and Commission Staffs requests for information or a written request for additional time explaining why additional time is needed, his Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice.

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Muhlenberg District #3's request to withdraw its application is granted. 2. Muhlenberg District #3's application for a CPCN and financing is dismissed. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/30/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Platinumtel Communications, LLC

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Logan Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Logan Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Logan Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. The Attorney General shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission's March 11 , 2016 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Within seven days of entry of this Order, the Attorney General shall provide his electronic mail address to which all electronic documents issued by the Commission and other parties of record may be served upon the Attorney General in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8)(b).

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . The Applicant is granted a Certificate of CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 265 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located off of Old US 23, approximately 0.5 of a mile east of Wittenville, Johnson County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 51 ' 45.37" by West Longitude 82° 4 7' 11 . 75". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Henry District is granted a CPCN to proceed with the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Henry District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the prior approval of the Commission. 4. Henry District shall require construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil or mechanical engineering to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with the best practices of the construction trades involved in the project. 5. Henry District is authorized to enter the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA and, under the terms of that Agreement, to borrow from KIA an amount not to exceed $2,800,000 to be repaid over a 20-year period at an interest rate of 1.75 percent per annum. 6. Within 30 days of executing its proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA, Henry District shall file with the Commission an executed copy of the Assistance Agreement. Henry District shall use $2,800,000 of the proceeds from the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA only for the lawful purposes set forth in its application.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: EKPC's motion to withdraw its March 15, 2016 motion to submit this matter on the existing record and to file a revised response to Commission Staff's First Request for Information, Item 1, is granted.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Atmos's proposed PBR tariff revisions are approved as of the date of this Order and shall continue in effect through May 31, 2021. 2. Atmos's PBR mechanism shall be extended for an additional five years through May 31, 2021. 3. Atmos's report on the results of the current PBR mechanism is accepted. 4. Atmos shall file annual reports of its activity under the extended PBR including the same information as contained in the report filed in this proceeding. These reports shall be filed by August 31 of each calendar year, commencing in 2016. 5. Within 90 days of the end of the fourth year of the five-year extension, Atmos shall file an evaluation report on the results of the PBR for the first four years of the extension period, and the Commission shall review same for purposes of determining whether the PBR should be continued, modified, or terminated. 6. Atmos shall, within 20 days of the date of this Order, file its revised tariff sheets setting out the revisions to its PBR tariff approved herein, and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The amounts billed by Big Rivers through its environmental surcharge for the period August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015, are approved. 2. The amounts billed by each of the Member Cooperatives through their respective environmental surcharge pass-through mechanisms for the period August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2015, for all customers with dedicated delivery points are approved; and the amounts billed by each of the Member Cooperatives through their respective environmental surcharge pass-through mechanisms for the periods September 1, 2013, through August 31, 2015, for all other customers, are approved.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located 0.6 of a mile north of Relief, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 57' 9.70" by West Longitude 82° 59' 40.52". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Graham's Request to Intervene is denied. 2. Petitioners' Joint Request to Intervene is denied. 3. Petitioners' tendered documents shall be considered as public comment.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: EKPC's motion for confidential protection is hereby granted. 2. The materials contained in EKPC's Responses to Staffs Request, Items 15, 19, and 20, are hereby granted confidential protection. The materials granted confidential protection will not be placed In the public record nor made available for public inspection for a period of ten years from the date of this Order, or upon further Orders of this Commission.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: West Kentucky Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. West Kentucky Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. West Kentucky Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duo County Telephone's request for a deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(b), 16(4)(h), 16(4)(i), 16(4)(n), 16(4)(q), 16(4)(r), and 16(5), is granted. 2. Duo County Telephone's 2014 annual financial report on file with the Commission is incorporated into the record by reference only. 3. Duo County Telephone's application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

3/31/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . Logan is granted a CPCN to construct new facilities as set forth in its application and as described in this Order. 2. Should the costs of the construction authorized herein exceed by more than 10 percent the estimated costs contained in the application, Logan shall immediately notify the Commission in writing of the adjustment and include an explanation of the additional costs for the Commission's approval. 3. As provided for in this Order, Logan shall maintain records that clearly and sufficiently document the proper allocation of costs for jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional services provided as a result of this construction project. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered nunc pro tunc, that: 1. Footnote 3 on page 2 to the Commission's March 22, 2016 Order is amended to read: TFS 2016-00003 (Ky. PSG filed Jan. 4, 2016); The tariff was accepted for filing by the Commission by letter dated March 1, 2016. 2. The rate for 2-inch meters, as listed in Appendix B of the Commission's March 22, 2016 Order, is amended as follows: Next 14,000 gallons 6.13 per 1,000 gallons 3. All other provisions of the Commission's March 22, 2016 Order not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The GLT rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by LG&E on and after April 29, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/31/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Information Request to Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Western Lewis-Rectorville is granted a CPCN for the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Western Lewis-Rectorville's proposed plan of financing is approved. 3. Western Lewis-Rectorville is authorized to obtain a KIA loan in an amount not to exceed $1,266,500 with 30 percent principal forgiveness at an interest rate not to exceed 0.75 percent per annum, maturing over 20 years. 4. The proceeds from the ARC grant and KIA loan shall be used only for the purposes specified in Western Lewis-Rectorville's application. 5. Western Lewis-Rectorville shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 6. Notwithstanding ordering paragraphs 4 and 5, if surplus funds remain after the approved construction has been completed, Western Lewis-Rectorville may use such surplus to construct additional plant facilities if RD approves of the use and the additional construction will not result in a change in Western Lewis-Rectorville's rates for service. Western Lewis-Rectorville shall provide written notice of this additional construction in accordance with 807 KAR 5:069, Section 4. 7. Western Lewis-Rectorville shall file with the Commission documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (e.g., engineering, legal, and administrative) within 60 days of date that construction is substantially completed.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Bonnieville, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Ravenna, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

3/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Ghent, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

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3/31/2016 20160331_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request



4/1/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . Big Rivers and each of its three Member Cooperatives listed in footnote 2 shall be made parties to this case. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed in this proceeding. 3. Any person who submits a motion to intervene after May16, 2016, and upon a showing of good cause is granted full intervention, shall accept and abide by the existing procedural schedule. 4. Big Rivers shall, by the date set forth in Appendix A to this Order, file its prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of its environmental surcharge mechanism and the three Member Cooperatives, or Big Rivers on their behalf shall file by that date their prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of the pass-through mechanism during the periods under review. 5. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and seven copies. 6. a. The information requested herein is due on or before the date specified in Appendix A to this Order. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed, and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and seven copies to the Commission.

4/1/2016 20160401_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
4/1/2016 20160401_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00418

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Ridgelea Investments, Inc.

4/4/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. AT&T Kentucky's petition regarding the Pooling Administrator's denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources is granted. 2. The decision of the Pooling Administrator denying AT&T Kentucky's request for the assignment of two new thousands-blocks for the Georgetown rate center in Kentucky is hereby overturned. 3. The Pooling Administrator shall assign AT&T Kentucky two thousands-blocks of 2,000 consecutive numbers for the Georgetown rate center. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of AT&T Kentucky's customer, Toyota. If the numbering resources requested by AT&T Kentucky are no longer required to meet the service, the associated numbering resources approved in this Order shall be returned to the Pooling Administrator.

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4/4/2016 20160404_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00368
4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movants petition for confidential protection Is hereby granted. 2. The materials contained In Movant's responses to comments filed by the AG and Sierra Club meet the criteria for confidential protection as set forth In KRS 61.878(1)(c) and are hereby granted confidential protection. The materials granted confidential protection will not be placed In the public record or made available for public Inspection for an Indefinite period of time, or upon further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials In question In any Commission proceeding shall be In compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall Inform the Commission If the materials granted confidential protection become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to Inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established In KRS 61.878. If Movant Is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for Inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for Inspection.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on Boardtree Fork Road approximately 2.5 miles south of Hendricks, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 40' 19.88" by West Longitude 83° 7' 5.35". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located off Racetrack Branch, Saldee, Breathitt County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 27' 3.22" by West Longitude 83° 22' 17.77". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 265 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 490 Jacobs Ridge Road, Pippa Passes, Knott County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 20' 33.17" by West Longitude 82° 53' 0". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.07 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Sharpsburg District's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for water service rendered on and after February 15, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Sharpsburg District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.07 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Meade County's proposed rates are approved, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, for services rendered on and after March 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Meade County shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

4/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Nexus's request to withdraw as an ETC is granted. 2. This case is now closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

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4/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The AG's motion to deviate from the procedural schedule is approved. 2. The procedural schedule previously established in this matter is amended as set forth in the Appendix to this Order and shall be followed for the remainder of this proceeding.

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

4/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Big Sandy's Prepay Program is approved on a permanent basis on and after the date of this Order. 2. Big Sandy's Prepay Program tariff as revised and corrected through discovery is approved on and after the date of this Order. 3. Big Sandy's request for a deviation from the requirement to mail paper bills to Prepay Program participants is denied as moot. 4. Big Sandy's request for a deviation from 807 KAR 5:006, Section 15{1)(f), is granted. 5. Big Sandy shall make annual filings for calendar years 2016, 2017, and 2018 as set forth in the findings above, and thereafter shall maintain records so as to be able to provide the same information upon request. 6. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Big Sandy shall file its Prepay Program tariff and Prepay Agreement for Participation, using the Commission's

4/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Reid Village's motion for extension of time to respond to Commission Staff's First Request for Information is granted. 2. Reid Village shall file with the Commission its responses to Commission Staffs First Request for Information no later than May 1, 2016. 3. Reid Village's Application for approval of the loan to fund the purchase of improved real property is continued beyond the 60-day period specified in KRS 278.300(2).

4/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Atmos and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after May 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Atmos shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Frontier are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings by Frontier on and after May 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Frontier shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 4 . Frontier shall provide detailed discussions of its efforts to decrease the incidence of gas loss on its system, as well as any updates to projections for when such losses are expected to decrease to 5 percent or below, with every future application in which gas cost recovery is proposed with no L&U limit.

4/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Owingsville, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

4/7/2016 20160407_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00082
4/7/2016 20160407_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00119
4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The amounts billed by EKPC through its environmental surcharge for the period July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015, are approved. 2. Beginning in the first full-billing month following the date of this Order, EKPC shall increase its jurisdictional environmental revenue requirement by $195,578 for one month, and $195,577 for one month. 3. EKPC's request to include the over-recovery for June 2015 through February 2016 in the adjustment in this review is denied. 4. EKPC shall use a rate of return of 6.045 percent in all monthly environmental surcharge filings subsequent to the date of this Order. 5. EKPC's Member Cooperatives shall include the applicable monthly retail pass-through adjustments, shown in the Appendix to this Order, in the determination of each Member Cooperative's respective pass-through mechanism, as discussed herein, following the date of this order. 6. The Member Cooperatives shall use the proposed calculation methodology as discussed herein to calculate their monthly over/under amounts beginning with the next review proceeding to be opened following the closure of this matter.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 250 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 348 R. Grider Road, Russell Springs, Adair County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37°4' 30.16" by West Longitude 85° 10' 8.56". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. LG&E's request to withdraw its petition for a state waiver for the reassessment of the Ballardsville Pipeline is granted. 2. This case is dismissed and removed from the Commission's docket.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Mountain District's Petition for Modification is denied. 2. Ordering paragraph 8 of the October 9, 2015 Order in Case No. 2014-00342 is modified to the limited extent that the time schedule within which Mountain District shall obtain the services of an outside independent consultant to provide the services described therein is extended to 60 days from the date of this Order. 3. Ordering paragraph 9 of the October 9, 2015 Order in Case No. 2014-00342 is modified to the limited extent that the time schedule with in which Mountain District shall submit to the Commission the required written report is extended to 120 days from the date of this Order. 4. All other provisions of the Commission's October 9, 2015 Order and November 17, 2015 Order on rehearing in Case No. 2014-00342 shall remain in full force and effect.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The Companies' proposed depreciation rates for the Brown Solar Facility are approved.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: A hearing in this matter shall be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time, at the offices of the Public Service Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Ridgelea Investments, Inc. ("Ridgelea") shall give notice of the hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," At the time the notice is mailed or publication is requested, Ridgelea shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9)(a), the record of the formal hearing in this matter shall be by digital video recording.

4/8/2016 20160408_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Aleris to intervene is granted. 2. Aleris shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documen

4/8/2016 20160408_PSC_ORDER01.pdf

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, an

4/8/2016 20160408_PSC_ORDER02.pdf

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed. 2. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed, and indexed and shall include the n

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate as proposed by Public and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered on and after May 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Public shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate as proposed by LG&E and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for gas supplied by LG&E on and after May 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . This investigation is opened to provide Sentra an opportunity to present evidence to demonstrate: (a) that its cost of gas from its affiliate is no greater than market as required by KRS 278.2207(1)(b); (b) that the PGA component of Sentra's rates and the wholesale rates charged to Sentra are just and reasonable as required by KRS 278.274 for natural gas purchased from an affiliate; (c) why the PGA component of Sentra's rates should not be reduced to market with a corresponding reduction to the cost of gas sold to Sentra under KRS 278.274; and (d) why Sentra's PGA clause should not be revised to provide a better match of its gas cost and its gas cost revenue. 2. Sentra and its affiliate supplier, MHP, shall be parties to this case. 3. Sentra shall collect the PGA component of its rates subject to refund effective for bills rendered after the date of this Order until further Commission Order. 4. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A shall be followed. 5. Sentra and MHP shall individually or jointly file, within 14 days of the date of this Order, responses to the requests for information attached hereto as Appendix B, along with any other information relevant to Sentra's cost of gas purchased from MHP.

4/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. This proceeding is established to investigate the reasonableness of the proposed AMRP tariff, Gas Tariff, P.S.C. Ky. No. 5, Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 58. 2. The proposed AMRP tariff is suspended for five months from May 31, 2016, up to and including October 30, 2016. 3. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further Orders prior to the end of the suspension period.

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Data Request

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Data Request

4/8/2016 20160408_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2014-00339
4/8/2016 20160408_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00143
4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Cedar Hills' and Daviess Fiscal Court's proposed findings of fact are rejected. 2. The request of Cedar Hills to abandon its facilities is granted. 3. Cedar Hills shall continue operating until the Franklin Circuit Court attaches Cedar Hills' assets and appoints a receiver. 4. No later than 60 days following the date of this Order, Cedar Hills shall submit its Report of Gross Operating Revenues and an Annual Report for the period spanning January 1, 2016, through the date of abandonment. 5. Commission Staff shall bring an action in the Franklin Circuit Court for the attachment of Cedar Hills' assets and the appointment of RWRA as receiver.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Friendly Park's and Daviess Fiscal Court's proposed findings of fact are rejected. 2. The request of Friendly Park to abandon its facilities is granted. 3. Friendly Park shall continue operating until the Franklin Circuit Court attaches Friendly Park's assets and appoints a receiver. 4. No later than 60 days following the date of this Order, Friendly Park shall submit its Report of Gross Operating Revenues and an Annual Report for the period spanning January 1, 2016, through the date of abandonment. 5. Commission Staff shall bring an action in the Franklin Circuit Court for the attachment of Friendly Park's assets and the appointment of RWRA as receiver.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jimmy Dalton is appointed to fill the existing vacancy on Western Pulaski County Water District's Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire on May 22, 2019.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located approximately 2.5 miles west of Gunlock, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 32' 29.57" by West Longitude 82° 58' 14". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant Is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located off Route 1110, approximately 0.7 of a mile northwest of Haddix, Breathitt County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 29' 29.21" by West Longitude 83° 21' 33.90". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of 3 months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Graham's request for reconsideration is denied. 2. Mr. Graham's tendered documents shall be considered as public comment.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. EKPC's request for the amendment and extension of its unsecured revolving credit agreement for up to $800 million, as described in its application, for five years from the date of closing and two one-year extensions is approved. 2. EKPC's proposal to amortize the balance in deferred financing fees and the new amendment fees and expenses over the life of the new credit facility is approved. 3. The proceeds resulting from the proposed amendments and extension of the unsecured revolving credit agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in EKPC's application. 4. The terms and conditions of proposed amendments and extension of the unsecured revolving credit agreement shall be consistent with the terms and conditions described in EKPC's application. 5. EKPC shall, within 30 days of the issuance, file with Commission a statement setting forth the date or dates of issuance of the term loan, accordion feature, or the extension provision authorized herein. For the term loan and accordion feature, the statement shall include the proceeds of such issuances, the interest rate(s), the maturity date(s) and all fees and expenses involved in the issuances of these evidences of indebtedness. 6. Any document filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 5 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This matter is continued, pursuant to KRS 278.020(6), for an additional 60 days. 2. Jed Weinberg and Zachery Weinberg are hereby joined as parties to this action. 3. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed. a. The information requested in Appendix B to this Order is due on or before April 29, 2016. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed, and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record, and the original and ten copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or the person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior responses if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Delta and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after April 25, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Delta shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/11/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Oldham Woods' request for deviation from the requirement of 807 KAR 5:076, Section 5(4)(e), is granted. 2. Oldham Woods' application is deemed filed as of the date of this Order.

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Order Entered: 1 . This proceeding is initiated to investigate the deficiencies identified in the Commission's December 12, 2014 Inspection Report, Martin District's compliance with the Required Action plan set forth in Appendix A of the Commission's April

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Data Request

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4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 360 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located near 4777 Route 850, approximately 0.8 of a mile north of Hippo, Floyd County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 32' 38.5" by West Longitude 82° 51' 56.9". 2. The Applicant shaii file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shale immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 190 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located near the corner of Gap Branch Road and East Main Street, Lynch, Marian County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 36° 57' 47.07" by West Longitude 82° 54' 26.94". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decisions 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Logan Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which Logan Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Logan Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Logan Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Logan Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ballard Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which Ballard Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Ballard Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Ballard Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Ballard Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow Ballard Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. North Central Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which North Central Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. North Central Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, North Central Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If North Central Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow North Central Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Peoples Rural Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which Peoples Rural Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Peoples Rural Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Peoples Rural Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Peoples Rural Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow Peoples Rural Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. South Central Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which South Central Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. South Central Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, South Central Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If South Central Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow South Central Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mountain Rural Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which Mountain Rural Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Mountain Rural Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Mountain Rural Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Mountain Rural Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow Mountain Rural Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: West Kentucky Rural Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which West Kentucky Rural Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. West Kentucky Rural Telephone shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run. West Kentucky Rural Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duo County Telephone's petition for confidential treatment Is granted. 2. The materials for which Duo County Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed In the public record or made available for public Inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials In question In this proceeding shall be In compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Duo County Telephone shall Inform the Commission If the materials In question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to Inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run. Duo County Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established In KRS 61.878. If Duo County Telephone Is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Foothills Rural Telephone's petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The materials for which Foothills Rural Telephone seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Foothills Rural Telephone shall inform Commission if materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, Foothills Rural Telephone shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Foothills Rural Telephone is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow Foothills Rural Telephone to seek a remedy afforded by law. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The New Service Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as 2016-00052-H is made part of this proceeding in order for the Commission to investigate its reasonableness. 2. The New Service Agreement identified as 2016-00052-H herein, was filed on March 16, 2016, and is suspended for five months from April 15, 2016, up to and including September 14, 2016. 3. Atmos shall respond to all previously issued requests for information in this matter that are pertinent to New Service Agreement 2016-00052-H, within 14 days of the date of this Order. 4. Any additional service agreements renegotiated pursuant to the special contract reformations discussed in pages 14-16 of the Direct Testimony of Gary L. Smith in Case No. 2015-003432 shall be filed for approval into the record of this proceeding along with all information pertaining to such agreements previously required to be submitted in requests for information. 5. All other provisions in this matter not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect. 6. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further Orders prior to the end of the suspension period.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Hardin District is granted a CPCN to proceed with the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Hardin District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the approved construction shall be undertaken only with prior approval of Commission. 4. Hardin District shall require construction to be inspected under general supervision of a licensed professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil or mechanical engineering to ensure that construction work is done in accordance with contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with best practices of construction trades involved in the project. 5. Hardin District shall file documentation of total costs of project including cost of construction and all other capitalized costs, (e.g., engineering, legal, and administrative) within 60 days of the date that construction authorized under this CPCN is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 6. Hardin District shall file a copy of the "as-built" drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of the substantial completion of the construction certificated herein.

4/12/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion for confidential protection is granted. 2. The materials for which EKPC seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for a period of ten years from the date of this Order, or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. EKPC shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not run, then EKPC shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If EKPC is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow EKPC to seek a remedy afforded by law.

4/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Neither the EISA Smart Grid Information Standard nor the EISA 2007 Smart Grid Investment Standard shall be adopted. 2. The Joint Utilities shall develop policies and procedures that provide customers access to historical information regarding their energy use and tariff rate and shall endeavor to provide this information to customers in as close to real-time as practical. Furthermore, the Joint Utilities shall provide aggregated information to CAC upon its reasonable request. 3. The Joint Utilities shall develop internal policies and procedures governing customer privacy, customer education, and cybersecurity as set forth in this Order. 4. Within 60 days of the date of this Order, the Joint Utilities shall file with the Commission their internal procedures governing customer privacy and customer education. 5. Within 60 days of the date of this Order, the Joint Utilities shall certify to the Commission that they have developed internal cybersecurity procedures. 6. The jurisdictional electric utilities shall not be required to develop Dynamic Pricing programs and tariffs, but they are encouraged to do so. 7. Customer participation in any Dynamic Pricing program or tariff shall be voluntary. 8. Provisions allowing customers to opt out of smart meter deployments shall be considered as they are proposed by individual utilities.

4/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Staff Report on EKPC's 2015 IRP represents the final substantive action in this matter. 2. Any comments with respect to the Staff Report shall be filed within ten days of the date of this Order. 3. An Order closing this case and removing it from the Commission's docket shall be issued after the period for comments on the Staff Report has expired.

4/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: GoGo's application for authority to construct a wireless communication tower pursuant to KRS 278.650 is rejected due to lack of Commission jurisdiction.

4/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Companies' request to hold this case in abeyance is denied. 2. The procedural schedule appended hereto shall be followed for the remainder of this proceeding.

4/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Navitas KY is denied. 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Navitas on and after May 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Navitas KY shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

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4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Trustee's Motion for Rehearing of the Order granting the Joint Motion of the AG and BCSD to dismiss the surcharge application without prejudice is denied. 2. The Trustee's Motion to Intervene is denied. 3. This case is dismissed without prejudice and is removed from the Commission's docket.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Logan's proposed increases in basic local residential exchange service rates, and reduction of the rate for Caller ID, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed on March 30, 2014, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Logan shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Ballard's proposed increases in basic local exchange residential and business service rates, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed March 16, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Ballard shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. North Central's proposed increases in basic local exchange residential service rate, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed on March 16, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, North Central shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Peoples' proposed increase in basic residential local service rates and expansion of the local calling area, as set forth in the tariff attached to its Application filed on March 16, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, is approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Peoples shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. South Central's proposed increases in basic local exchange residential service rates and business rates, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed on March 16, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, South Central shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: Mountain's proposed increase in basic local residential exchange service rate and expansion of its local calling area, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed March 16, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Mountain shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. West Kentucky's proposed increases in basic local residential exchange service rates, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed on March 31, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, West Kentucky shall file, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets containing the rates approved herein and signed by an officer of the utility authorized to issue tariffs. The tariff sheets shall reflect that they were approved pursuant to this Order and shall contain an effective date of June 1, 2016. 3. Any future increases to basic local exchange rates necessitated by the FCC's ICC/USF Order shall be filed as an Application in compliance with Commission regulations.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duo County's proposed increase in basic local residential exchange service rate and expansion of its toll-free calling area, as set forth in the tariffs attached

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Foothills' proposed increase in basic local residential exchange service rate, and the expansion of local calling, as set forth in the tariffs attached to its Application filed on March 29, 2016, and shown in the Appendix attached to this Order, are approved.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 1112 Cindas Creek, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 57' 33.38" by West Longitude 83° 2' 32.4". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . EKPC and each of its Member Cooperatives listed in footnote 2 shall be parties to this case. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed in this proceeding. 3. Any person who submits a motion to intervene after May 16, 2016, and upon a showing of good cause is granted full intervention, shall accept and abide by the existing procedural schedule. 4.. EKPC shall, by the date set forth in Appendix A, file its prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of its environmental surcharge mechanism and the application of the pass-through mechanism during the periods under review. 5. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and seven copies. 6. a. EKPC and each of its 16 Member Cooperatives shall file responses to the questions asked of the particular cooperative in Appendix B. The information requested herein is due no later than May 6, 2016. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and seven copies to the Commission.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Complainant's Complaint is dismissed with prejudice. 2. This matter is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

4/15/2016 STAFF_REPORT


4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Transportation Agreement between Navitas and FSR is approved. 2. Navitas shall construct the facilities required to serve FSR to meet all applicable requirements as set out in Title 49 CFR Part 192 and 807 KAR 5:022. 3. Navitas shall ensure the facilities are constructed and tested by individuals qualified to perform the work described in the application. 4. Navitas shall notify the Commission one week prior to the actual start of construction, at the 50 percent completion point, and when construction is complete. 5. Navitas shall file a report with the Commission, before the pipeline is placed into service, certifying the maximum allowable operating pressure of the pipeline and also certifying that the pipeline has been constructed and tested in accordance with the applicable requirements as set out in Title 49 CFR Part 192 and 807 KAR 5:022.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located near 13476 S. E. Licking River Road, approximately 1.6 miles northwest of Gapville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 38' 18.55" by West Longitude 82° 59' 1 0.77". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/15/2016 DATA_REQUEST


4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. No later than July 11, 2016, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Oldham Woods's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than July 25, 2016, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; and b. Any additional evidence for the Commission to consider. 3. If a party requests a hearing or informal conference, then the party shall make the request in its written comments and state the reason why a hearing or informal conference is necessary. 4. If Commission Staff finds that Oldham Woods's financial condition supports a higher rate than Oldham Woods proposes or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Oldham Woods's application, Oldham Woods in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Henderson County is authorized to enter into an agreement with KRWFC to borrow no more than $3,547,500 for the purpose of re-amortizing the outstanding indebtedness, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in its application, Henderson County shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, Henderson County shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that Henderson County has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Henderson County's application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Warren County is authorized to enter into an agreement with KRWFC to borrow no more than $2,601,500 for the purpose of re-amortizing the outstanding indebtedness, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in its application, Warren County shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, Warren County shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that Warren County has not previously filed with the Commission. 4 . The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Warren County's application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Christian County is authorized to enter into an agreement with KRWFC to borrow no more than $2,546,500 for the purpose of re-amortizing the outstanding indebtedness, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in its application, Christian County shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, Christian County shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that Christian County has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Christian County's application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentations at the KRWA regional meetings held April 12, 2016, in Morehead, Kentucky; April 14, 2016, in Hartford, Kentucky; and to be held on April 21, 2016, In Draffenville, Kentucky, are accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training per meeting. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 30 days after each presentation, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending each presentation; and e. Documents indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators and the Kentucky Board of Certification of Wastewater System Operators approved the trainings for continuing education credit.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The presentation at the 2016 Operator EXPO, to be held May 24-25, 2016, in Glendale, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of ten credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 3. No later than 30 days after each presentation, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended; d. A copy of any written material given to water commissioners attending the presentations; and e. Documents indicating whether the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators and the Kentucky Board of Certification of Wastewater System Operators approved the training for continuing education credit.

4/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Delta is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Owingsville, Kentucky, for the distribution of natural gas. 2. If Delta is not the successful bidder, Delta shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Delta was not the successful bidder. 3. If Delta is the successful bidder, Delta shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Delta is the successful bidder, Delta shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

4/15/2016 20160415_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00039
4/18/2016 20160418_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/19/2016 20160419_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

4/21/2016 DATA_REQUEST


4/21/2016 NOTICE

Notice of Filing of Commission Staff Correction

4/21/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: North Mercer is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of service of this Order.

4/21/2016 20160421_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/29/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to B&H Gas Company and B&S Oil and Gas Company

4/29/2016 20160429_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Kenergy Corp. and Big Rivers Electric Corporation

4/29/2016 20160429_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/29/2016 20160429_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

(Copied from Case: 2016-00070 )Data Request

4/29/2016 20160429_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/2/2016 20160502_PSC_ORDER.pdf

The motion of KlUC to intervene is granted.

5/2/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

5/2/2016 20160502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
5/2/2016 20160502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00027
5/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. EKPC shall file its next IRP no later than April 1, 2019. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

5/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: PlatinumTel's motion to withdraw its petition for designation as an ETC in Kentucky is granted. 2. This matter is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

5/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $(0.79) per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Beech Grove's proposed rates are denied. 3. The rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order are approved for water service rendered by Beech Grove on and after March 1, 2016. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Beech Grove shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

5/3/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Atmos is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Calhoun, Kentucky, for the transmission and distribution of natural gas. 2. If Atmos is not the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/4/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference




Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

5/4/2016 20160504_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

5/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 4156 Coffee Creek Road, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 53' 7.29" by West Longitude 83° 2' 20.37". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.


Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to WKG Storage, Inc.

5/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: No later than July 21, 2016, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Morgan District's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings contained in the Commission Staff Report; and


Commission Staff's Supplemental Request for Information to William Weinberg, Lois Weinberg, Jed Weinberg, and Zachery Weinberg

5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: 1. Martin District's Motion for Extension is granted. Martin District's responses to Staff's Initial Request shall be filed on or before May 9, 2016. 2. The informal conference scheduled for May 17, 2016, is rescheduled to May 18, 2016, at 1

5/5/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Corinth, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00082
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00083
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

5/5/2016 20160505_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00382
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2016-00059
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00312
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00146
5/5/2016 20160505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00152


5/9/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attomey General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and ail other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001, Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents. 4. Within seven days of entry of this Order, the Attomey General shall provide his electronic mail address to which ail electronic documents issued by the Commission and other parties of record may be served upon the Attomey General in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8)(b). 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:004, Section 11(d), the Attorney General shall be subject to the existing procedural schedule.

5/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within 14 days of the date of this Order, Wood Creek shall notify its customers of its intent to implement the water and sewer service rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order by publishing notice of the increase in a newspaper of general circulation in its territory or placing an insert in bills rendered to its customers. The customer notice shall be in the format set forth in the Appendix to this Order. 2. Wood Creek shall provide proof of publication of the notice to the Commission no later than 30 days from the date of this Order. 3. If the Commission does not receive any written requests for intervention or a hearing in this matter within 30 days of publication of new rates, this case shall stand submitted to the Commission for decision based upon the existing record.

5/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Reid Village is authorized to enter into the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA and, under the terms of that Agreement, to borrow from KIA an amount not to exceed $401,625 to be repaid over a 30-year period at an interest rate of 1.75 percent per annum. 2. Within 30 days of executing the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA, Reid Village shall file with the Commission an executed copy of the Assistance Agreement. Reid Village shall use the proceeds from the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA only for the lawful purposes set forth in its application. None of the proceeds shall be used for the construction of any other improvements or any other project except those clearly identified in Reid Village's application in this proceeding, unless and until Reid Village obtains prior Commission approval for the use of the proceeds. 3. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file. ®

5/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky's request to amend the Smart Saver EE Products program as set out in its application is approved.

5/10/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Sentra Corporation

5/10/2016 20160510_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
5/11/2016 20160511_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/11/2016 20160511_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

5/11/2016 20160511_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/11/2016 20160511_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00054
5/12/2016 20160512_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00418
5/13/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to EQT Midstream

5/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Hardin District is granted a CPCN for the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Hardin District's proposed plan of financing is approved. 3. Hardin District is authorized to issue $5,000,000 of its water system revenue bonds maturing over 40 years at an interest rate not exceeding 4.125 percent per annum. 4. The proceeds from the proposed bond issuance shall be used only for the purposes specified in Hardin District's application. 5. Hardin District shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 6. Notwithstanding ordering paragraphs 4 and 5, if surplus funds remain after the approved construction has been completed, Hardin District may use such surplus to construct additional plant facilities if AD approves of the use and the additional construction will not result in a change in Hardin District's rates for service. Hardin District shall provide written notice of this additional construction in accordance with 807 KAR 5:069, Section 4. 7. Hardin District shall file with the Commission documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (e.g., engineering, legal, and administrative) within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed.

5/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Danville, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/13/2016 20160513_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/13/2016 20160513_PSC_ORDER.pdf

(Copied from Case: 2016-00070 )Order

5/13/2016 20160513_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00070
5/13/2016 20160513_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00343
5/13/2016 20160513_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00073
5/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located near 124 Charles Back Drive, approximately seven-tenths of a mile northwest of Wolf Coal, Breathitt County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 24' 4.83" by West Longitude 83° 23' 26.19". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

5/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located approximately 1.3 miles south of Gunlock, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 31' 42.88" by West Longitude 82° 55' 21.03". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

5/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU Is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Nortonville, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/17/2016 20160517_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00152
5/18/2016 20160518_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/18/2016 20160518_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The PRP rates in Appendix A to this Order are approved for billing by Delta for meters read on and after May22, 2016. 2. Delta shall file the information requested in Appendix B to this Order when it files its future annual PRP applications. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Delta shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/19/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: No later than August 11, 2016, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Marion District's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings contained in the Commission Staff Report; and

5/19/2016 20160519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00143
5/19/2016 20160519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00039
5/20/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1 . Lake Village is granted a CPCN for the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Lake Village's proposed plan of financing is approved. 3. Lake Village is authorized to issue $656,000 of its water system revenue bonds maturing over 40 years at an interest rate not exceeding 3.5 percent per annum. 4. The proceeds from the proposed bond issuance shall be used only for the purposes specified in Lake Village's application. 5. Lake Village shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 6. Notwithstanding ordering paragraphs 4 and 5, if surplus funds remain after the approved construction has been completed, Lake Village may use such surplus to construct additional plant facilities if RD approves of the use and the additional construction will not result in a change in Lake Village's rates for service. Lake Village shall provide written notice of this additional construction in accordance with 807 KAR 5:069, Section 4. 7. Lake Village shall file with the Commission documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed.

5/20/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.06 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Garrard County's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix Bto this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after May 3, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Garrard County shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

5/20/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Mt. Olivet, Kentucky, for electric transmission and distribution service. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/20/2016 20160520_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00160
5/23/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 260 Hog Branch, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 55' 7.80" by West Longitude 83° 2' 40.45". 2. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

5/23/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicants are granted a CPCN to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 295 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at 751 Forrest Road, Grand Rivers, Livingston County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 2' 46.21" by West Longitude 88° 16' 25.36". 2. The Applicants shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 3. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

5/23/2016 20160523_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: no later than May 25, 2016, each of the intervenors to this matter shall file a statement as to whether there are any material issues of fact that warrant a hearing, along with a detailed description of those issues, or whether this case

5/23/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Supplemental Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

5/23/2016 20160523_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00073
5/23/2016 20160523_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/23/2016 20160523_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/24/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

5/24/2016 20160524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00312
5/24/2016 20160524_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/27/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within seven days of the date of this Order, the Companies shall respond to the Staff's and AG's Supplemental Requests. 2. If responses are not received with seven days of the date of this Order, a show cause proceeding will be initiated to determine whether there are any reasons why penalties should not be imposed upon the Companies pursuant to KRS 278.990 for their failure to comply with this Order.

5/27/2016 20160527_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00167
5/27/2016 20160527_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/27/2016 20160527_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
5/31/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE


5/31/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Big Rivers Electric Corporation

5/31/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Columbia and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for billing for the June 2016 billing cycle beginning on May 31, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates and ACA and BA mechanism revisions approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/31/2016 20160531_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00382
5/31/2016 20160531_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00147
5/31/2016 20160531_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2015-00418
6/2/2016 20160602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00168
6/3/2016 20160603_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Dexter-Almo's request to deviate from the water storage requirements of 807 KAR 5:066, Section 4(4), is approved through December 31, 2018. 2. Dexter-Almo shall inform the Commission if changes occur in either system that would cause Murray to have insufficient storage for Dexter-Almo. 3. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to this Order shall reference this case number and shall be retained in Dexter-Almo's general correspondence file.

6/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Frontier's request for deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(4)(g)-U), 16(4)(1-n), 16(4)(r), and 16(4)(u), is granted. 2. Frontier's request for deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:00 , Section 16(4)(k), is denied. 3. Frontier's application in this matter shall not be accepted for filing until it has cured its deficiency pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16(4)(k), which requires an independent auditor's annual opinion report, with any written communication which indicates existence of material weakness in internal controls.

6/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. LGE is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by Louisville Metro Government for natural gas transmission and distribution service. 2. If LGE is not the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that LGE was not the successful bidder. 3. If LGE is the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If LGE is the successful bidder, LGE shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities within the area subject to the jurisdiction of Louisville Metro Government.

6/6/2016 20160606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2016 20160606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00026
6/6/2016 20160606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00027
6/6/2016 20160606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00033
6/6/2016 20160606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00172
6/8/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Companies' motion requesting an extension of time to file their responses to Staffs Second Request and the AG's Supplemental Request is granted. 2. The Companies shall file their responses to the AG's Supplemental Request by June 13, 2016.


Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky

6/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion to extend for 30 days, through June 27, 2016, the period of abeyance is granted to the extent that the Commission shall take no action on EKPC's application during that time period to allow EKPC time to reduce into writing the proposal for the mechanism to flow back the net PJM-related capacity benefits to EKPC's customers and to discuss the details of that proposal with the parties to this case and Commission Staff. 2. The temporary suspension of the requirement for EKPC to file a rate mechanism shall continue during the period of abeyance, as extended by this Order. 3. Nothing shall prevent the parties from filing documents or the Commission from entering further Orders during the abeyance of this case.

6/10/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and American Towers, LLC

6/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The proposed GCR tariff, attached hereto and incorporated herein as an Appendix to this Order, is included in the record of this proceeding and is suspended for five months from July 1, 2016, up to and including December 1, 2016. 2. Within 14days of the date of this Order, the Attorney General shall file any requests for information, comments, or a statement regarding its lack of objection to the proposed tariff, to which Sentra shall respond within 14 days of the date of the Attorney General's filing. 3. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further Orders with regard to Sentra's proposed GCR tariff prior to the end of the suspension period.

6/10/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. North Mercer's motion for an extension of time is granted. 2. North Mercer shall file its Answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of this Order. 3. North Mercer's answer shall address the allegations set forth in the formal complaint and discuss in detail the issues raised and relief requested in the pending action in the Mercer Circuit Court.

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6/10/2016 20160610_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

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6/13/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ordering paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the December 18, 2013, Order are stricken. 2. TracFone is not a utility as defined by KRS 278.010(3)(e). 3. TracFone is not subject to the reporting requirements of KRS 278.140. 4. TracFone is not subject to the annual assessment requirements of KRS 278.150.

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Data Request

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Data Request

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6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Attorney General's Motion to Intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulations, 807 KAR 5:001, that apply to this matter. 4. The Attorney General and Atmos shall have seven days from the date of this Order to file written comments or to request an evidentiary hearing. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8(9), within seven days from the date of this Order, the Attorney General shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding should be served. 6. All other provisions of the Commission's prior Orders in this case not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect. 7. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further orders in this matter.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Burkesville and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Burkesville on and after June 28, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Burkesville shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate proposed by Bluegrass is denied. 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Bluegrass on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Bluegrass shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: . The rate proposed by Natural Energy is denied. 2. The rate set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for service rendered by Natural Energy on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Natural Energy shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Martin and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after July 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Martin shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Millennium and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after July 1, 2016. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Millennium shall file with this Commission , using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

6/14/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Citipower are denied. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Citipower on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Citipower shall submit all invoices received from Citigas and Citizens Gas as part of all future GCR filings. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Citipower shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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6/15/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Frontier's request for deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16(4)(k), is granted. 2. Frontier's application in this matter is accepted for filing as of June 8, 2016.

6/16/2016 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

6/16/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Windstream's petition regarding the Pooling Administrator's denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources is granted. 2. The decision of the Pooling Administrator denying Windstream's request for an LRN and assignment of a new NXX code along with a thousands-block of numbers in the Albany rate center of Kentucky is hereby overturned. 3. The NANPA and/or the Pooling Administrator shall assign Windstream the NXX code and thousands-block requested in their petition for the affected rate center. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of serving the need for an LRN and a new thousands-block for deployment of a packet switch and Windstream's corresponding services in connection with a Connect America Fund Phase II project. If the numbering resources requested by Windstream are no longer required to meet its service requirements, the associated

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6/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The AG's motion to compel is denied. 2. Any request for an evidentiary hearing shall be filed by June 24, 2016. 3. If no request for an evidentiary hearing is filed by June 24, 2016, any written comments on all issues including the jurisdictional issue shall be filed by July 8, 2016. 4. Any responses to written comments shall be filed by July 22, 2016. 5. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further orders in this matter.

6/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Sentra's request for an extension time, until June 21 , 2016, to submit its responses to the AG's supplemental request for information is granted. 2. The date for parties to make a filing indicating whether they desire a public hearing in this matter is extended from June 24, 2016, to July 1, 2016.

6/17/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Valley Gas, Inc.

6/17/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. B&H, B&S, and Bud Rife shall appear in Hearing Room No. 1 of the Commission offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, on July 6, 2016, to show cause why they should not subject to penalties pursuant to KRS 278.990 as described in finding paragraph 2 of this Order. 2. Pursuant to KRS 278.360, the record of any formal hearing shall be kept by videotape.

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Data Request

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6/21/2016 20160621_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Martin County Water District

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

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Data Request

6/23/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. LG&E shall submit to the Commission a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Report within 20 days of the date of this Order. 2. LG&E shall appear on August 9, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time ("EDT"), in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Blvd. in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violations of KRS 278.042, the most recent edition of the NESC, and the LG&E Safety Manual, and showing cause why it should not be subject to the penalties prescribed in KRS 278.990(1) for these alleged violations. 3. The August 9, 2016 hearing shall be recorded by videotape only. 4. The Staff Report in the Appendix to this Order is made a part of the record in this case. 5. At the scheduled hearing in this matter, LG&E shall also present evidence on the adequacy, safety, and reasonableness of its practices related to the construction, installation, and repair of electric facilities as they relate to the facts of this case, and whether such practices require revision as related to this incident. 6. Any request for an informal conference with Commission Staff to discuss the issues in this case shall be set forth in writing and filed with the Commission within 20 days of the date of this Order.

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6/27/2016 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company and Licking Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

6/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. KU's Motion to Strike Complainants' Response to KU's Motion to Dismiss is denied. 2. KU's Motion to Dismiss the Complaint with prejudice is granted. 3. KU's Motion to Strike Complainants' Request for Information is denied as moot. 4. KU shall include in its next application for a general adjustment in rates testimony in support of the monthly billing demand provisions of Rate PS. 5. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

6/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Licking Valley shall file any responsive comments in support of its application by July 8, 2016.

6/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The proposed transfer of ownership and control of Cedarbrook's facilities that serve the Cedarbrook Subdivision is approved. 2. The Commission shall petition the Franklin Circuit Court, Division II, in Civil Action No. 15-CI-00417, for an order confirming the transfer of the Cedarbrook facilities approved herein, terminating the existing receivership under which HCSD has had control of those facilities, and requiring a final accounting to the Court of the revenues and expenses of HCSD while acting as receiver. 3. Within ten days of the Franklin Circuit Court confirming the transfer of the Cedarbrook facilities from HCSD as receiver to HCSD as owner, HCSD shall notify the Commission in writing that the proposed transfer has occurred. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 3 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in Cedarbrook's general correspondence file. 5. The Commission's Executive Director shall forward a copy of this Order to HCWA.

6/29/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. North Shelby's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, North Shelby shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

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6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. B&H shall continue to collect the Gas Cost Adjustment ("GCA") component of its rates subject to refund. 2. B&H shall establish an interest-bearing escrow account in which to deposit all GCA revenues above $4.84 per Mcf collected after the date of this Order. 3. GCA revenues collected pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 above shall remain in the interest-bearing account until further Order of the Commission. 4. A request for an evidentiary hearing or statement that a party does not desire a hearing shall be filed by July 8, 2016. 5. If no request for an evidentiary hearing is filed by July 8, 2016, any written comments shall be filed by July 20, 2016. 6. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further Orders in this matter.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The proposed DSM-11 tariff is denied without prejudice for East Kentucky to submit a new outdoor lighting program tariff should it choose to do so.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Columbia's existing EECR Rider and EECR Program shall remain in effect pending the Commission's Final Order in this proceeding.

6/30/2016 20160630_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: The 2016 Wholesale Amendment and the 2016 Retail Agreement are approved as filed. 2. By March 31 of each year, Big Rivers shall file an annual report with the Commission detailing, for the prior calendar year, revenues received from Aleri

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Western Lewis are denied. 2. Western Lewis's request to use 24-month sales volumes in the calculation of its current quarter AA is approved. 3. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Western Lewis on and after July 1, 2016. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Western Lewis shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 5. Western Lewis shall file the information required in finding paragraph 8 concurrent with the filing of its next application for GCR rates.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. West Shelby's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for water service rendered by West Shelby on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, West Shelby shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.27 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Dexter-Almo's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Dexter-Almo shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. North Nelson's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for water service rendered by North Nelson on and after July 1, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, North Nelson shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Valley Gas's request for an extension of time, until July 20, 2016, to submit its responses to Staff's First Request is granted.

6/30/2016 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.26 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Bronston's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for services rendered on and after June 13, 2016. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Bronston shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

7/6/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Atmos Is granted a CPCN that authorizes it to bid on a franchise offered by the city of Earlington, Kentucky, for the transmission and distribution of natural gas. 2. If Atmos is not the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement and a statement disclosing the amount of the initial franchise fee. 4. If Atmos is the successful bidder, Atmos shall, within ten days of an increase or decrease in the amount of the initial franchise fee set forth in the franchise agreement, file with the Commission documentation setting forth the revised fee. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2, 3, or 4 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. 6. This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPCN to construct utility facilities in said city.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: With the PJM Billing Code adjustment addressed in ordering paragraph 2 below, the charges and credits billed by East Kentucky through its FAC for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved. 2. With its first FAC filing made subsequent to the date of this Order, East Kentucky shall be authorized to collect a total of $153,855.55 through its FAC. 3. Beginning with the first FAC backup file submitted subsequent to the date of this Order, East Kentucky shall use the MSHA coal district numbers when identifying the source of its coal purchases.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits billed by Big Rivers through its FAC for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Big Sandy through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Blue Grass through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Clark through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Cumberland Valley through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Farmers through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.

7/7/2016 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the charges and credits applied by Fleming- Mason through the FAG for the period May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015, are approved.
