Kentucky Public Service Commission

Order Vault 2013

Order Vault
Order DateDocument Case Number
1/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Ordering paragraph 5 of that Order is amended to read as follows: 5. Within 30 days of the transfer of assets, Environmental Services shall file with the Commission the journal entry that it proposes to record the asset acquisition. The acquisition shall be recorded in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts.

1/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A shall be followed in this proceeding. 2. KU shall appear at the Commission’s offices on the date set forth in Appendix A. 3. KU shall file its prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of its environmental surcharge mechanism during the periods under review. 4. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and 7 copies. 5. a. The information requested herein is due by the date set forth in Appendix A. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. e. Careful attention should be given to copied material to ensure that it is legible. 6. Within 7 days of the Commission’s granting intervention to a party, KU shall provide the party with a copy of its monthly environmental surcharge reports. 7. KU’s monthly environmental surcharge reports and supporting data for the review periods shall be incorporated by reference into the record of this case. 8. The records of Case Nos. 1993-00465, 2000-00439, 2002-00146, 2003- 00068, 2003-00434, 2004-00426, 2006-00206, 2009-00197 and 2011-00161 shall be incorporated by reference into the record of this case.

1/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A, shall be followed in this proceeding. 2. LG&E shall appear at the Commission’s offices on the date set forth in Appendix A to submit itself to examination on the application of its environmental surcharge as billed to consumers from 5/1/12 through 10/31/12. 3. LG&E shall file its prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of its environmental surcharge mechanism during the period under review. 4. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and seven copies. 5. a. The information requested herein is due on or before the date set forth in Appendix A. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. e. Careful attention should be given to copied material to ensure that it is legible. 6. Within seven days of the Commission’s granting intervention to a party, LG&E shall provide the party with a copy of its monthly environmental surcharge reports as filed with the Commission for each review period. 7. LG&E’s monthly environmental surcharge reports and supporting data for the review periods shall be incorporated by reference into the record of this case. -

1/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Grayson’s motion for an extension of time is granted and Grayson shall have up to and including January 11, 2013, in which to file responses to Commission Staffs First Request for Information.

1/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Brandenburg shall file with the Commission the information listed in Appendix B of the Commission’s Order of November 19, 2012, no later than March 15, 2013. 2. The remaining provisions of the Commission’s Order of November 19, 2012 procedural schedule are suspended pending further order.

1/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. Grant District is authorized to enter into the proposed Lease Finance Agreement with the Bank to receive a lease payment of no more than $1,100,000 for the purpose of retiring its debt obligations under the Assistance Agreement, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the Lease Finance Agreement with the Bank differ from those set forth in Grant District‘s application, Grant District shall, within 30 days of executing the Lease Finance Agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the transaction. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed Lease Finance Agreement, Grant District shall file a copy of the executed Lease Finance Agreement, any documents referenced in the executed Lease Finance Agreement that Grant District has not previously filed with the Commission, and evidence that the state local debt officer has approved the Lease Finance Agreement as KRS 65.944 requires. 4. The proceeds from the Lease Finance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Grant District’s application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

1/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) EKPC's motion for an extension of time to file its answer is granted. (2) EKPC shall file its answer not later than January 12, 2013.

1/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Bullock Pen is authorized to enter into the proposed Lease Finance Agreement with the Bank to receive a lease payment of no more than $860,000 for the purpose of retiring its debt obligations under the Assistance Agreement and the 1978 Bonds, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the Lease Finance Agreement with the Bank differ from those set forth in Bullock Pen’s application, Bullock Pen shall, within 30 days of executing the Lease Finance Agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the transaction. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed Lease Finance Agreement, Bullock Pen shall file a copy of the executed Lease Finance Agreement, any documents referenced in the executed Lease Finance Agreement that Bullock Pen has not previously filed with the Commission, and evidence that the state local debt officer has approved the Lease Finance Agreement as KRS 65.944 requires. 4. The proceeds from the Lease Finance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Bullock Pen’s application. 5. Bullock Pen shall terminate collection of the Phase V Water System Improvement Project surcharge no later than 60 days from the date of the execution of the Lease Finance Agreement.

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1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: AT&T Kentucky is excused from further performance under the interconnection agreement. 2. Halo is liable to AT&T Kentucky for access charges on the non-local traffic it has delivered to AT&T Kentucky for termination to AT&T Kentucky end users. 3. Halo is liable to AT&T Kentucky for interconnection facility charges that Halo has refused to pay to AT&T Kentucky. 4. All other motions are denied as moot. 5. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket. 6. This is a final and appealable Order.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) Joint Stipulation of Facts and Settlement Agreement is adopted and approved in its entirety as complete resolution of all issues in case. (2) Tompkinsville is assessed a penalty of $9,000.00. (3) Tompkinsville shall pay $1,500.00 of the assessed civil penalty within 30 days of the date of this Order. remaining $7,500.00 of the civil penalty shall be suspended on the condition Tompkinsville abides by the terms of this Settlement Agreement and provides all documentation within the timeframe allowed. (4) Tompkinsville shall hire a qualified person as a full-time gas superintendent or have a contract in place with a qualified contractor to run its gas system no later than April 30, 2013. (5) Tompkinsville shall complete the initial leakage survey of the entire system within 30 days of the date of this Order. (6) Tompkinsville shall have all outstanding deficiencies addressed and corrected within 90 days of the date of this Order. (7) Tompkinsville shall submit all forms, reports, and documentation generated in an effort to cure an outstanding deficiency to the Commission within ten days of its completion. Any such forms, reports, and documentation that have already been completed and not yet tendered shall be submitted within ten days of the date of the Order approving this Settlement Agreement. (8) Tompkinsville shall conduct subsequent leakage surveys within its business district at least once every six months, for the next three years (2013-2015).


Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Fleming-Mason Energy Cooperative, Inc.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kentucky Power is authorized to establish a regulatory asset in the amount of $12.146 million, based on its costs for storm damages and service restoration due to the four major 2012 storms that affected customers in its service area. 2. As the total actual storm costs become known, Kentucky Power shall adjust the amount of the asset downward if the total is less than $12.146 million. 3. Kentucky Power shall file the accounting entries it makes to establish and record the regulatory asset authorized herein. Kentucky Power shall file these entries with the Commission no later than January 31, 2013. 4. The amount, if any, of the regulatory asset authorized herein that is to be amortized and recovered in rates shall be determined in Kentucky Power’s next rate case based on an examination of its storm preparedness, its storm restoration efforts, reliability improvement efforts and the reasonableness of the costs incurred. 5. Kentucky Power’s motion to amend its application is denied.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) East Pendleton District's motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 11(2) (a) is granted. (2) East Pendleton District's application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. (3) Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding East Pendleton District's financial condition or operations since December 31, 2011.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Final Order Entered: (1) East Pendleton District is authorized to enter into the Assistance Agreement with KIA to barrow no more than $160,000 to be paid over a 20-year period at an interest rate of 2.75 percent per annum. (2) Within 30 days of executing the proposed Assistance Agreement, East Pendleton District shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that East Pendleton District has not previously filed with the Commission. (3) The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in East Pendleton District’s application. (4) Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: AT&T Kentucky’s Petition regarding NANPA’s denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources in the 606 Numbering Plan Area is granted. 2. The decision of NANPA denying AT&T Kentucky’s request for assignment of a single block of 1,000 numbers in the Prestonsburg rate center is hereby overturned. 3. NANPA shall assign AT&T Kentucky the five thousand block of the 263 NXX (606-263-5XXX) in the Prestonsburg rate center. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of serving AT&T Kentucky’s customer, Highland Health System, in the Prestonsburg rate center. If the service requested by Highland Health System is withdrawn, declined, or terminated, the associated numbering resources approved in this Order shall be returned to NANPA.

1/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; . Johnson County’s proposed rates are suspended for five months from January 9, 2013, up to and including June 4, 2013. 2. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing an Order prior to the end of the suspension period.

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1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The complaint is dismissed and this matter is removed from the Commission's docket.



1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Atmos is authorized to implement a $1,750,000,000 universal shelf registration for equity and debt financing, subject to the provisions and terms contained within its application, superseding the previous universal shelf authority granted in Case No. 2009-00412 upon its expiration on March 31, 2013. 2. The proceeds from the transaction authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application. 3. For any issuance of securities under the universal shelf registration, Atmos shall include, with its monthly financial report to the Commission, a supplemental report detailing the terms and conditions of such equity financing. The supplemental report shall be included with the financial report covering the month of issuance. 4. Atmos shall, within ten days after each issuance of the securities referenced herein, file with the Commission a statement setting forth the date or dates of issuance, the price paid, the interest rate, the purchasers, and all fees and expenses, including underwriting discounts or commission or other compensation, involved in the issuance. In addition, Atmos shall include an explanation as to how the interest rate alternative chosen represents the most reasonable interest rate available at the time of issuance, as well as copies of any executed interest rate management agreements.

1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. This proceeding is established to review the reasonableness of Bath County’s proposed rates.’ 2. No later than February 15, 2013, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Bath County’s requested rate adjustment. 3. Each party shall file with the Commission its written comments and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staffs Report no later than March 1, 2013, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staffs Report, whichever occurs earlier. A party may file with such submission any additional evidence for the Commission’s consideration. 4. A party’s failure to file written objections to a finding or recommendation contained in the Commission Staffs Report by March 1 , 2013, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staffs Report, whichever occurs earlier, shall be deemed as agreement with that finding or recommendation. 5. In the event Commission Staff finds that Bath County’s financial condition supports a higher rate than Bath County proposed or recommends the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in the application, Bath County shall file a written response specifically stating its position on the finding or recommendation.

1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; Kentucky Power is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Van Lear, Kentucky. 2. If Kentucky Power is not the successful bidder, Kentucky Power shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Kentucky Power was not the successful bidder. 3. If Kentucky Power is the successful bidder, Kentucky Power shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System (TFS). 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jackson Energy's proposed revisions to its net metering tariff are suspended for a period of five months, up to and including June 17, 2013.

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Data Request

1/10/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Telephone Conference Call

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The minutes of all meetings of the Sandy Hook Water District Board of Commissioners for the period from March 201 1 through July 2011. 2. All correspondence, memoranda, electronic mail messages, orders, and any other written documentation, originating between March 2011 and July 2011, referencing the appointment of Rebekah Johnston to Sandy Hook Water District's Board of Commissioners.

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: this case is dismissed and removed from the Commission's docket.

1/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Duke Kentucky, Inc.

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the November 29, 2012 Order is suspended and new procedural dates shall be established by a subsequent Order. 2. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, Menifee County shall file a letter indicating its efforts to obtain substitute counsel and when it expects to retain counsel.

1/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST


1/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The Joint Stipulation of Facts and Settlement Agreement is adopted and approved in its entirety as a complete resolution of all issues in this case. (2) Mountain Rural is assessed a penalty of $1,875.00. (3) Mountain Rural shall pay $1,875.00 civil penalty within 30 days of date of this Order by cashier's check or money order. (4) Within 30 days of date of this Order, Mountain Rural shall provide a copy of each of its incident notification contact cards to the Commission, including the contact card with the Commission’s contact information, as well as Mountain Rural’s management contact information. (5) Mountain Rural shall review and update the incident reporting contact information for both Mountain Rural staff and Commission Staff on a regular basis. (6) Within 30 days of the date flagman certification is obtained by Mountain Rural’s employees, Mountain Rural shall provide the Commission with a summary of the training received to certify flagmen by the Kentucky Department of Transportation, including any recertification requirements for employees to maintain the certification, and a list of Mountain Rural employees who received the certification. (7) The hearing scheduled for January 15,2013 is cancelled. (8) Upon payment of the $1,875.00 civil penalty, this case shall be closed and removed from the Commission’s docket without further Order of the Commission. (9)

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The Joint Stipulation of Facts and Settlement Agreement is adopted and approved in its entirety as a complete resolution of all issues in this case. (2) Mountain Rural is assessed a penalty of $2,500.00. (3) Mountain Rural shall pay $2,500.00 civil penalty within 30 days of date of this Order by cashier‘s check or money order. (4) Mountain Rural shall establish an annual safety meeting to be held with Mountain Rural’s contractors. Mountain Rural shall provide the date, time and place of each of these annual meetings to the Commission so that Commission Staff may attend. (5) Mountain Rural shall make all new policies or policy changes available to its contractors for informational purposes. (6) Mountain Rural shall require all contractors to keep written documentation on job briefings and safety meetings on Mountain Rural jobs. (7) Mountain Rural shall perform, or Mountain Rural shall contract with a third party consultant to perform, documented safety audits on its contractors’ compliance with the NESC and any other standards adopted or regulation promulgated by the Commission. On or before June 30, 2013, Mountain Rural shall provide to Commission documentation of its safety audits performed on Mountain Rural’s contractors from January 1, 2013 to June 1, 2013. (8) The hearing scheduled for January 15, 2013 is cancelled. (9) Upon payment of $2,500.00 civil penalty, this case shall be closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER


1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the record in this matter shall remain open until February 15, 2013.

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Big Rivers’ application to supplement or terminate its 1983 Bonds and to issue the 2013A Bonds is to be continued beyond the 60-day period specified in KRS 278.300(2).

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . The employer tax identification and banking account numbers appearing on the document entitled “Authorization for Electronic Deposit of Borrower Payment” is afforded confidential treatment. 2. The Executive Director shall transfer the document in question from the Commission’s public files to the Commission’s confidential files and shall place in the public files a copy in which all employer tax identification and banking account numbers have been redacted.

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) The motion of Kenergy to intervene is granted. (2) Kenergy shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. (3) Should Kenergy file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, Kenergy shall also serve copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

1/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST


1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The rates in the Appendix to this Order, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for final meter readings on and after February 1, 2013. (2) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, equitable shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates authorized herein, reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

1/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) This proceeding is hereby established to determine the reasonableness of River Road's proposed tariff revision. (2) Operation of River Road's proposed tariff is suspended from January 13, 2013 up to and including June 12, 2013.

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1/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) Frontier’s motions to suspend the procedural schedule issued on December 13, 2012, to eliminate the discovery provisions, to treat the Conley’s as limited intervenors for notification purposes only, and to have the case be submitted for decision immediately are denied. (2) The Church’s motion for informal intervention is pending. (3) A hearing in this matter shall be held on Thursday, February 14, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 21 1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. (4) The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. (5) Kentucky Frontier Gas, LLC shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:011, Section 8(5). (6) Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

1/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Teddy Rodgers is appointed to fill the existing vacancy on Western Pulaski District's Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire October 4, 2014. 2. Jimmy Dalton is appointed to fill the existing vacancy on Western Pulaski District's Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire May 22, 2015.

1/16/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Atmos Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for natural gas offered by the city of Park City, Kentucky. 2. If Atmos Energy is not the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos Energy is the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System (TFS). 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Petitioner is granted limited intervention.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. William Higgins is appointed and approved to fill an existing vacancy on Kentucky Turnpike Water District’s Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire on August 31, 2014. 2. Glen Gibson is appointed and approved to fill an existing vacancy on Kentucky Turnpike Water District’s Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire on August 31, 2015. 3. Rudy Hawkins is appointed and approved to fill an existing vacancy on Kentucky Turnpike Water District‘s Board of Commissioners. His term shall expire on August 31, 2016.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on a tract of land approximately 2.1 miles southwest of the Perry/Leslie County line on the Hal Rogers Parkway, Dry Hill, Leslie County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37’ 13’ 21” by West Longitude 83’ 22’ 8.4”. 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence files.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Owen Electric's request to dismiss the Complaint of Tim and Teresa Harris is granted. 2. This proceeding is dismissed and shall be removed from the Commission's docket.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: BCWD is granted a Certificate to proceed with the Frozen Creek Phase I proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. BCWD shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the prior approval of the Commission. 4. BCWD shall file with the Commission documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs engineering, legal, administrative, etc.), within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Unifo rm System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 5. BCWD shall file a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of the substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. BCWD shall require construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer, with a Kentucky registration in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering, to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with the best practices of the construction trades involved in the project

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that the proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after February 1 , 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Atmos shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates authorized herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for service rendered on and after February 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Mike Little shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix to this Order, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered by Jefferson on and after February 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Jefferson shall file its revised tariffs with this Commission setting out the rates authorized herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: South Anderson's proposed rates are approved. The purchased water adjustment of $0.02 per I, 000 as calculated in appendix a is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are fair, just, and reasonable and are approved for services on or after January 1, 2013. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, South Anderson shall file with the Commission revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Auxier are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for service rendered on and after February 1 , 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Auxier shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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1/18/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


1/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment of $0.09 per 1,000 gallons, as calculated in Appendix A, is approved. 2. Magoffin District’s proposed rates are approved for water service rendered on or after January IO, 2013. 3. Magoffin District’s proposed tariff sheets are approved as filed.

1/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The time period in which Salyersville must provide notice to the Commission of the revisions to its wholesale water service rate is reduced to 20 days. (2) The proposed revisions to Salyersville's wholesale water service rate are accepted and effective as of January 10, 2013. (3) The proposed revised tariff sheet is accepted.

1/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 12, YMax is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order.

1/22/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The designation of Boomerang as a limited ETC is conditioned on Boomerang’s compliance with: (1) the representations and commitments made by Boomerang in its ETC application and its Compliance Plan; and (2) the FCC rules, including those adopted by the FCC in the Lifeline Reform Order. 2. Boomerang is designated as an ETC for the purpose of offering Lifeline service only in the underlying carriers’ licensed service areas throughout the state. 3. During the current certification period, Boomerang shall be eligible to receive federal and Kentucky USF support for Lifeline. 4. Boomerang shall advertise the availability of and charges for these services using media of general distribution. 5. Boomerang shall comply with the FCC’s annual certification process for Lifeline customers. 6. A copy of this Order shall be served upon the FCC and the USAC.

1/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KRWA’s instruction conducted at its regional meeting on January 15, 2013 in Morehead, Kentucky 2013-001) is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2 credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWAs instruction conducted at its regional meeting on January 17, 2013 in Owensboro, Kentucky (WT 201 3-002) is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2 credit hours of water district management training. 3. KRWA's instruction to be conducted at its regional meeting on January 24, 2013 in Draffenville, Kentucky (WT 201 3-003) is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2 credit hours of water district management training. 4. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 5. No later than February 15, 2013, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA's application; and C. The name of each water district commissioner who attended, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended.

1/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for final meter readings on and after February 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days from the date of this Order, Bright’s Propane shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Public is denied. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein is approved for service rendered on and after February 10, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Public shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates authorized herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Public is denied. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein is approved for service rendered on and after February 10, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Public shall file its revised tariff sheets with this Commission setting out the rates authorized herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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1/22/2013 20130122_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2012-00520
1/23/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Set of Information Requests to Southern Water and Sewer District

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Farmers’ proposed Prepay Program is approved. 2. Farmers’ request for deviation from 807 KAR 5:006, Sections 6 and 14, for the Prepay Program is approved. 3. Farmers shall track data and maintain records as required in finding paragraph 3 above, and shall submit the information to the Commission in a supplemental report filed at the time it files its Annual Report. 4. Within 10 days of this Order, Farmers shall file its Prepay Program Rider tariff and Agreement for Participation in the Pay-As-You-Go Program showing the date issued and that it was issued by authority of this Order. 5. In its next application requiring Articles of Incorporation be filed with the Commission, Farmers shall provide a certified copy of its March 15, 1938 Articles of Incorporation and a certified copy of its July 24, 1939 Amendment to those Articles.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Nebo District is authorized to enter into the proposed Assistance Agreement with KIA to borrow no more than $92,000 to be repaid over a 20-year period at a 2 percent annual rate of interest. 2. The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Nebo District’s application. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed Assistance Agreement, Nebo District shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that Nebo District has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Nebo District’s application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein shall be followed. 2. All provisions of the Commission’s November 16, 2012 Order relating to the form for information requests, responses, testimony, motions, and objections shall remain in effect and be followed by the parties. 3. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after January 28, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Delta shall file its revised tariffs. 3. Delta's Application for GCR rates effective November 2013 shall include the information required herein concerning the effectiveness of its EGC calculation revision.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by People's are denied. 2. The rates in the appendix are approved for billing for service rendered on and After February 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, People's shall file its revised tariffs.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rate in the Appendix is approved for gas supplied on and after February 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file its revised tariff.

1/24/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Todd County are approved. 2. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.10 per 1,000 gallons as calculated in Appendix A is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B are approved for water service rendered on and after March 1 , 2013. 4. Todd County’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

1/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Fleming-Mason is hereby ordered to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order.

1/24/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.

1/24/2013 DATA_REQUEST01


1/24/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Marion District’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Marion District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Marion District's financial condition or operations since December 31, 2011.

1/24/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Union District's proposed rates are denied. 2. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.17 per 1,000 gallons as calculated in Appendix A is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that Union District renders on and after January 1, 2013. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Union District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/24/2013 20130124_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00583
1/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Navitas’s request to establish a regulatory asset account to record the cost of preparing compliance documentation is denied.2. Navitas’s request that the Commission find that the hiring of Tri-Star is a prudent and necessary investment is denied.

1/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order entered: The informal conference scheduled in this matter for January 17, 2013 and the hearing scheduled in this matter for February 5, 2013 are continued generally. 2. Middletown Waste Disposal, Inc. and Commission Staff shall file any stipulation of facts with the Commission no later than February 15, 2013.

1/25/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

1/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s request for approval to assume certain liabilities in connection with the transfer of the Mitchell generation station is continued beyond the 60-day period specified in KRS 278.300(2). 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix shall be followed. 3. a. Responses shall be appropriately bound and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions. b. Each response shall be answered under oath, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. 4. All parties shall respond to any requests for production of documents that Commission Staff submits. 5. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and ten copies. 6. At any public hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimonies shall be permitted. 7. Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing.

1/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Navitas KY are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for service rendered on and after February 1, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Navitas KY shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

1/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of New Castle, Kentucky . 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) Kenergy is granted an increase in annual revenues of $519,376 over and above the increase previously granted in our November 17, 2011 Order. (2) The rates set forth in the Appendix attached hereto are approved for service rendered on and after September 11, 2011. (3) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Kenergy shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing system, its revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and stating that they were approved pursuant to this Order. (4) Not later than February 8, 2013, Kenergy shall file with this Commission the information described in the Revenue Recovery Mechanism section of this Order.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The November 17, 2011 Rate Order is modified to (a) grant Big Rivers an additional increase in annual revenues of $1,042,535 above the revenue increase granted therein; (b) reflect the revised allocation of the $1 million DSM expense; and (c) correct the finding related to the financial model Big Rivers used in conjunction with the Unwind Transaction, as discussed in the findings above. 2. The rates in the appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Big Rivers on and after September 1, 2011. 3. Big Rivers' request to modify the November 17, 2011 Order to include depreciation expense on plant contained in its year-end Construction Work In Progress is denied. 4. KIUC's requests to modify the November 17, 2011 Order to adopt the KlUC proposed depreciation rates and to revise the revenue allocation to eliminate the Rural class subsidy are denied. 5. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Big Rivers shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates and charges approved herein and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order. 6. Not later than February 8, 2013, Big Rivers shall file the information described in the Revenue Recovery Mechanism section of this Order.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. Meade is granted an increase in annual revenues of $208,839 over and above the increase previously granted in our November 17, 2011 Order. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix attached hereto are approved for service rendered on and after September 1, 2011. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Meade shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and stating that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 4. Not later than February 8, 2013, Meade shall file with this Commission the information described in the Revenue Recovery Mechanism section of this Order.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) Jackson Purchase is granted an increase in annual revenues of $291,130 over and above the increase previously granted in our November 17, 2011 Order. (2) The rates set forth in the Appendix attached hereto are approved for service rendered on and after September 1, 2011. (3) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Jackson Purchase shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and stating that they were approved pursuant to this Order. (4) Not later than February 8, 2013, Jackson Purchase shall file with this Commission the information described in the Revenue Recovery Mechanism section of this Order.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; EKPC’s motion for an extension of time to file its responsive comments is granted. 2. EKPC shall file an updated analysis and discussion of the specific impacts on its 2012 IRP as a result of EKPC’s becoming a fully integrated member of PJM by February 4, 2013. 3. Intervenors may file supplemental comments concerning EKPC’s analysis and discussion of the impacts on EKPC’s 2012 IRP as a result of EKPC’s joining PJM by February 11, 2013. 4. EKPC shall file its responsive comments by February 18’ 2013.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Marion District is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to proceed with the proposed water system improvement project as set forth in its application. 2. Marion District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the approval of the Commission. 4. Marion District shall furnish documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (engineering, legal, administrative, etc.), within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 5. Marion District shall file with the Commission a copy of the “as-built’’ drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. Marion District shall require the construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in con

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1) Symsonia District is granted leave to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a). 2) Symsonia District’s application is considered filed as of date of this Order. 3) Symsonia District’s notice of proposed rate adjustment is deemed effective as of date of this Order. 4) The rates set forth in Symsonia District’s application are suspended up to and including July 24, 2013. 5) The period for review of Symsonia District’s application for authorization to execute an Assistance Agreement with KIA is continued generally. 6) No later than April 1, 2013, Commission Staff shall file a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Symsonia District’s requested rate adjustment. 7) The parties shall file their written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report no later than April 15, 2013, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier. 8) A party’s failure to file written objections to a finding or recommendation contained in the Staff Report by April 30, 2013, or 14 days after the date of filing of Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, shall be deemed as agreement with that finding or recommendation. 9) No later than April 30, 2013, or 14 days after the filing of the Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party shall notify Commission whether matter may be submitted for decision based upon existing record without hearing.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Middletown Waste’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:OOl. Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Middletown Waste’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Middletown Waste’s financial condition or operations since December 31, 2011.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of service of this Order. Should documents of any kind be filed with the Commission in the course of this proceeding, the documents shall also be served on all parties of record.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of McHenry, Kentucky. (2) If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. (3) If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. (4) Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. (5) This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: Big Rivers shall have an extension of six months, or until May 15, 2014, in which to file its next triennial IRP.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Commission, on its own motion, hereby reschedules the February 5, 2013 Informal Conference to Wednesday, February 13, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and Orders that Big Rivers Electric Corporation may appear telephonically at the Informal Conference. All questions related to this Informal Conference should be made to Faith Burns, Commission Staff Attorney, at (502) 564-3940, 502-782-2582, or Faith . Burns@

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order entered: The rates proposed by Johnson County are denied. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Johnson County shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: KRWA's instruction conducted on December 21, 2012, at its offices in Bowling Green, Kentucky is accredited and approved for a maximum of 6.0 credit hours of water district management training.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KRWA’s 2013 Management Conference (WT 2013-004), which will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on February 20-21 , 201 3 is accredited and approved for a maximum of 9.0 credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentation. 3. No later than March 15, 2013, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA’s application; and c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended 4. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 3 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the Commission’s general correspondence file.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The proposed rates by Cannonsburg are denied. 2. The purchased water adjustment of $0.17 per 1,000 gallons and the rates in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are fair, just, and reasonable and are approved for services rendered on and after January 13, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Cannonsburg shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) The advised and amended Complaint shall be accepted and filed. (2) LG&E's motion for an extension of time is granted and LG&E shall satisfy the matter complained of or file a written Answer to the revised and amended Complaint no later than ten days for the date of this Order.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Clay, Kentucky. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Russell Springs, Kentucky 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

1/31/2013 20130131_LG&E and KU response to PSC Order semi annual reports for July 1, 12 through December 31, 2012.pdf

LG&E and KU response to PSC Order semi annual reports for July 1, 12 through December 31, 2012

1/31/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jessamine-South Elkhorn District’s Motion to Postpone and Re-Schedule Hearing is granted. 2. The hearing in this matter, which was originally scheduled for January 10, 2013, is rescheduled to March 13, 2013 at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time. 3. A telephone conference shall be held for the purpose of considering the possibility of settlement, the simplification of issues, and any other matters that may aid in the handling or disposition of this case, beginning at 10:30 a.m., Eastern Standard Time on March 7, 2013 4. Commission Staff shall make arrangements for the telephone conference call and shall advise the parties of those arrangements by the appropriate medium.

1/31/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Big Rivers Electric Corporation

1/31/2013 DATA_REQUEST


1/31/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Adair District’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Adair District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Adair District’s financial condition or operations since December 31, 2011.

1/31/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. Adair District is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to proceed with the proposed construction. 2. Adair District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the approval of the Commission. 4, Adair District shall furnish documentation of the total costs of this construction including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 5. Adair District shall file with the Commission a copy of the "as-built" drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. Adair District shall require the construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with the best practices of the construction trades involved in the project.

1/31/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. This proceeding is established to investigate the reasonableness of the proposed tariff revisions. 2. North Shelby’s proposed tariff revision is suspended for five months from February I , 2013, up to and including June 30, 2013. 3. a. North Shelby shall file with the Commission no later than February 15, 2013, an original and five copies, with a copy to all parties of record, of the information listed in the Appendix to this Order. b. North Shelby’s response shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed. Each response shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided. c. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge.

2/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Big Rivers’ proposed rates are suspended for six months, up to and including August 17, 2013. 2.The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix shall be followed. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and 10 copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. 4. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and 10 paper copies. 5. Big Rivers shall give notice of the hearing in accordance with the provisions set out: in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2). At the time publication is requested, Big Rivers shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 6. At any public hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimonies shall be permitted. 7. Any objections or motions relating to discovery or procedural dates shall be filed upon four business days' notice. 8. Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing.


Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Fleming-Mason energy Cooperative, Inc.

2/4/2013 PSC staffs request for information to Big Sandy Elec Coop, Fleming Mason Energy Coop and Grayson REC

PSC staffs request for information to Big Sandy Elec Coop, Fleming Mason Energy Coop and Grayson RECC

2/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The Joint Stipulation of Facts and Settlement Agreement is adopted & approved as a complete resolution of all issues in this case. (2) LG&E is assessed a penalty of $250,000.00. (3) LG&E shall pay $125,000.00 of the $250,000.00 civil penalty within 30 days of this Order by cashier’s check or money order payable to Kentucky State Treasurer & mailed or delivered to Office of General Counsel, KY PSC. (4) The remaining $125,000.00 of civil penalty is suspended on condition that LG&E abide by terms contained in Settlement Agreement & provide all documentation required within time allotted in ordering paragraphs 5, 6, 8, and 9 herein. (5) Within 30 days of date of entry of this Order approving Settlement Agreement, LG&E shall provide the following: Records of all leak investigation & emergency-response procedures & situational-awareness training conducted during 2012 which place increased emphasis on leak probing, leak pinpointing, & perimeter establishment, including: Records of all leak investigation procedure audits & tests conducted during 2012 which place increased emphasis on leak probing, leak pinpointing, and perimeter establishment; Records of all leak investigation & emergency response awareness initiatives implemented during 2012 which place increased emphasis on leak probing, leak pinpointing, & perimeter establishment; and Summary documentation of leak investigation & emergency response policy or procedural changes implemented during 2012.


Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company

2/6/2013 20130206_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing for the purposes of hearing TracFone’s oral argument shall begin on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, and shall continue until concluded. 2. On or before March 5, 2013, TracFone shall file with the Commission the direct testimony of any witnesses it may call at oral argument.

2/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Big Rivers’ motion to amend and supplement its application is granted. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the appendix to this Order shall be followed in this proceeding. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties by the time of filing and ten copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, he accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond. 4. Motions for extensions of time shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

2/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) EKPC's motion for an extension of time through February 28, 2013 to file amended contracts related to PJM Demand Response programs, is granted. (2) EKPC shall file the amended contracts with the Commission using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Nexus’s motion is granted 2. The Commission will return the documents filed with a Petition for Confidentiality on June 16, 2011 to the Applicant’s Attorney.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Appendix to the January 29, 2013 Order is amended to reflect a renewable resource energy rider per kWh of $.030492 for Schedule 23 for direct-served customers (excluding Class A). 2. All other provisions of the January 29, 2013 Order shall remain in full force and effect.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Appendix to the January 29, 2013 Order is amended to reflect a renewable resource energy rider per kWh of $.030492 for Schedule G-I for direct served customers. 2. All other provisions of the January 29, 2013 Order shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Jackson Purchase shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and stating that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that this case is closed and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: this proceeding is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Middletown is authorized to enter into the proposed loan agreement with Chase and to borrow no more than $35,000 for a term of 60 months at an interest rate of 5.9 percent per annum. 2. Within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, Middletown Waste Disposal shall file an executed copy of that agreement with the Commission. 3. The proceeds from the transaction authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Middletown Waste Disposal's application. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) The petition of Sierra Club to intervene is granted. (2) Sierra Club shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. (3) Should Sierra Club file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, Sierra Club shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) E is authorized to execute notes to CoBank to borrow no more than $2,892,121 for the purpose of refunding the outstanding indebtedness as described in its application, but only under such terms and conditions as will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. (2) If the actual terms and conditions of the CoBank notes differ from those set forth in its application, CVE shall, within 10 days of executing the agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. (3) CVE shall execute the CoBank loan documents as authorized herein. (4) Within 10 days of finalizing the refinancing transaction, CVE shall notify the Commission in writing of the exact amount of the new CoBank loan. (5) Within 10 days of the execution of the new CoBank loan documents, CVE shall file with the Commission three copies of the loan documents. (6) Any documents filed pursuant to Ordering paragraphs 2, 4, and 5 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: North Logan's proposed rates are approved. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.10 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B are fair, just, and reasonable and are approved for service rendered on or after March 1 , 2013. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, North Logan shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the approved rates.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. AT&T Kentucky’s petition regarding NANPA’s denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources in the 502 NPA is granted. 2. The decision of NANPA to deny AT&T Kentucky’s request for assignment of new NXX containing 10,000 sequential numbers in the Louisville rate center is hereby overturned. 3. NANPA shall assign AT&T Kentucky an available NXX for the St. Matthews’ switch in the Louisville rate center. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of serving AT&T Kentucky’s customer, Baptist Hospital East, in the Louisville rate center. If the service requested by Baptist Hospital East is withdrawn, declined, or terminated, the associated numbering resources approved in this Order shall be returned to NANPA.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: West Shelby’s proposed rates are approved. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.0175 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that West Shelby renders on or after February 19, 2013. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, West Shelby shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the approved rates with an effective date of February 19, 2013.

2/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Auxier are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered on and after March 1, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Auxier shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST01

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Mona Corrin Jarboe

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST01

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Steven L. Miles

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

2/11/2013 DATA_REQUEST01

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to David Ballantine Bell

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Air Liquide's request to be allowed to take service under Kentucky Power's Tariff RTP is denied.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s extension of service to the Hampton property, as agreed upon by Kentucky Power and Big Sandy, is approved. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order the parties shall file with the Commission in this case: a. The GPS coordinates upon which they rely. b. A map showing the location of the property and the service territory boundary .

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation (“Big Sandy”) from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Big Sandy shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Big Sandy filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Big Sandy shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Big Sandy shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Blue Grass shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Blue Grass filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Blue Grass shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Blue Grass shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Clark shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Clark filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Clark shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Clark shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc. from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Cumberland Valley shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Cumberland Valley filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Cumberland Valley shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Cumberland Valley shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Farmers shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Farmers filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Farmers shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Farmers shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Fleming-Mason Energy Cooperative, Inc. from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Fleming-Mason shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Fleming Mason filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Fleming-Mason shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Fleming-Mason shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Grayson shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Grayson filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Grayson shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Grayson shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Inter-County Energy Cooperative Corporation from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Inter-County shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Inter-County filed with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Inter-County shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Inter-County shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A public hearing shall be held on April 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky, to examine the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of Jackson Energy Cooperative Corporation from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. If no interested party files written notice with the Commission of its intent to attend this hearing by April 5, 2013, the public hearing shall be cancelled and the matter shall be considered submitted for decision based on the evidence in the record. 2. Jackson Energy shall file an affidavit with the Commission no later than 21 days from the date of this Order attesting to its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 807 KAR 5:056. 3. All documents that Jackson Energy with the Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 51056, Sections 1(7) and (9), during the period under review are incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 4. Jackson Energy shall publish the following notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in its service areas or in a trade publication or newsletter going to all customers. Jackson Energy shall also file an Affidavit of Publication of Hearing Notice with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013. 5. The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Public Hearing to be held on April 9, 13 at 10 am. Shall file affidavit with the PSC no later than 21 days from date of this Order. Shall Publish notice not less than 7 days or more than 21 days prior to the hearing, Shall also file affidavit of publication of hearing notice no later than April 5, 2013. Official Record is video only, Shall file no later than 30 days of the date of this Order responses to all information requested in the appendix to Order.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Western Pulaski is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Phase I of the proposed construction project. Western Pulaski’s proposed plan of financing is accepted. Western Pulaski is authorized to issue Waterworks Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000 to RD at an interest rate not exceeding 2.25 percent per annum. 4. The proceeds from the proposed issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds shall be used only for the first phase of the project as specified in Western Pulaski’s application, and none of proceeds shall be used for the second phase until Western Pulaski obtains a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for that phase of the project. 5. Western Pulaski shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 6. Western Pulaski shall file a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement from the engineer that the construction of the first phase of the project has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction certified herein. 7. Western Pulaski shall require the construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a professional engineer with a Kentucky registration in civil or mechanical engineering to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Nolin’s proposed Prepay Electric Services tariff is suspended for five months, up to and including July 13, 2013. 2. Nothing shall prevent the Commission from issuing further Orders prior to the end of the suspension period.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric services offered by the city of Jamestown, Kentucky. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. ‘This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

2/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jackson Purchase is hereby ordered to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The record of this proceeding shall remain open for seven days from the date of this Order to permit the parties to submit any relevant documents regarding the proposed rates. 2. At the end of this seven-day period, the record of this proceeding shall be closed and this matter shall stand submitted for decision.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I . Environmental Services’ request to amend the Order of November 19, 2012 is granted. 2. Ordering paragraph l(b) of the Order of November 19, 2012 is amended to read as follows: b. Within 60 days of the date of this Order, Environmental Services shall obtain and file with the Commission an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $10,000 with a minimum term of 1 year and payable to the receiver appointed by Franklin Circuit Court in the event that the Commission finds that Environmental Services has abandoned the sewage treatment and collection facilities serving the Golden Acres and Great Oaks Subdivisions and brings an action pursuant to KRS 278.021 for the appointment of such receiver. 3. So long as Environmental Services owns sewage treatment and collection facilities serving the Golden Acres and Great Oaks Subdivisions it shall obtain and continue to hold an irrevocable letter of credit that meets the requirements of ordering paragraph 1 (b) of the Commission’s Order of November 19, 201 2, as amended. Within 10 days of the expiration of an existing irrevocable letter of credit, Environmental Services shall file with the Commission a copy of its replacement letter of credit. 4. All other provisions of the Order of November 19, 2012 remain in effect.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Jackson Purchase to intervene is granted, and Jackson Purchase shall accept the existing procedural schedule. 2. Jackson Purchase shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should Jackson Purchase file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, Jackson Purchase shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Alcan to intervene is granted, and Alcan shall accept the existing procedural schedule. 2. Alcan shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should Alcan file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, Alcan shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER02

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Meade County to intervene is granted, and Meade County shall accept the existing procedural schedule. 2. Meade County shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should Meade County file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, Meade County shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky is authorized to obtain long-term debt in an aggregate amount not to exceed $150 million as set forth in its application for the period ending December 31, 2014. 2. Duke Kentucky is authorized to borrow from Boone County, Kentucky, or another authorized issuer of tax-exempt bonds in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, for a term not to exceed 40 years, the proceeds of up to a maximum of $26.72 million aggregate principal amount of Authority Bonds that may be issued in one or more series, for the period ending 12/31/14. 3. Duke Kentucky is authorized to use interest-rate management techniques and to enter into interest-rate management agreements as will reduce its overall interest costs. Further, in the event that Duke Kentucky enters into an interest-rate management agreement, a copy of the agreement shall be provided to the Commission within 30 days of its execution. 4. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application. 5. Duke Kentucky shall agree only to such terms and prices as are consistent with this Order. 6. Duke Kentucky shall, within 30 days from the date of issuance, file with this Commission a statement setting forth the date of issuance of the securities authorized, the price paid, the interest rate, all fees and expenses, including underwriting discounts or commissions or other compensation, involved in the issuance and distribution of any such securities.

2/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) LG&E's request for an extension of time to file its next status report is granted. (2) LG&E shall submit its next status report on or before June 28, 2013.

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2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Grayson’s rates are suspended for five months from the February 28, 2013 effective date up to and including July 27, 2013. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix shall be followed. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. 4. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and ten copies with the Commission, with copies to all parties of record. 5. Grayson shall give notice of the hearing in accordance with the provisions set out in 807 KAR 5:011, Section 8(5). At the time publication is requested, Grayson shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 6. At any public hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimony shall be permitted. 7. Any objections or motions relating to discovery or procedural dates shall be filed upon four business days’ notice or the filing party shall explain, in writing, why such notice was not possible. 8. Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Donald P. Seberger is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Alcan in the above-styled proceeding provided that David C. Brown, or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association, acts as co-counsel and is present at any and all proceedings before this Commission.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . East Kentucky shall appear in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, on April 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., to submit itself to examination on the application of its Fuel Adjustment Clause (“FAC”) from November 1 , 2010 to October 31, 2012. 2. Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to the, East Kentucky shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of the purpose, time, place, and date of the scheduled hearing. 3. East Kentucky shall file with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for the hearing. 4. The Commission adopts the procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A. 5. a. East Kentucky shall file with the Commission, on or before March 1, 2013, its responses to all requests for information listed in Appendix B. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. e. Careful attention shall be given to copied material to ensure its legibility. 6. East Kentucky shall, on or before March 1, 2013, file with the Commission written direct testimony of the witnesses East Kentucky intends to call at the scheduled hearing in this matter.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1 . KU shall appear in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, on April 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., to submit itself to examination on the application of its Fuel Adjustment Clause (“FAC”) from November 1 , 2010 to October 31, 2012. 2. Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to the, KU shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of the purpose, time, place, and date of the scheduled hearing. 3. KU shall file with the Commission no later than April 5, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for the hearing. 4. The Commission adopts the procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A. 5. a. KU shall file with the Commission, on or before March 1, 2013, its responses to all requests for information listed in Appendix B. b. Each response shall be answered under oath. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. e. Careful attention shall be given to copied material to ensure its legibility. 6. KU shall, on or before March 1, 2013, file with the Commission written direct testimony of the witnesses KU intends to call at the scheduled hearing in this matter.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) LG&E shall appear in Hearing Room 1 on April 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. (2) Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to hearing, LG&E shall publish in newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of purpose, time, place, and date of the. (3) LG&E shall file no later than April 5, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for hearing. (4) The Commission adopts the procedural schedule in Appendix A to this Order, which is incorporated by reference herein. (5) LG&E shall file on or before March 1, 2013, its responses to requests for information listed in Appendix B. (6) LG&E shall, on or before March 1, 2013, file written direct testimony of the witnesses LG&E intends to call at the hearing. (7) At the scheduled hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimony shall be permitted. (8) LG&E's request to be allowed to file electronically is granted. All participants shall follow the electronic filing procedures found in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. (9) Intervenors may serve interrogatories and requests for production of documents upon LG&E in accordance with the procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A. (10) All documents LG&E filed with Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Sections 1(7) and 1 (9), for the period under review are incorporated by reference into record of this proceeding.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) DUKE KENTUCKY shall appear in Hearing Room 1 on April 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. (2) Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to hearing, DUKE KENTUCKY shall publish in newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of purpose, time, place, and date of the. (3) DUKE KENTUCKY shall file no later than April 5, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for hearing. (4) The Commission adopts the procedural schedule in Appendix A to this Order, which is incorporated by reference herein. (5) DUKE KENTUCKY shall file on or before March 1, 2013, its responses to requests for information listed in Appendix B. (6) DUKE KENTUCKY shall, on or before March 1, 2013, file written direct testimony of the witnesses DUKE KENTUCKY intends to call at the hearing. (7) At the scheduled hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimony shall be permitted. (8) DUKE KENTUCKY's request to be allowed to file electronically is granted. All participants shall follow the electronic filing procedures found in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. (9) Intervenors may serve interrogatories and requests for production of documents upon DUKE KENTUCKY in accordance with the procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A. (10) All documents DUKE KENTUCKY filed with Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Sections 1(7) and 1 (9), for the period under review are incorporated by reference into record of this proceeding.

2/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) BIG RIVERS shall appear in Hearing Room 1 on April 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. (2) Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to hearing, BIG RIVERS shall publish in newspaper of general circulation in each area in which it serves notice of purpose, time, place, and date of the. (3) BIG RIVERS shall file no later than April 5, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for hearing. (4) The Commission adopts the procedural schedule in Appendix A to this Order, which is incorporated by reference herein. (5) BIG RIVERS shall file on or before March 1, 2013, its responses to requests for information listed in Appendix B. (6) BIG RIVERS shall, on or before March 1, 2013, file written direct testimony of the witnesses BIG RIVERS intends to call at the hearing. (7) At the scheduled hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimony shall be permitted. (8) BIG RIVERS's request to be allowed to file electronically is granted. All participants shall follow the electronic filing procedures found in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. (9) Intervenors may serve interrogatories and requests for production of documents upon BIG RIVERS in accordance with the procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A. (10) All documents BIG RIVERS filed with Commission pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Sections 1(7) and 1 (9), for the period under review are incorporated by reference into record of this proceeding.

2/14/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


2/14/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Big Rivers Electric Corporation

2/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky is authorized to enter into Capital Leases up to $25 million in one or more transactions through December 31 2014. 2. Duke Kentucky shall agree only to such terms and prices that are consistent with the parameters set out in its application. 3. Duke Kentucky shall, within 10 days after entering into a Capital Lease, file with the Commission a statement setting forth the starting date and period of the lease, a description of the property, the name and address of the lessor, the dollar amount of the lease, any stated or implied interest rate, all fees and expenses included in the lease and a copy of any participation agreements. In addition, Duke Kentucky shall perform an analysis comparing the cost of financing through Capital Leases to that of other forms of debt financing for any Capital Lease in excess of $1,000,000. The analysis and supporting data should be retained as documentation for establishing ratepayer benefits from Capital Leases during future rate proceedings. 4. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

2/14/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to YMax Communications Corporation

2/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Fountain Run’s motion for an extension of time to file its answer to the complaint of Robert Hawkins is granted. 2. Fountain Run shall satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within 14 days from the date of this Order.

2/14/2013 20130214_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/15/2013 20130215_KU response to PSC Order of Sept 30, 10.pdf

KU response to PSC Order of Sept 30, 10


Notice of Filing of Commission Staff Report

2/15/2013 PSC_Staff Report

Notice of Filing Commission Staff Report

2/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Prior Commission approval is not required pursuant to KRS 278.020(5) and KRS 278.020(6) for the merge of NEWCO Kentucky and Kentucky Power.

2/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Louisville Gas and Electric Company

2/15/2013 20130215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00469
2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The LCCW and “cash-back” promotions should be discounted by the wholesale discount. 2. The “word-of-mouth” promotion is not a telecommunications service that needs to be made available for resale. 3. Angles is liable to AT&T Kentucky for the undisputed balances that it withheld from AT&T Kentucky as well as the wrongfully withheld charges associated with the LCCW, “word-of-mouth,” and “cash-back” promotions. 4. Angles’ counter-claim is dismissed. 5. This is a final and appealable Order.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . The LCCW and “cash-back” promotions should be discounted by the wholesale discount. 2. The “word-of-mouth” promotion is not a telecommunications service that needs to be made available for resale. 3. LifeConnex is liable to AT&T Kentucky for the undisputed balances that it withheld from AT&T Kentucky as well as the wrongfully withheld charges associated with the LCCW, “word-of-mouth,” and “cash-back” promotions. 4. LifeConnex’s counterclaim is dismissed. 5. This is a final and appealable Order.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix shall be followed.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The joint motion of LG&E and Steve N. Nichols to dismiss this case with prejudice is granted. 2. this proceeding is closed and shall be removed from the Commission's docket.

2/19/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to glen and Patricia A. Damron

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for billing with the final meter readings beginning on February 28, 201 3. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Muhlenberg District’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Muhlenberg District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Muhlenberg District’s financial condition or operations since December 31,2011.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Crittenden-Livingston District’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Crittenden-Livingston District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Crittenden-Livingston District’s financial condition or operations since December 31. 2011.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered on and after March 6, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Burkesville shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: BLC Management's designation as an ETC is revoked in Kentucky.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Duke and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after March 1 I 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Duke shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

2/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Big Rivers' request for an extension of time until April 30, 2013 to file its 2012 Appendix G statistics is granted.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kenergy is authorized to bill its customers a total of $710,757.24 as detailed in its February 8, 2013 filing. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Kenergy shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the details of the billings approved in ordering paragraph 1 above and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Big Rivers is authorized to bill its member cooperatives a total of $4,355,168.61 over the period March 2013 through July 2013 as detailed in its February 8, 2013 filing. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Big Rivers shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the details of the billings approved in ordering paragraph 1 above and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Meade is authorized to hill its customers a total of $269,752.90 as detailed in its February 7, 2013 filing. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Meade shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the details of the billings approved in ordering paragraph 1 above and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Jackson Purchase is authorized to bill its customers a total of $374,658.47 as detailed in this Order. 2. Jackson Purchase shall comply with the requirements contained in Finding Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 as if same were individually so ordered. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Jackson Purchase shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the details of the billings approved in ordering paragraphs 1 and 2 above and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; that this case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A hearing to allow for public comment on Frontier‘s above application shall be scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky . 2. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. 3, Kentucky Frontier Gas, LLC shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001 Section 9(2)(b). 4. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61 “878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted. 2. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until further order of the Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment of $0.04 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Big Sandy’s propose rates are approved for water service rendered on and after January 13, 2013. 3. Big Sandy’s tariff sheets, as filed in Big Sandy’s application, are approved.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KRWFC’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. KRWFC’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding financial condition or operations since December 31, 2011 of the 16 water districts on whose behalf KRWFC is acting.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Crittenden-Livingston District is authorized to enter into an agreement with KRWFC to borrow no more than $2,420,5008 for the purpose of refunding the outstanding indebtedness, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in its application, Crittenden-Livingston District shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, Crittenden-Livingston District shall file a copy of the executed Assistance Agreement and any documents referenced in the executed Assistance Agreement that Crittenden-Livingston District has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. The proceeds from the Assistance Agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Crittenden-Livingston District's application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Affordable's request to withdraw as an EPC is granted. This case is now closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

2/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Absolute Home Phones’ request to withdraw as an ETC is granted. This case is now closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

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2/21/2013 20130221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00433
2/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted.2 The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until January 1, 2031. At the end of this period, the material shall be placed in the public record. The Movant may request that the material continue to be treated as confidential but must demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions established in KRS 61.878. 3. If Movant objects to the time limits that the Commission has placed on the confidential treatment for the materials in question, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission’s determination of the period for which the material is afforded confidential treatment and will require Movant to demonstrate a change in circumstances in any subsequent motion for continued confidential treatment of the material in question after the end of the period set forth in ordering paragraph 2. 4. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 6. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by

2/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1.Kentucky Power’s motion to amend the application is granted. 2. Kentucky Power’s request that the current residential and commercial DSM factors remain in effect until the Commission’s Order in Kentucky Power’s next DSM proceeding is approved. The current rates in effect are the following: Residential $0.000826 Commercial $0.000538 3. A two-year extension, rather than a three-year extension as requested by Kentucky Power, is approved for the following programs: (I)Commercial Incentive Program; (2) Residential and Small Commercial Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning ("HVAC”) Diagnostic and Tune-up Program; (3) Residential Efficient Products Program; and (4) Commercial High Efficiency Heat Pump/Air Conditioner Program beginning 2013, along with the evaluation reports for those programs. 4. The evaluation reports are approved for the following Kentucky Power DSM programs: (1) Commercial Incentive Program; (2) Residential and Small Commercial Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Diagnostic and Tune-up Program; (3) Residential Efficient Products Program; and (4) Commercial High Efficiency Heat Pump/Air Conditioner Program. 5. Consistent with Kentucky Power’s request to amend its application, the one-year extension of the Pilot RCLM Program through December 31, 2013 is denied and the program is terminated.

2/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

2/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) Subject to the conditions set forth in ordering paragraphs 3 through 5 of this Order, South Shore’s proposed transfer of control of its facilities to the City and the City’s acquisition of control of those facilities from South Shore are approved. (2) Failure of either party to comply with provisions of ordering paragraphs 3 through 5 shall vacate the Commission’s approval of the proposed transfer of control and shall render the transfer void. (3) For a period of three years from the date of its acquisition of South Shore’s assets, the City shall not provide water service to South Shore’s present customers who reside outside the City’s corporate limits at rates that exceed the rates that are assessed to customers who reside within the City’s corporate limits. (4) Within 60 days of the date of this Order, the City shall contract with a certified water treatment and distribution system operator, or a firm that employs such person or persons, to operate the South Shore facilities for a period beginning on the transfer of control date and ending not earlier than one year from the transfer of control. (5) No later than 75 days from the date of this Order, the City shall file a copy of its contract with the firm or persons who are considered the certified water treatment and distribution system operators of the South Shore facilities. (6) South Shore shall refund all customer deposits prior to the closing date of the transfer.

2/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Jackson Energy Cooperative Corporation.

2/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Movants' motion is granted. 2. The Movants are authorized to enter into supplemental assistance agreements with KRWFC to amend the terms of the assistance agreements identified in Table I, to include the principal amount and interest rate of the present assistance agreement, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings and that will not require any payments beyond the year set forth in Table I. 3. If the actual terms and conditions of a supplemental assistance agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in the Application, the Movant shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 4. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, each Movant shall file a copy of the executed supplemental assistance agreement and any documents referenced in the executed supplemental assistance agreement that the Movant has not previously filed with the Commission. 5. Any proceeds from a supplemental assistance agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in the Application. 6. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

2/26/2013 20130226_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A hearing in the matter shall be held on April 3, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices. 2. Fleming-Mason shall provide notice of the present and proposed off-peak energy charge per kW and on-peak energy charge per kW to its RSP-TOD customers in all of its service territories through publication in the following newspapers for the counties indicated: the Lewis County Herald, Lewis County; The Carlisle Mercury, Nicholas County; the Morehead News, Rowan County; the Bath County News, Bath County; the Ledger dependent (Maysville), Mason and Robertson Counties; and the Fleming-Gazette, Fleming County. 3. Fleming-Mason shall provide notice that meets the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16(4), to its customers in its Bracken County service territory by publishing the notice in a prominent manner in the Bracken County News. 4. Fleming-Mason shall publish notice of the April 3, 2013 Hearing in compliance with KRS 424.300 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b), in a newspaper qualified to publish notice under KRS 424.120(1), in all of its service territories through publication in the following newspapers for the counties indicated: the Lewis County Herald, Lewis County; The Carlisle Mercury, Nicholas County; the Morehead News, Rowan County; the Bath County News, Bath County; the Ledger-lndependent (Maysville), Mason and Robertson Counties; the Fleming-Gazette, Fleming County; and the Bracken County News, Bracken County.

2/27/2013 DATA_REQUEST


2/27/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

2/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Thelma Waste’s request for a deviation from 807 KAR 5:006, Section 4(2)(a), is granted. 2. Thelma Waste is permitted to file a paper copy of its financial and statistical report on Commission-provided forms in lieu of using the Commission’s electronic filing system. 3. This case is closed and shall be removed from the Commission’s docket.

2/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Springfield, Kentucky . 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city

2/28/2013 20130228_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00096
3/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The record in this proceeding shall remain open for 20 days from the date of this Order to permit the parties to submit written comments on and objections to the findings set forth in the Commission Staffs Report of February 15, 2013. 2. A party’s failure to object to any finding set forth in the Commission Staff Report shall be deemed as agreement: with that finding. 3. Any party desiring a hearing in this matter shall file with the Commission a written request for such hearing within 20 days of the date of this Order. 4. The parties are placed on notice that in reaching a final decision in this matter, the Commission will consider the issues set forth in the Appendix to this Order. 5. Any party wishing to submit comments or a memorandum on one or more of the issues set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall file with the Commission such comments or memorandum within 20 days of the date of this Order. 6. Any party wishing oral arguments on one or more of the issues set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall file with the Commission a request for oral argument within 20 days of the date of this Order. 7. If no request for hearing or for oral arguments is filed with the Commission within 20 days of the date of this Order, this matter shall stand submitted for decision.

3/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Within 14 days of the date of this Order, Windstream shall file with the Commission a status update that shall document any service issues with Complainants service. 2. Within 14 days of the date of this Order, Complainants shall file a statement with the Commission stating whether or not their complaint had been satisfied

3/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Within 14 days of the date of this Order, Complainants may file a reply to Fleming-Mason’s Answer. 2. Within 14 days of the date of this Order, Fleming-Mason shall file a supplemental answer specifically addressing the allegation that Complainants’ electricity bill was unusually high.

3/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. YMax’s February 4th Letter is rejected for filing. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, YMax shall satisfy or answer the matters complained of in Lightyear’s complaint. 3. YMax shall retain an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky to represent YMax before the Commission and sign all filings.

3/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: nunc pro tunc, that Appendix B of the Commission's Order of February 21, 201 3 is stricken and is replaced by the Appendix to this Order

3/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The public hearing scheduled for March 26, 2013 is cancelled. 2. A public hearing for the purposes of hearing TracFone’s oral argument shall begin on Tuesday, April 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, and shall continue until concluded. 3. On or before April 5, 2013, TracFone shall file with the Commission the direct testimony of any witnesses it may call at the hearing.

3/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KIUC’s motion to amend the procedural schedule is granted. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order is substituted for and replaces the procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to the Commission’s Order of January 25, 201 3. 3. All provisions of the Commission’s January 25, 2013 Order that do not conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. Kentucky Power shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with the provisions set out in 807 KAR 5:001, Section (9)(2). 6. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence .

3/4/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Joint Applicants’ application for a deviation from 807 KAR 5:066, Section 16(1), to permit their Sensus Model SR II meters to remain in service without periodic testing for a period no longer than 21 years is denied. 2. Joint Applicants are authorized to deviate from 807 KAR 5066, Section 16(1), to permit each utility to maintain its Sensus Model SR II meters in service without periodic testing for a period no longer than 15 years. 3. Within 180 days of the date of this Order, Joint Applicants shall test all meters that have been in service for 15 years or longer and have not been tested for accuracy since being placed into service. Testing on these meters shall be performed regardless of whether a Joint Applicant intends to retire the meter from service immediately upon removal. 4. Within 210 days of the date of this Order, each Joint Applicant shall file with the Commission the results of all tests performed to comply with ordering paragraph 3 of this Order. 5. Should any of its meters tested in accordance with ordering paragraph 3 fail to meet the accuracy standards set forth in 807 KAR 51066, Section 15, a Joint Applicant shall proceed in accordance with 807 KAR 5:006, Section 1 l(2). 6. Authorization to establish and maintain, a sample group of Sensus Model SR ll meters from each year of manufacture from 1990 to 1997 that will remain in service 20 years is withdrawn effective 180 days from the date of this Order.

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Frontier's motion for an extension of time is granted. 2. Frontier shall submit its responses by March 1, 2013.

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Kentucky Power’s motion for a waiver of the requirement established in Case No. 1999-00149 to submit the affiliate agreements discussed in the findings above 30 days before filing those agreements at FERC is granted.

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The informal conference that is scheduled in this matter for March 15, 2013 is cancelled. 2. No formal hearing in this matter will be conducted. 3. Ordering paragraph 8 of the Commission's Order for January 9, 2013 is vacated. 4. This matter stand submitted for decision.

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC’s Petition for a Declaration of Its Authorization to Sell the Smith Unit 1 Without a Transfer of Control Filing Under KRS 278.218 is granted. 2. EKPC is authorized to sell its Smith 1 assets without further approval from the Commission under KRS 278.218

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Complainant's request for an extension of time is granted and responses to Commission Staff's First Request for Information shall be filed no later than March 18, 2013.

3/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Graves District’s request to amend the Commission’s Orders of September27, 2012 in Case No. 2012-00358 and December 18, 2012 in Case No. 2012-00543 is granted. 2. Graves District and Hickory Water District shall execute all documents and perform all other actions necessary to effect the proposed merger no later than March 31 , 2013. Their failure to act within this time period shall render the Commission’s approval of the proposed merger null and void. 3. All other provisions of the Order of September 27, 2012 in Case No. 2012- 00358 and December 18, 2012 in Case No. 2012-00543 remain in effect.

3/5/2013 20130305_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00072
3/6/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

3/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Notice is given to Jessamine County-City of Wilmore Joint Planning Commission that the Commission will conduct a hearing in the above-styled matter on March 13, 201 3, to consider Jessamine-South Elkhorn Water District’s application to construct a million-gallon water storage facility in Jessamine County. The Planning Commission may submit written comments to the Commission regarding these proposed facilities or may request intervention in these proceedings. Copy to be served upon Planning Commission of Jessamine County-City of Wilmore

3/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein shall be followed. 2. All provisions of the Commission’s January 2, 2013 Order relating to the form for information requests, responses, testimony, motions, and objections shall remain in effect and be followed by the parties. 3. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

3/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein shall be followed. 2. All provisions of the Commission’s January 2, 2013 Order relating to the form for information requests, responses, testimony, motions, and objections shall remain in effect and be followed by the parties. 3. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

3/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Hillridge’s motion for an extension of time to file a financial and statistical report for its sewer operations for the period from January 1, 2012 to the date of transfer of ownership is granted. 2. Hillridge shall file with the Commission the financial and statistical report no later than March 30, 2013.

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3/6/2013 20130306_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00520
3/6/2013 20130306_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) Finding paragraph 3 of our February 21, 2013 Order is modified to authorize a billing factor of $.0014369 per kWh to Jackson Purchase's non-direct-served customers starting in March 2013. (2) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Jackson Purchase shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the details of the billings as modified by this Order and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order.


Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Symsonia Water District

3/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) Nebo's proposed purchased water adjustment of $0.02 per 1,000 gallons is approved for water service rendered on and after March 1, 2013. (2) Nebo's proposed rates are approved. (3) Nebo's tariff sheets, submitted with its application, are approved as filed.

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3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Big Sandy District shall assess the rates set forth in Appendix A to this Order for water service rendered on and after April 1, 201 3 until September 30, 2014. 2. Big Sandy District shall assess the rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order for water service rendered on and after October 1, 2014. 3. If before October 1, 2014, any of Big Sandy District’s water suppliers increases its rates for water and Big Sandy District’s rates are adjusted pursuant to KRS 278.015 to reflect the supplier’s increase, the rates set forth in Appendix B shall also be adjusted to reflect the approved purchased water adjustment. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Big Sandy District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the rates approved herein.

3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on a tract of land located off of C. Nelson Drive, David, Floyd County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37’ 36’ 30.4” by West Longitude 82’ 52’ 3.4”. 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence files.

3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jessamine-South Elkhorn's Motion to Incorporate by Reference is granted. 2. The study Capital improvement Program - System Storage is incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding. 3. The record of Case No. 2011-00138 is incorporated by reference into the record of this proceeding.

3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: Jessamine-South Elkhorn’s Motion for Full Disclosure of Intervenors’ Relationship to Kentucky American Water Company is denied. 2. Jessamine-South Elkhorn’s Motion to Limit Evidentiary Hearing to Relevant Evidence and Issues is denied.

3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The designation of Q Link as a limited ETC is conditioned on Q Link’s compliance with: (1) the representations and commitments made by Q Link in its ETC application and its Compliance Plan; and (2) the FCC rules, including those adopted by the FCC in the Lifeline Reform Order. 2. Q Link is designated as an ETC for the purpose of offering Lifeline service only in the underlying carrier’s licensed service area within the non-rural exchanges of BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC dba AT&T Kentucky, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company and Windstream Kentucky East, LLC. 3. During the current certification period, Q Link shall be eligible to receive federal and Kentucky USF support for Lifeline. 4. Q Link shall advertise the availability of and charges for these services using media of general distribution. 5. Q Link shall comply with the FCC’s annual certification process for Lifeline customers. 6. A copy of this Order shall be served upon the FCC and the USAC.



3/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Beech Grove’s proposed purchased water adjustment of $0.04 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Beech Grove’s proposed rates are approved for service rendered on and after April 1 , 2013. 3. Beech Grove’s tariff sheet, which was submitted with Beech Grove’s application, is approved as filed.

3/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The hearing scheduled in this matter for March 13, 2013 shall begin at 9100 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time. 2. Preliminary motions in this matter will be heard at the start of the hearing and prior to the parties’ opening statements. 3. Each party shall make an opening statement of not more than five minutes in length. This statement shall summarize the party’s position in this matter and describe the evidence that the party expects to present at hearing. 11. Each party shall file with the Commission no later 5:OO p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, on March 11, 2013, a list of all documents that it intends to offer as exhibits in its case-in-chief and two copies of any document that it has not previously filed with the Commission in this proceeding. 12. In addition to the information identified in ordering paragraph 11 to this Order, Jessamine-South Elkhorn shall file with the Commission a copy of the report of William L. Berkley, Jr. to which it refers in its “Notice of Amended Response to the Public Service Commission’s First Information Requests and of Amended Witness List and Testimony Summary.’’ 13. No later 5:OO p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, on March 11, 2013, each party shall serve by electronic mail upon the opposing party the documents that it filed with the Commission in compliance with ordering paragraphs 11 and 12.

3/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kenergy’s proposed rates will be effective on the same date as Big Rivers in order that the timing of any change in Kenergy’s retail rates will be synchronized with the timing of any change in Big Rivers’ wholesale rates. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and 10 copies with the Commission, with copies to all parties of record. Kenergy shall give notice of the hearing in accordance with the provisions set out in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). At the time publication is requested, Kenergy shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. At any public hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimonies shall be permitted. Any objections or motions relating to discovery or procedural dates shall be filed upon four business days' notice or the filing party shall explain, in writing, why such notice was not possible. . Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

3/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: EKPC’s application for rehearing is granted and the due date for filing its amended DSM contracts relating to PJM Demand Response programs shall be April 30, 2013. 2. EKPC shall file the amended DSM contracts with the Commission in this docket. 3. EKPC shall file in this docket the semi-monthly status reports as described in the findings above, with the first report due on March 15, 201 3. 4. EKPC shall file with the Commission, within 14 days of the date of this Order, the original and four copies of its responses to the information request contained in the Appendix to this Order. EKPC’s responses shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed; shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided; and shall be answered under oath or be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the responses, that they are true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry.

3/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Delta’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:OOl , Section 17, is granted. 2. Delta’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. 3. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Delta’s projected use of the proceeds of the line of credit.

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3/12/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered; . The Settlement is adopted and approved in its entirety as a complete resolution of all issues in this case. 2. Frontier shall notify all of the BTU customers who have been receiving natural gas from Thompson that Frontier will be their service provider, effective on a date certain following the entry of this Order. This notice shall be in writing and shall include the effective date, all pertinent information regarding Frontier’s applicable rates and other terms of service.

3/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I . A formal hearing in this matter shall be held on May 29, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Direct examination of witnesses shall be limited to the authentication and adoption of their written testimony. 3. Opposing parties may cross-examine witnesses on both direct and rebuttal testimonies. 4. No opening statements shall be made at the hearing. 5. Copies of all documents served upon any party shall be served on all other parties and filed with the Commission. 6. Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. 7. Service of any document or pleading shall be made in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 4(8), and Kentucky Civil Rule 5.02. 8. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. 9. As the Complainant bears the burden of proof in this matter, its failure to appear at the formal hearing and to present proof in support of its Complaint may result in the dismissal of the Complaint with prejudice. 10. The failure of the Defendant to appear at the formal hearing may result in the entry of an Order granting the Complainant’s requested relief. 11. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence .

3/12/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Nolin Rural electric Cooperative Corporation

3/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Menifee County’s motion is granted and the procedural schedule set forth in the attached Appendix shall be followed.

3/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: this case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted. 2. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until further order of the Commission. 3. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Movant shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61 “878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

3/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Johnson County’s application, as revised with its new rate proposal, will now be considered “filed” as of December 5, 2012, the date the new rate proposal was received by the Commission. 2. As Johnson County did not file its new proposed rates in tariff form with a proposed effective date, there is no need to suspend those proposed rates. 3. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076, Johnson County may not place its proposed rates into effect prior to June 6, 2013 4. Johnson County shall provide notice to its customers of its new proposed rates as prescribed in 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 16(3) and (4), and shall provide proof of notice as prescribed in 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 16(5). 5. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

3/13/2013 DATA_REQUEST


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3/13/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

3/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Estill County Water is assessed a penalty of $2,500.00 for its willful failure to comply with KRS 278.230(3). 2. The $2,500.00 penalty is suspended contingent upon Estill County Water’s timely filing of its 2012 and 2013 annual reports. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/14/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Big Rivers Electric Corporation

3/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. No later than April 23, 2013, lrvington Gas shall submit written testimony in response to the allegations set forth in this order. Such testimony may include any additional evidence that lrvington Gas considers is relevant to this proceeding. 2. lrvington Gas shall appear on May 7, 2013 at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in Conference Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, for an Informal Conference to discuss issues identified in this proceeding

3/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1 , 201 3. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Millennium shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/15/2013 PSC_ORDER


3/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The hearing in this matter is rescheduled to Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at 1O:OO a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 21 1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. At the time it publishes notice of the formal hearing in this matter, Fleming- Mason shall provide notice of the present and proposed off-peak energy charge per kWh and on-peak energy charge per kWh to its RSP-TOD customers in all of its service territories through publication in the following newspapers for the counties indicated: the Lewis County Herald, Lewis County; The Carlisle Mercury, Nicholas County; the Morehead News, Rowan County; the Bath County News, Bath County; the Ledger- Independent (Maysville), Mason and Robertson counties; and the Fleming-Gazette, Fleming County 3. At the time it publishes notice of the formal hearing in this matter, Fleming- Mason shall provide notice that meets the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16(4), to its customers in its Bracken County service territory by publishing the notice in a prominent manner in the Bracken County News. Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing, Fleming-Mason shall publish notice of the April 24, 201 3 Hearing in compliance with KRS 42.4.300 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b), in a newspaper qualified to publish notice under KRS 424.120(1), in all of its service territories through publication in the following newspapers for the counties indicated: In the e

3/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's supplemental Request for Information to Kentucky Utilities Company

3/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST


3/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST


3/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST


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Data Request

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3/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This application is continued for an additional 60 days from April 19, 2013 to June 19, 2013.

3/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 19(6), Mountain Water District is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within 10 days of the date of service of this Order.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Longview is assessed a penalty of $2,500.00 for its willful failure to comply with KRS 278.230(3). 2. Longview shall pay the assessed penalty within 14 days of the date of this Order. Payment shall be made by certified check or money order made payable to “Kentucky State Treasurer” and shall be mailed or delivered to the Office of General Counsel, Kentucky Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Longview shall file with the Commission completed sewer annual financial and statistical reports for its 2011 calendar year operations and completed reports of gross earnings derived from intrastate business for its 2011 calendar year operations. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Overland’s proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B to this Order, are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2013. 2. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Overland shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, a tariff sheet reflecting the approved rates and signed by an authorized utility representative.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The proposed amendment is effective as of the date of this Order.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered on and after April 1 , 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Valley Gas shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Auxier are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered on and after April 1 , 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Auxier shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The rates proposed by Bluegrass are denied. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are fair, just and reasonable, and should be approved for billing for service rendered on and after April 1 , 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Bluegrass shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order,

3/20/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Jessamine-South Elkhorn’s petition for confidential treatment for the map filed as its response to Item 35 of Forest Hills Residents’ Association, Inc. and William Bates’s First Request for Information is denied. 2. The material in question shall be afforded confidential treatment for 33 days from the date of this Order to afford Jessamine-South Elkhorn the opportunity to seek review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.400 or KRS 278.410. 3. Thirty-three days after the date of this Order, the map in question and any other documents that contain the map or information from the map that have previously been afforded confidential treatment pending review of Jessamine-South Elkhorn’s petition shall be made available for public inspection. 4. In addition to the parties, the Executive Director shall serve a copy of this Order upon: . Attorney General; and, Executive Director, Kentucky Infrastructure Authority; Executive Director, Kentucky Office of Homeland Security.

3/20/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Fountain Run shall show cause in writing by April 5, 2013 why its failure to comply with the Commission’s Order of February 14, 2013 should not be considered an admission of the allegations contained in the complaint regarding the utility’s billing practices for sewer service and why the Commission should not grant the relief the Complainant seeks regarding those practices.

3/20/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The motion is granted and the Attorney General is hereby made a party to these proceedings.

3/21/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


3/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: AT&T Kentucky’s motion to dismiss is granted: All other motions are denied as moot

3/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: East Kentucky’s proposal to use an AA is granted. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, East Kentucky shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The changes are approved for service rendered on and after March 25, 2013 to Big Rivers’ proposed tariffs DSM-01 , High Efficiency Lighting Replacement Program, Tariff Sheet No. 2.01; DSM-02, Energy Star@ Clothes Washer Replacement Incentive Program, Tariff Sheet 2.02; DSM-03, Energy Star@ Refrigerator Replacement Incentive Program, Tariff Sheet Nos. 2.03 and 2.04; DSM-04, Residential High Efficiency Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Program, Tariff Sheet Nos. 2.05 and 2.06; DSM-06, Touchstone Energy@ New Home Program, Tariff Sheet Nos. 2.09 and 2.10; DSM-08, Commercial/lndustriaI High Efficiency Lighting Replacement Incentive Program, Tariff Sheet Nos. 2.12 and 2.13; and DSM-09, Commercial/lndustrial General Energy Efficiency Program, Tariff Sheet Nos. 2.14 and 2.1 5. 2. Within 10 days of the date of this Order, Big Rivers shall file with the Commission, using the Commissions Electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets for the tariffs identified in ordering paragraph 1 as approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order, and a revised Table of Contents reflecting the revisions approved in ordering paragraph 1.

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Data Request

3/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that any party in this matter wishing to submit a written brief shall file such brief with the Commission no later than April 3, 2013.

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Complainant’s request for an extension of time is granted and responses to Commission Staffs First Request for Information shall be filed no later than March 26, 2013.

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion for intervention is granted and Wilma and Robert Johnson are hereby made parties to these proceedings. 2. An informal conference shall be held on April 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time in Conference Room 2 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. Parties wishing to participate by telephone may contact J.E.B. Pinney at or (502) 782-2587 to receive instructions

3/22/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

North Hopkins’ proposed water adjustment of $0.02 per 1,000 gallons is approved for water service rendered on and after March 1, 2013. North Hopkins’ proposed rates are approved. North Hopkins’ tariff sheet, submitted with its application, is approved as filed.

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This docket is established to considered Bullock Pen's Application

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. This proceeding is established to permit the Commission to consider the reasonableness of the proposed revisions. 2. Delta’s proposed tariffs are suspended for a period of five months, from April 29, 2013 up to and including September 28, 2013.

3/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The changes are approved for service rendered on and after April 12, 2013 to Kenergy’s proposed tariffs for the High Efficiency Lighting Replacement Program, First Revised Sheet No. 47; Energy Star8 Clothes Washer Replacement Incentive Program, First Revised Sheet No. 48; Energy Star@ Refrigerator Replacement Incentive Program, First Revised Sheet No. 49; Touchstone Energy@ New Home Program, First Revised Sheet No. 51 ; Commercial/lndustriaI High Efficiency Lighting Replacement Incentive Program, First Revised Sheet No. 53; and Commercial/lndustrial General Energy Efficiency Program, First Revised Sheet No. 54. 2. Within 10 days of the date of this Order, Kenergy shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets for the tariffs identified in ordering paragraph 1 as approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. In addition, Kenergy shall file a revised page 3 of its Table of Contents reflecting those tariffs that are approved by this Order. 3. Kenergy’s Residential & Commercial High Efficiency Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Program, First Revised Sheet No. 50 and First Revised Sheet No. 50A; Residential and Commercial HVAC & Refrigeration Tune- Up Program, First Revised Sheet No. 52; Residential Weatherization Program - Primary Heating Source Non-Electric and Electric-Sourced Air Conditioning, First Revised Sheet No. 55 and First Revised Sheet No. 5

3/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Shelby Energy’s motion for an extension of time is granted. 2. Shelby Energy shall file responses to the first discovery requests propounded by Commission Staff and the Attorney General on or before April 1, 2013.

3/25/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. Jackson Energy’s request for an extension of time to file responses to the discovery requests of Commission Staff and the Attorney General is granted. 2. Jackson Energy shall file such responses on or before April 5, 2013.

3/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KRWA’s instruction on source water protection (WT 2013-005) to be conducted at its regional meeting on April 16, 2013 in Morehead, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district management training.. KRWA’s instruction on water-storage tank passive mixing systems (WT 2013-006) to be conducted at its regional meeting on April 18, 2013 in Owensboro, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district management training. 3. KRWA’s instruction on water and wastewater analyses (W 2013-007) to be conducted at its regional meeting on April 25, 2012 in Draffenville, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours of water district management training. 4. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations. 5. No later than May 15, 2013, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed ; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA’s application; and C. The name of each water district commissioner who attended, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates and charges proposed by Taylor County are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by Taylor County on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Taylor County shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates and charges approved herein and reflecting their effective date and that they were authorized by this Order. 4. Taylor County shall perform a depreciation study within five years from the date of this order, or in connection with the filing of its next rate case, whichever is earlier.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on a tract of land off Campbell Circle, Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37’ 32’ 52.6” by West Longitude 83’ 20’ 53.7”. 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence files.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The May 25, 2012 Order in Case No. 2012-00119 is amended to provide that Big Rivers is authorized to pay its obligations under the 1983 Bonds by using $60 million of the proceeds of the secured loan with CoBank, as requested in its amended application . 2. Big Rivers is authorized to use the Transition Reserve funds to replace up to $35 million of the aforementioned CoBank funds and use them for capital expenditures in the ordinary course of business, as requested in its amended application. 3. All other provisions of the Commission’s May 25, 2012 Order in Case No. 2012-00119 shall remain in full force and effect.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.10 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that East Logan renders on or after March 1 , 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, East Logan shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the approved rates and effective date of March 1 , 2013 and signed by an authorized representative.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Western Lewis shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for billing for service rendered on and after April 1 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Burkesville shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for billing for service rendered on and after April 1 , 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Martin shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered on and after April 1,2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Cow Creek shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by BTU are denied. BTU shall be granted a waiver of the 5-percent limit for L&U costs. 3. BTU shall be granted a deviation from its GCR tariff and its filing requirements and standard methodologies as they pertain to the calculation of the EGC and the AA, as specifically outlined herein. 4. In any future request for similar deviations, BTU shall include sufficient information for the Commission to determine its progress in addressing excessive gas losses. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2013. 5. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, BTU shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This case is held in abeyance for 60 days from the date of this Order. At the end of the 60-day period, if the parties have not reached a settlement, the parties shall file a proposed joint procedural schedule with the Commission.

3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on a tract of land off of Royalton Road, Salyersville, Magoffin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37” 41’ 26.8” by West Longitude 83” 2’ 27.9”. 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence files.

3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Columbia shall continue to use its current GClM and OSSICR RSM mechanisms pending the Commission’s Final Order addressing Columbia’s requests for four-year extensions of both mechanisms.

3/27/2013 DATA_REQUEST


3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1.The Applicants are authorized to enter into supplemental assistance agreements with KRWFC to amend the terms of the assistance agreements identified in Table I, to include the principal amount and interest rate of the present assistance agreement, but only under such terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings and that will not require any payments beyond the year set forth in Table I. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of a supplemental assistance agreement with KRWFC differ from those set forth in the Application, the Applicant shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings and net present value savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, each Applicant shall file a copy of the executed supplemental assistance agreement and any documents referenced in the executed supplemental assistance agreement that the Applicant has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. Any proceeds from a supplemental assistance agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in the Application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for service rendered on and after April 1,2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Belfry shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

3/27/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

3/27/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's first Request for Information to Duke energy Kentucky, Inc.

3/27/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Duke and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after April 2, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Duke shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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3/27/2013 20130327_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Ordering Paragraph number two of the March 4, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: A public hearing for the purposes of hearing TracFone’s oral argument shall begin on Thursday, April 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 21 1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, and shall continue until concluded.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Big Sandy’s proposed Prepay Program, as modified during the course of this proceeding, is approved on a pilot basis for three years to begin on and after the date of this Order, subject to the agreement of Big Sandy. 2. Within 10 days of this Order, Big Sandy shall indicate its acceptance of the pilot status of its program by filing its Prepay Metering Program rider tariff and Agreement for Participation, as modified during the course of this proceeding, showing the date issued and that it was issued by authority of this Order. Big Sandy shall otherwise file within 10 days that it does not intend to implement the Prepay Program. 3. Big Sandy shall file a request, which indicates its intention for the pilot Prepay Program beyond the initial three-year term, no later than six months prior to the end of the three-year pilot period. 4. Big Sandy’s request for deviation from 807 KAR 5006, Sections 7 and 15. for the Prepay Program is approved. 5. Big Sandy shall track data and maintain records as required in finding paragraph 3 above, and shall submit the information to the Commission in a supplemental report filed at the time it files its Annual Report.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. Atmos’s request to extend its current hedging program, with the addition of options as a hedging tool, is approved through March 31, 2014. 2. Atmos shall file interim and final reports as required by the Commission in its approvals of Atmos’s previous hedging programs, including the additional information described above. 3. If it desires to continue its hedging program beyond March 31, 2014, it shall request further extension at the time it files its next interim hedging report, or no later than November 30,2013.

3/28/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation, Fleming-Mason Energy Cooperative, Inc., and Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Brandenburg shall file with the Commission within 14 days of this Order a written response to this Order in which it shows cause why its request for an adjustment in its rate for wholesale water service should not be denied for its failure to provide the information in question and why this case should not be closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Commission, on its own motion, hereby amends the procedural schedule previously issued in this case. There being no Intervenors in this case, the last day for Kentucky Power Company to request a hearing or request that this case be submitted for decision based on the record shall be ten days from the date of issuance of this Order.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Commission, on its own motion, hereby amends the procedural schedule previously issued in this case. There being no intervenors in this case, the last day for Big Rivers and its three member cooperatives, Kenergy Corp., Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation, and Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation, to request a hearing or request that this case be submitted for decision based on the record shall be ten days from the date of issuance of this Order.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The loan from CFC as described in Blue Grass Energy’s application is approved. 2. Blue Grass Energy shall execute its note as security for the proposed loan in the manner described in its application. 3. The proceeds from the proposed loan shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in Blue Grass Energy’s application. 4. The terms and conditions of the new CFC loan shall be consistent with the CFC financing program as described in Blue Grass Energy’s application. 5. Blue Grass Energy shall provide the Commission with the exact amount of the new CoBank loan within 10 days of finalizing the transaction.

3/28/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 19, Warren District is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within 10 days of the date of service of this Order

3/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: YMax shall have an additional 30 days from the date of this Order to file its responses to Commission Staffs February 14, 2013 Request for Information.

3/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion for an extension is granted, 2. Kentucky Power shall file its response to KIUC’s application on or before May 27, 2013.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A hearing shall be scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2013, at 10.00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. 3. Johnson County shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). 4. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.


Notice of Filing of Commission Staff Report

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: YMax shall have an additional 30 days from the date of this Order to file its response to the Commission's March 1, 2013 Order.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Natural Energy are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for service rendered on and after April 5, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Natural Energy shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The proposed changes are approved for service rendered on and after 4/8/13 to Meade’s Schedule 26 - High Efficiency Lighting Replacement Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 104; Schedule 27 - Clothes Washer Replacement Incentive Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 105; Schedule 28 - Refrigerator Replacement Incentive Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 106; Schedule 29 - Residential High Efficiency Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 107; and Schedule 31 - Touchstone Energy New Home Program, Proposed P.S.C. 42, Original Sheet Nos. 110 and 111. 2. Within 10 days of the date of this Order, Meade shall file with the Commission revised tariff sheets. 3. Meade’s proposed Schedule 30 - Residential Weatherization Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet Nos. 108 and 109; Schedule 32 - Residential and Commercial HVAC & Refrigeration Tune-up Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 112; Schedule 35 - Residential Weatherization Program - Primary Heating Source Non-Electric, Proposed P.S.C. No 42, Original Sheet Nos. 117 and 118; Schedule 37 - Commercial High Efficiency Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 120; and Schedule 38 - High Efficiency Outdoor Lighting Program, Proposed P.S.C. No. 42, Original Sheet No. 121 are suspended for 5 months from 4/8/13, to 9/7/13.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Blue Grass Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric services offered by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. 2. If Blue Grass Energy is not the successful bidder, Blue Grass Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Blue Grass Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Blue Grass Energy is the successful bidder, Blue Grass Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Columbia Gas is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for natural gas services offered by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. 2. If Columbia Gas is not the successful bidder, Columbia Gas shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Columbia Gas was not the successful bidder. 3. If Columbia Gas is the successful bidder, Columbia Gas shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Clark Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for natural gas services offered by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. 2. If Clark Energy is not the successful bidder, Clark Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Clark Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Clark Energy is the successful bidder, Clark Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered 1. Delta Gas is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to hid on a franchise for natural gas services offered by the Lexington- Fayette Urban County Government. 2. If Delta Gas is not the successful bidder, Delta Gas shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Delta Gas was not the successful bidder. 3. If Delta Gas is the successful bidder, Delta Gas shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government .

4/1/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric services offered by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.

4/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . Middletown Waste Disposal’s proposed rates for sewer service are denied. 2. Middletown Waste Disposal is authorized to assess the rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order for sewer service provided on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Middletown Waste Disposal shall, using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, file a revised tariff sheet with the Commission setting forth the rates approved in this Order.

4/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Johnston forfeited her office as a member of Sandy Hook District’s Board of Commissioners on June I , 2012. 2. A separate docket shall be established to determine a suitable person to fill the vacancy on Sandy Hook District’s Board of Commissioners that has existed since June 1, 2012.


Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

4/2/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Atmos Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for natural gas services offered by the city of Owensboro, Kentucky 2. If Atmos Energy is not the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos Energy is the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities for the city of Owensboro, Kentucky.

4/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Symsonia Water District (“Symsonia District”) shall file with the Commission no later than April 15, 2013 written comments, if any, on the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report and to request a hearing or a conference with Commission Staff in this matter. 2. Symsonia District’s failure to file with the Commission written objections to a finding or recommendation contained in the Commission Staff Report by April 15, 2013 shall be deemed as agreement and a waiver of any right to object to that finding or recommendation. 3. Symsonia District’s failure to request a formal hearing in this matter by April 15, 2013 shall be deemed a waiver of any right to a hearing in this matter. 4. If Symsonia District requests a hearing in this matter, it shall specifically identify in its written request for hearing all objections to the findings and recommendations set forth in the Commission Staff Report and shall provide a brief summary of testimony that it expects to present at hearing. 5. No later than April 15, 2013, Symsonia District shall file with the Commission, in writing, its position on: a. Adjusting its general rates for water service to a level that will produce $105,997 from water sales; b. Adjusting its general rates for sewer service to a level that will produce $122,598 from sewer sales; and, c. Changing the service lives of certain water and sewer assets to the service lives that Commission Staff has recommended.

4/4/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. North Shelby's proposed rates, as set forth in Appendix B, are approved for service rendered on and after April 1, 2013. 3. North Shelby’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

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4/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KIUC’s and the AG’s motions for an extension of time are granted to the extent that all intervenor testimony shall be filed by April 18, 2013, and all subsequent procedural steps shall be extended by one week. 2. The procedural schedule attached as the Appendix shall be followed in this case and shall supersede the procedural schedule appended to the Commission’s February 1, 2013 Order. 3. KlUC’s request for an informal conference is denied as moot.

4/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.09 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that Ledbetter renders on or after April 1, 2013. 3. Ledbetter’s proposed tariff sheet, which was filed with the application, is approved.

4/5/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Muhlenberg County’s proposed water adjustment of $1.39 per 1,000 gallons is approved for water service rendered on and after March 17, 2013. 2. Muhlenberg County’s proposed rates are approved. 3. Muhlenberg County’s tariff sheets, submitted with its application, are approved as filed.

4/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Marion District is authorized to borrow no more than $820,000 from CNB to retire its Series 1992A, Series 1993, and Series 2000 Bonds, but only under terms and conditions that will produce both positive gross savings and net present value savings. 2. If the actual terms and conditions of the agreement with CNB differ from those set forth in its application, Marion District shall, within 30 days of executing the loan agreement, file with the Commission amortization schedules and work papers showing the actual gross savings that will result from the refinancing. 3. Within 30 days of executing the proposed agreement, Marion District shall file a copy of the executed loan agreement and any documents referenced in that agreement that Marion District has not previously filed with the Commission. 4. The proceeds from the loan agreement shall be used only for the lawful purposes specified in Marion District’s application. 5. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

4/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.13 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that Elkhorn renders on or after April 1 , 2013. 3. Elkhorn’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

4/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. Pendleton’s proposed rates are approved for service rendered on and after April 15, 2013. 3. Pendleton’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

4/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The rates in the Appendix to this Order, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for final meter readings on and after May 1 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Equitable shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: , nunc pro tunc, that Appendix A to the August 11 , 2005 Order is amended to include the CLLI code PKVLKYMT.

4/9/2013 PSC_Inspection_Notice

Commission Staff's Notification to Parties of Inspection and Placement of Monitoring Equipment

4/9/2013 PSC_Inspecton_Notice

Commission Staff's Notification to parties of Inspection and Placement of Monitoring Equipment

4/9/2013 PSC_staff_Inspection Notification



Commission Staff's Third Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company

4/9/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


4/9/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE


4/9/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE




4/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rate in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is approved for gas supplied on and after May 1 , 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . Owen’s rates are suspended for five months from the April 29, 2013 proposed effective date, up to and including September 28, 2013. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed.

4/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc.

4/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST01

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to the Sierra Club

4/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: That the formal evidentiary hearing previously scheduled for May 22, 2013 pursuant to our March 4, 2013 Order is rescheduled to May 29, 2013, at 1O:OO a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices. All of the other provisions of the March 4, 2013 procedural schedule shall remain in full force and effect.

4/10/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after May 1, 2013. (2) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Atmos shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Clark's motion for a 30-day extension of time is granted. The procedural schedule set forth in the attached Appendix shall be followed.

4/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The informal conference that was scheduled for April 19, 2013, by Order issued on October 1, 2012, shall commence on the scheduled date at 1O:OO a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Issues to be discussed at the informal conference shall include, but not be limited to: (a) The need for, and feasibility of, uniform standards for Smart Grid Investment and Smart Grid Information; (b) A process for the identification of reasonable standards and programs for the implementation of Smart Grid Investment, Smart Grid Information, reliability improvements, and dynamic pricing; and (c) The willingness of all parties to work in a collaborative manner to identify reasonable standards and programs consistent with a Smart Grid and the principles set forth in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. 3. Each party shall have one or more representatives in attendance at the informal conference who are knowledgeable of all aspects of Smart Grid and the issues in this case, and who have authority to address procedural matters.

4/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky’s Application is approved as of the date of this Order. Duke Kentucky should continue the practice of not including DSM or EE related costs in base rates. 3, Duke Kentucky shall evaluate its entire portfolio of DSM programs by December 31, 2016. The exception would be in applications that include a new program or an expansion of an existing program. 4. In a year when there are DSM program evaluations, proposed program expansion(s), or new programs filed with the Commission, Duke Kentucky shall file an application by August 15 that includes the following: (1) an Appendix A, in a manner that is currently filed, of the Cost Effectiveness Test Results of all programs; (2) an Appendix B, in a manner that is currently filed, for the recovery of program costs, lost revenues, and shared savings, that are used in determining the true-up of proposed DSM factor(s); (3) a signed and dated proposed Rider DSMR, Demand Side Management Rate, for both electric and natural gas customers; and (4) all program evaluations and/or proposed expanded or new programs. 5. In a year when there are no DSM program evaluations, proposed program expansion(s), or new DSM programs filed with the Commission, Duke Kentucky shall file the following by November 15 using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System: A revised tariff sheet showing the proposed DSM factors that are to be effective for the first billing cycle for the revenue month of January for the next year. 0 All

4/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential protection is hereby granted and the materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection. 2. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 3. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 4. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify the Movant in writing and direct Movant to demonstrate within 20 days of his receipt of the notice that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. 5. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the material no longer qualifies for confidential treatment to allow Movant to seek a remedy afforded by law.

4/11/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential protection is hereby granted and the materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection. 2. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 3. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 4. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify the Movant in writing and direct Movant to demonstrate within 20 days of his receipt of the notice that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. 5. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the material no longer qualifies for confidential treatment to allow Movant to seek a remedy afforded by law.

4/11/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Order Entered: An informal conference shall be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, at 2.00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Conference room 2, at the Commission’s offices, 21 I Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. Any party desiring to appear telephonically may do so. All questions related to this informal conference should be made to Aaron Ann Cole, Commission Staff Attorney, at (502) 782-2591 or Aaron Ann .Cole@

4/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Delta is authorized to extend its $40 million line of credit, as set forth in its application, effective June 30, 2013 with a maturity date of June 30, 2015. 2. Delta is authorized to continue to renew the line of credit in increments not to exceed two years each through June 30, 2019 without further orders of the Commission. 3. The proceeds from the transactions authorized herein shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in the application.

4/12/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.

4/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Citipower are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are fair, just, and reasonable, and are approved for service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Citipower shall file its revised tariffs with the Commission setting out the rates authorized herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The rates proposed by Navitas KY are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein are approved for billing for service rendered on and after May 1, 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Navitas KY shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/12/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rate proposed by Public is denied. The rate in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein is approved for service rendered on and after May 3,2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Public shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/15/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

4/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Petitioner's request for intervention is denied.

4/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The motion is granted and the Attorney General is hereby made a party to these proceedings.

4/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movants' petition for full intervention is granted.

4/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Shannon W. Fisk is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Alexander DeSha, Tom Vierheller, Beverly May, and the Sierra Club in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Joe Childers or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association acts as co-counsel and is present at any and all proceedings before this Commission.

4/17/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Big Rivers Electric Corporation

4/17/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Meade County Rural electric Cooperative Corporation

4/17/2013 DATA_REQUEST


4/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of KlUC to intervene is granted. 2. KlUC shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should KlUC file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, KlUC shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

4/17/2013 DATA_REQUEST


4/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The motion of KlUC to intervene is granted. 2. KlUC shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should KlUC file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, KlUC shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.

4/17/2013 20130417_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/17/2013 20130417_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

4/18/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 2. a. All responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness who will be responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and eight copies to the Commission. b. Each response shall be under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information that indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation of the specific grounds for its failure to completely and precisely respond. 3. Any party that files written testimony shall file with the Commission an original and eight copies. Written testimony shall be in verified form. 4. The parties shall consider any request for information from Commission Staff as if ordered by the Commission

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) The amounts billed to customers by KU through its environmental surcharge for the period from May 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 are approved. (2) In the second full-billing month following the date of this Order, KU shall decrease its jurisdictional environmental revenue requirement by $218,511 for one month. (3) Beginning in the second full-billing month following the date of this Order, KU shall use an overall rate of return on capital of 7.23 percent, a tax gross-up factor of 0.64, a return on equity rate of 10.25 percent, and an overall grossed-up return of 10.30 percent in all future monthly environmental surcharge filings unless directed otherwise by the Commission. -

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The amounts billed to customers by LG&E through its environmental surcharge for the period from May 1,2012 through October 31,2012 are approved. 2. In the second full-billing month following the date of this Order, LG&E shall decrease its jurisdictional environmental revenue requirement by $146,937 for one month. 3. Beginning in the second full-billing month following the date of this Order, LG&E shall use an overall rate of return on capital of 7.42 percent, a tax gross-up factor of 0.64, a return on equity rate of 10.25 percent, and an overall grossed-up return of 10.61 percent in all future monthly environmental surcharge filings unless directed otherwise by the Commission.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

1. 2. Order Entered; Nolin’s proposed tariff is approved. Nolin is relieved of the filing requirements set forth in Case No. 2011- 00141.. Nolin shall make annual filings for calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015 as set forth in the Findings and Orders paragraph above, and thereafter, maintain records so as to be able to provide the same information upon request.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Muhlenberg District’s application for authorization to enter a loan agreement with KRWFC is continued generally.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Breathitt District’s application is denied as moot. 2. Breathitt District shall furnish documentation of the total costs of this project including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (engineering, legal, administrative, etc.) within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 3. Breathitt District shall file with the Commission a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction described herein. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence file.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Duke Kentucky’s requests to increase the Custom Program budget to $195,000 for the current fiscal year and to propose cost recovery in its next DSM filing, are approved as filed.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.13 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that Farmdale renders on or after April 1 , 2013. 3. Farmdale’s proposed tariff sheets filed with the application are approved.

4/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The 2013 Water Personnel Training Seminar, which the Commission conducted Lake Barkley State Resort Park, Cadiz, Kentucky, on April 9-10, 2013, is approved for a maximum of 12 credit hours of water district management training (WT 2013-008) and for a maximum of 12 credit hours of new water district commissioner training (WT 2013-009).

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Crofton, Kentucky. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) This proceeding is initiated to fill the vacancy on Sandy Hook District's Board of Commissioners that was created by Rebekah Johnston's failure to comply with KRS 74.020(8). (2) Sandy Hook District is made a party to this proceeding. (3) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, any person who wishes to nominate a candidate to fill the vacancy shall submit to the Commission in writing that candidate's name, address, and telephone number. (4) Any party filing documents with the Commission shall serve a copy of those documents upon all other parties. (5) Service of any document or pleading shall be made in accordance with 807 KAR 5:OOl , Section 4(8). (6) The Executive Director shall serve a copy of this Order upon the Elliott County Judge/Executive, the members of Elliot County Fiscal Court, and the Elliott County Attorney, as well as Sandy Hook District.

4/19/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KU is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Radcliff, Kentucky. 2. If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KU was not the successful bidder. 3. If KU is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

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Final Order Entered: (1) West Carroll District’s proposed rates are denied. (2) West Carroll District shall charge the rates set forth in Appendix B to this Order for water service rendered on and after the date of this Order. (3) Within 20 days of the date of this Order and using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, West Carroll District shall file with the Commission revised tariff sheets that contain the rates set forth in Appendix C. (4) West Carroll District shall for, accounting and ratemaking purposes, use the “PSC Approved Service Life” set forth in Appendix C to this Order for the listed classes of assets when calculating and reporting depreciation for all reporting periods after the date of this Order, but shall make no retroactive adjustment to its books to account for the cumulative effect of this change in accounting estimate.

4/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Owen Electric Cooperative, Inc.

4/23/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

4/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located on a tract of land off of Stepp Branch, Beauty, Martin County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37’’ 46’ 53.4” by West Longitude 82’ 21’ 26.2”. 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decisions regarding the pending FAA and KAZC applications for the proposed construction within 10 days of receiving the decisions. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility’s general correspondence files.

4/23/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation

4/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) Overland's proposed water adjustment of ($0.35) per 1,000 gallons is approved for water service rendered on and after April 1, 2013. (2) Overland's proposed rates are approved. (3) Overland's proposed tariff sheet submitted with its application is approved as filed.

4/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Muhlenberg District’s proposed rates are denied. A purchased water adjustment factor of $1.27 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 3. The rates in Appendix B are approved for water service rendered on or after April 17, 2013. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Muhlenberg District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, a revised tariff sheet showing the approved rates.

4/23/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.14 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates set forth in Appendix B are approved for water service that Peaks Mill renders on or after April 15, 2013. 3. Peaks Mill’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

4/24/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The hearing in this matter is rescheduled to Tuesday, August 6, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. All other provisions in the Order issued March 12, 2013 shall remain in effect.

4/24/2013 DATA_REQUEST


4/24/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation



4/24/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kentucky Power’s proposed DSM tariffs are suspended for five months from its proposed effective date of May 30, 2013, up to and including October 29, 2013. 2. Kentucky Power’s existing DSM programs and tariff shall remain in effect pending the Commission’s final Order in this proceeding. The Procedural schedule set forth in the appendix which is attached hereto and incorporated shall be followed Motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. 7. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

4/24/2013 20130424_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) The AG's motion to intervene is granted. (2) Owen's motion to withdraw the proposed tariff and to substitute a new tariff, identical to the previously filed tariff but with no effective date, is granted. (3) The entire record of this case is consolidated with and into Case No. 2012-00448. All future filings related to any issue in either case shall contain the styles of both cases and shall be filed in Case No. 2012-00448. (4) Case No. 2012-00468 shall remain on the Commission's docket until such time as a final Order is entered in the consolidated case.

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Movant’s motion for confidential protection is hereby granted. The information contained in Big Rivers’ responses to KIUC’s First Request for Information, Item 36(f) and AG’s Initial Request for Information, Item 121, shall not be placed in the record nor made available for public inspection until February 28, 2018. At the end of this period, the material shall be placed in the record. The Movant may request the material continue to be treated as confidential but must demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions established in KRS 61.878. 3. The remainder of the materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection for an indefinite period so long as the Big Rivers’ transmission system remains in place. 4. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 5. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for Confidential treatment. 6. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify the Movant in writing and direct Movant to demonstrate within 20 days of his receipt of the notice that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Movant is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed b. Each response shall be under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. 9. If a party is unable to appear at the scheduled hearing due to the hearing’s location, that party may request the use of videoconferencing to permit its attendance. Such request shall be made no later than June 28,2013. Commission Staff shall make a written list of all exhibits presented at the hearing and shall file this list with the Commission with all exhibits and a copy of the video transcript of the hearing.

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.05 per 1,000 gallons is approved” 2. The rates in Appendix E3 are approved for water service that Western Lewis renders on or after April 1 , 2013. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Western Lewis shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, a revised tariff sheet that shows the approved rates with an effective date of April 1, 2013 and that complies with 807 KAR 5:O11.

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Fleming-Mason's proposed changes to its tariffs are suspended for five months from May 1, 2013 up to and including September 30, 2013.

4/25/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Duke and set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after May I, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Duke shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

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4/25/2013 20130425_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2012-00433
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4/25/2013 20130425_PSC_ORDER01.pdf

Order Entered: (1) Petitioners' motion for confidential protection is hereby granted. (2) The materials for which Petitioners seek confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until further Order of the Commission. (3) Petitioners shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. (4) If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Petitioners shall have 20 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Petitioners are unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection.

4/26/2013 DATA_REQUEST


4/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for final meter readings on and after April 29, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Delta shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. Delta’s Application for GCR rates effective August 2013 shall include the information required herein concerning the calculation of the BA.

4/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . Big Rivers’ request for approval of its proposed financing is continued beyond the 60-day time limit set forth in KRS 278.300(2). 2. The procedural schedule for processing the review of the proposed financing is attached hereto as an Appendix and shall be followed in this case.

4/26/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) Kentucky Power’s application for approval and authorization to enter into a Renewable Energy Purchase Agreement for Biomass Energy Resources with EcoPower Generation-Hazard LLC is continued beyond the 60-day period specified in KRS 278.300(2). (2) The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated herein shall be followed. (3) Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and an original and ten copies to the Commission. (4) parties shall respond to any requests for information that Commission Staff submits in accordance with the procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix. (5) Any party filing testimony shall file an original and ten copies. (6) any public hearing in this matter, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimonies shall be permitted. (7) The Commission does not look favorably upon motions for continuance. Consequently, motions for extensions of time with respect to the schedule herein shall be made in writing and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. (8) Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

4/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order is substituted for and replaces the procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to the Commission’s April 5, 2013 Order. 2. All provisions of the Commission’s April 5, 2013 Order that do not conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect. 3. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. 4. Big Rivers shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with the provisions set out in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2). 5. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

4/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: This case is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.

4/29/2013 DATA_REQUEST


4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The consolidated and equalized base rates proposed by Frontier in its application and set out in the appendix hereto are approved for service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 2. A system-wide gas cost and GCA mechanism is approved for Frontier as described in this Order. 3. The proposed nonrecurring charges shall be charged by Frontier, subject to refund, pending further Order by the Commission. 4. Frontier’s proposed PRP and related surcharge, including the filing of annual updates as described in this Order, are approved. 5. Frontier’s proposed AMR program and related surcharge, including the filing of annual updates as described in this Order, are approved. 6. Frontier’s request for a CPCN for its APR program is approved. 7. Within seven days of the date of this Order, Frontier shall file a written reply stating whether it wishes to receive or forego the greater revenue increase and rates the Commission has found reasonable herein. 8. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Frontier shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the tariffs and rates with all modifications as approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Intervenors’ Motion to Strike is granted in part and denied in part. 2. The following portions of the Water District’s Post-Hearing Brief are struck: a. Footnotes 36, 38, 64, and 65; and b. Footnotes 40, 41, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51 , 52, 67, 74, 75, 76 and the accompanying text to those footnotes; 3. Those portions of Intervenors’ Motion that seek to strike Footnotes 37 and 66 are denied

4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: JSEWD’s application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity is denied. 2. JSEWD’s application for authorization to enter an agreement to borrow $1.24 million from KRWFC is denied.

4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The rates proposed by People's, Mike Little, and Auxier are denied, and these cases are closed and are removed from the Commission's docket.

4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The rates proposed by People's, Mike Little, and Auxier are denied, and these cases are closed and are removed from the Commission's docket.

4/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: The rates proposed by People's, Mike Little, and Auxier are denied, and these cases are closed and are removed from the Commission's docket.

4/30/2013 20130430_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: 1. The proposed two-year DSM Energy Management Program for Schools and the proposed changes in the DSM rates and tariffs as set out in the Joint Application are approved as of the date of this Order. 2. For the duration of this Energy Management Program, Joint Applicants shall request the KSBA to provide annually within 45 days of the fiscal year end June 30 beginning 2014, individual reports to LG&E and KU that describe district funding, initiatives implemented, Energy Utilization Indices; consumption reduction; the preceding and current year peak demand and annual energy usage, and associated energy and demand savings compared to the metrics3' set out in the Joint Application. Joint Applicants shall submit to the Commission a copy of the KSBA report to LG&E and KU within 30 days of its receipt of the report from the KSBA. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, the Companies shall file their revised DSM tariffs with the Commission showing the date of issue, the effective date, and that they were issued by authority of this Order.



5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential treatment is denied. 2. The unredacted copy of the February 18, 2013 filing will be placed in the public record 30 days from the date of this Order.

5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential treatment is denied. 2. The unredacted copy of the January 30, 2013 filing will be placed in the public record 30 days from the date of this Order.

5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Motion of Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Concerning Adopting Testimony is hereby granted.

5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Jackson Purchase’s proposed rates are suspended up to and including August 17, 2013, in order to match the suspension period of Big Rivers’ proposed wholesale rate increase. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed. 3. a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and 10 copies to the Commission. Any request for information by letter from the Commission Staff shall be responded to as if set forth in a Commission Order. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or an association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation.

5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) KIUC's motion to withdraw its application without prejudice is granted. (2) The matter is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

5/3/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Atmos Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for natural gas offered by the city of Madisonville, Kentucky. 2. If Atmos Energy is not the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Atmos Energy was not the successful bidder. 3. If Atmos Energy is the successful bidder, Atmos Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. 4. Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. 5. This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/3/2013 20130503_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: (1) A public hearing shall be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 at the Commission’s offices in Frankfort, Kentucky to allow customers in Elliott County, Kentucky, to examine the application of the fuel adjustment clause of Kentucky Power Company for the period November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012. Customers interested in attending this hearing shall notify the Commission in writing of their intent to attend no later than May 17, 2013. If no notice of intent to attend is received by that date, the hearing shall be cancelled. (2) Not less than 7 days nor more than 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing, Kentucky Power shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in its service area in Elliott County, Kentucky, notice of the May 22, 2013 hearing, including the date for filing notices of intent to attend, and stating that the hearing shall be cancelled if no notice to attend is filed by May 17, 2013. (3) Kentucky Power shall file with the Commission no later than May 20, 2013 proof of publication of its notice for the hea

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The informal conference that is scheduled in this matter for May 8, 2013, is cancelled 2. No formal hearing will be conducted in this matter. 3. This matter stands submitted for decision.

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The amounts billed by Big Rivers through its environmental surcharge for the period August 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012, and for the period February 1, 2012 through July 31, 2012 are approved. 2. The amounts billed by Jackson Purchase and Kenergy through their respective environmental surcharge pass-through mechanisms for the period August 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012, and for the period February 1 2012 through July 31, 2012 for all customers with dedicated delivery points are approved. The amounts billed by the Member Cooperatives through their respective environmental surcharge pass-through mechanisms for the period September 1, 2011 through February 28, 2012, and for the period March 1, 2012 through August 31, 2012 for their retail customers are approved.

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted in part and denied in part. 2. Movant’s request for confidential treatment of information relating to recent off-system sales prices as contained in the Direct Testimony of Robert W. Berry and Exhibits Berry-I through Berry-4 as well as generation unit heat rate information as contained in the Direct Testimony of Ted J. Kelly is denied. The materials relating to recent off-system sales prices and generation unit heat rate information shall be afforded confidential treatment for 33 days from the date of this Order to afford Big Rivers the opportunity to seek review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.400 or KRS 278.410. 4. Thirty-three days after the date of this Order, the recent off-system sales prices and the generation unit heat rate information shall be made available for public inspection. The remainder of the materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment is granted such treatment and shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection. 6. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 7. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 8. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify the Movant in writing and direct Movant

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted in part and denied in part. 2. Movant’s request for confidential treatment of information relating to recent purchased power amounts and values as contained in Big Rivers response to Commission Staffs First Request for Information, Item 42 is denied. 3. The materials relating to recent purchased power amounts and values shall be afforded confidential treatment for 33 days from the date of this Order to afford Big Rivers the opportunity to seek review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.400 or KRS 278.41 0. 4. Thirty-three days after the date of this Order, the material relating to recent purchased power amounts and values shall be made available for public inspection. 5. The remainder of the materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment is granted such treatment and shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection.. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 7. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 8. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify the Movant in writing and direct Movant to demonstrate within 20 days of receipt of the notice that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the motion is granted and the Attorney General is hereby made a party to these proceedings.

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) SKRECC shall submit to the Commission, within 20 days of the date of this Order, a written response to the allegations contained in the Report. (2) An informal conference shall be scheduled by subsequent Order prior to the scheduled hearing for the purpose of discussing all procedural and substantive matters. (3) SKRECC shall appear on August 27, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violations of KRS 278.042, the most recent edition the National Electrical Safety Code, SKRECC’s safety manual, and of showing cause why it should not be subject to the penalties prescribed in KRS 278.990(1) for these alleged violations. (4) At the scheduled hearing in this matter, SKRECC shall also present evidence on the adequacy, safety, and reasonableness of its practices related to the construction, installation and repair of electric facilities as they relate to the facts of this case and whether such practices require revision as related to this incident. (5) The August 27, 2013 hearing shall be recorded by videotape only. (6) The Report in Appendix A, Ronnie Parrett’s statement in Appendix B, and Jeffery Moore’s affidavit in Appendix C are made a part of the record in this case.

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Taylor County RECC is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order.

5/6/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order, Should documents of any kind be filed with the Commission in the course of this proceeding, the documents shall also be served on all parties of record.

5/6/2013 20130506_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Tracfone's October 29, 2012 filing is rejected for filing. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Tracfone shall file an unredacted version of the October 29, 2012 filing, or the October 29, 2012 filing accompanied by a proper motion that complies with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13.

5/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Big Rivers and each of its three Member Cooperatives listed in footnote 2 shall be made parties to this case. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed in this proceeding. 3. Big Rivers shall, by the date set forth in Appendix A, file its prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of its environmental surcharge mechanism and the three Member Cooperatives, or Big Rivers on their behalf, shall file by that date their prepared direct testimony in support of the reasonableness of the application of the pass-through mechanism during the periods under review. 4. Any party filing testimony shall file an original and seven copies. 5. a. The information requested herein is due on or before the date specified in Appendix A. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and seven copies to the Commission. 6. Within seven days of the Commission’s granting intervention to a party, Big Rivers shall provide the party with a copy of its monthly environmental surcharge reports for the review period. 7. Big Rivers’ monthly environmental surcharge reports and supporting data for the review period is hereby incorporated by reference into the record of this case.

5/7/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) Blue Grass Energy is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Cynthiana, Kentucky. (2) If Blue Grass Energy is not the successful bidder, Blue Grass Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that Blue Grass Energy was not the successful bidder. (3) If Blue Grass Energy is the successful bidder, Blue Grass Energy shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. (4) Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System. (5) This Order shall not be construed as granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct utility facilities in said city.



5/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kentucky Power’s motion to hire a reporter to attend and produce a transcript of the May 29, 201 3 hearing is granted. Kentucky Power shall directly pay all costs for the reporter. Kentucky Power shall file a notice no later than May 20, 2013 setting forth the name and qualifications of the reporter it has hired for the May 29, 2013 hearing.



5/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: that Bullock Pen’s amended application for authorization to enter a Lease Agreement with Bank of Kentucky, Inc. is continued generally,



5/8/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.12 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 2. The rates in Appendix B are approved for service that US 60 District renders on or after April 1 , 2013. 3. US 60 District’s proposed tariff sheet filed with the application is approved.

5/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Atmos’s petition for confidential protection is hereby granted and the materials for which Atmos seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection. 2. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 3. Atmos shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 4. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect materials granted confidential treatment by this Order, the Commission shall notify Atmos in writing and direct Atmos to demonstrate within 20 days of its receipt of the notice that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Atmos is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. The Commission shall not make the requested materials available for inspection for 20 days following an Order finding that the material no longer qualifies for confidential treatment in order to allow Atmos to seek a remedy afforded by law.

5/9/2013 PSC_IC_NOTICE

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

5/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: (1) KU is granted a CPC&N that authorizes it to bid on a franchise for electric service offered by the city of Cynthiana, KY. (2) If KU is not the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a written notice stating that KY was not the successful bidder. (3) If KY is the successful bidder, KU shall, within ten days of the award of the franchise at issue, file with the Commission a copy of the executed franchise agreement. (4) Any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Order shall reference the number of this case and shall be electronically submitted via the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System. (5) This Order shall not be construed as granting a CPC&N to construct utility facilities in said city.

5/9/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: (1) An investigation is opened to determine the reasonableness of the proposed rate increase. (2) The proposed rates are suspended from May 10, 2013 until June 1, 2013. (3) On June 1, 2013, the proposed rates will go into effect, subject to refund, pending the outcome of this proceeding.

5/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/10/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/10/2013 20130510_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Kentucky Power shall reduce its jurisdictional environmental revenue requirement determined in the first billing month following the date of this Order by $704,292 as discussed herein. 2. Kentucky Power shall use a weighted average cost of capital of 8.12 percent and a tax gross-up factor of 1.5491, a return on equity rate of 10.50 percent, and an overall grossed-up return of 10.30 percent in all monthly environmental surcharge filings subsequent to the date of this Order.

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. YMax's motion for withdrawal of its application is granted. 2. This proceeding is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

5/13/2013 PSC_Notice_of_Correction

Commission Staff's Notice of correction to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Jackson Energy Cooperative Corporation

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. East Pendleton is permitted to deviate from 807 WR 5076, Section 4. 2. East Pendleton’s application is accepted for filing as of the date of this Order. 3. The reasonableness of East Pendleton’s proposed rates shall be determined using the calendar year ending 12/31/12. 4. No later than 6/28/13, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding East Pendleton’s requested rate adjustment. 5. No later than 7/12/13, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. its written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; b. Any additional evidence for the Commission’s consideration; and, c. Written notice as to whether this matter may be submitted for decision based upon the existing record without hearing. 6. If Commission Staff finds that East Pendleton’s financial condition supports a higher rate than East Pendleton proposed or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in East Pendleton’s application, East Pendleton in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge.

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Valley Gas’s request to deviate from 807 KAR 5:076, Section 8, as described herein, is granted. 2. For procedural purposes, today’s date shall be considered the date that Valley Gas’s application is considered filed.

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: KRWA’s 2013 Outdoor Expo (WT 2013-OIO), which will be held in Park City, Kentucky, on June 11-12, 2013 is accredited and approved for a maximum of 8.0 credit hours of water district management training. 2. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentation. 3. No later than July 12, 2013, KRWA shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after KRWA’s application; and c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended.

5/13/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates proposed by Burkesville are denied. 2. The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved far billing for service rendered on and after June 1 , 2013 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Burkesville shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order

5/13/2013 20130513_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: (1) A hearing in this matter shall be held on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. (2) Meade County shall public notice of this hearing in compliance with KRS 424.300 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2). (3) Meade County shall file with the Commission no later than July 12, 2013 proof of publication of its notice of the haring in each of the publications in which it published notice. (4) The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. (5) Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Owen’s tariff proposing a $30.00 monthly meter reading fee for any customer who refuses the use of remote meter readings shall be investigated as part of this rate case. 2. All future filings relating to any issue in Case No. 2012-00468 or this rate case shall contain the styles of both cases and shall be filed in Case No. 2012-00448.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Owen’s tariff proposing a $30.00 monthly meter reading fee for any customer who refuses the use of remote meter readings shall be investigated as part of this rate case. 2. All future filings relating to any issue in Case No. 2012-00468 or this rate case shall contain the styles of both cases and shall be filed in Case No. 2012-00448.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant's motion for confidential protection is granted. 2. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order. At the end of this period, the material shall be placed in the public record. Prior to the end of this period, the Movant may request that the material continue to be treated as confidential but must demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions established in KRS 61.878. 3. If Movant objects to the time limits that the Commission has placed on the confidential treatment for the materials in question, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission's determination of the period for which the material is afforded confidential treatment and will require Movant to demonstrate a change in circumstances in any subsequent motion for continued confidential treatment of the materials in question after the end of the period set forth in ordering paragraph 2. 4. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 5. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or if they no longer qualify for confidential treatment.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Adair District is granted a Certificate for the proposed construction as set forth in its application. 2. Adair District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the Commission’s prior approval. 4. Adair District shall file with the Commission documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (e.g., engineering, legal, administrative)] within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. Adair District shall file a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of the substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. Adair District shall require construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a licensed professional engineer, with a Kentucky registration in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering, to ensure that the construction work is done in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and in conformance with the best practices of the construction trades involved in

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: EKPC and each of its Member Cooperatives listed in footnote 2 shall be parties to this case. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed in this proceeding. . Within seven days of the Commission’s granting intervention to a party, EKPC shall provide the party with a copy of its monthly environmental surcharge reports as filed with the Commission for the review period.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: East Casey District’s request to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Sections 12 and 17(2)(a), is granted 2. East Casey District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding East Casey District’s financial condition or operations since December 31, 2012.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The rates in the Appendix, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are approved for final meter readings on and after the date of this Order. 2. Within 20 days from the date of this Order, Bright’s Propane shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; Adair District’s request to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. Adair District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding Adair District’s financial condition or operations since December 31, 2012.

5/14/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: TracFone shall continue to perform annual audits in accordance with FCC rules and shall no longer be required to file quarterly reports in accordance with Condition 2 of the Commission’s Order in Case No. 2009-00100. 2. The matter is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

5/14/2013 20130514_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: 1. Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:OOl , Section 8, shall be followed when filing papers in this proceeding. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A shall he followed in this proceeding.

5/14/2013 20130514_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: (1) Order paragraphs 2 through 4 of our Order of April 19, 2013 in this matter are amended to read as follows: 2. West Carroll District shall charge the rates set forth in Appendix C to this Order for water service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order and using the Commission's Electronic Tariff Filing System, West Carroll District shall file with the Commission revised tariff sheets that contain the rates set forth in Appendix C. 4. West Carroll District shall, for accounting and ratemaking purposes, use the "PSC Approved Service Life" set forth in Appendix B to this Order for the listed classes of assets when calculating and reporting depreciation for all reporting periods after the date of this Order, but shall make no retroactive adjustment to its books to account for the cumulative effect of this change in accounting estimate. (2) All other provisions of the Order of April 19, 2013 remain in effect. (3) Our Order of April 25, 2013 is vacated.

5/14/2013 20130514_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: . East Casey District’s request to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 17(2)(a), is granted. 2. East Casey District’s application is considered filed as of the date of this Order.. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Commission from requiring the production of information regarding East Casey District’s financial condition or operations since December 31, 2012.

5/14/2013 20130514_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: The purchased water adjustment factor of $0.07 per 1,000 gallons and West Shelby’s proposed rates are denied. 2. The purchase water adjustment factor of $0.06 per 1,000 gallons is approved. 3. The rates set forth in Appendix B are approved for service that West Shelby renders on or after July 1 , 2013. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, West Shelby shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets showing the approved rates, with an effective date of July 1 , 2013.

5/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Movant's motion for confidential protection is granted. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

5/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Informal conference shall be held on May 16, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time in Hearing Room 2 of the Commission’s offices located at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky.

5/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's Fourth Request for Information to Kentucky Power Company

5/15/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Fountain Run’s motion to reschedule the hearing is granted. 2. The hearing in this matter scheduled on July 9, 2013, is rescheduled for Thursday, July 11, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at the Commission’s offices at 21 1 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky.

5/15/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/15/2013 20130515_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Regarding Request for Confidential Treatment

5/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The designation of Nexus as a limited ETC is conditioned on Nexus’s compliance with: (1) the representations and commitments made by Nexus in its ETC application and its Compliance Plan; and (2) the FCC rules, including those adopted by the FCC in the Lifeline Reform Order. 2. Nexus is designated as an ETC for the purpose of offering Lifeline service only in the underlying carriers’ licensed service areas throughout the state. 3. During the current Certification period, Nexus shall be eligible to receive federal and Kentucky USF support for Lifeline. 4. Nexus shall advertise the availability of and charges for these services using media of general distribution. 5. Nexus shall comply with the FCC’s annual certification process for Lifeline customers. 6. A copy of this Order shall be served upon the FCC and the USAC.

5/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Movant’s motion for confidential protection is granted. 2. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection for a period of five years from the date of this Order. At the end of this period, the material shall be placed in the public record. Prior to the end of this period, the Movant may request that the material continue to be treated as confidential but must demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions established in KRS 61.878. 3, If Movant objects to the time limits that the Commission has placed on the confidential treatment for the materials in question, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission’s determination of the period for which the material is afforded confidential treatment and will require Movant to demonstrate a change in circumstances in any subsequent motion for continued confidential treatment of the materials in question after the end of the period set forth in ordering paragraph 2. 4. Use of the materials in question in this proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 5. Movant shall inform the Commission if the materials in question become publicly available or if no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

5/16/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation

5/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Cumberland County is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the proposed construction project. Cumberland County’s proposed plan of financing is accepted. Cumberland County is authorized to issue $487,000 of its Waterworks Revenue Bonds at an interest rate not exceeding 2.75 percent per annum maturing over 40 years. 4. The proceeds from the proposed bond issuance shall be used only for the purposes specified in Cumberland County’s application. 5. Cumberland County shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 6. Notwithstanding ordering paragraph 5, if surplus funds remain after the approved construction has been completed, Cumberland County may use such funds to construct additional plant facilities if RD approves of the use, and the additional construction will not result in a change in Cumberland County’s rates for service. Cumberland County shall provide written notice of this additional construction in accordance with 807 KAR 5069, Section 3. 7. Cumberland County shall file a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement from the engineer that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction certified herein. 8. Cumberland County shall require the construction to be inspected under the general supervision of a professi

5/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for billing with the final meter readings beginning on May 30, 2013. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/16/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EFCN’s ”Financial Management and Planning Workshop for Small Water Systems” (WT 2013-011), which will be held in London, Kentucky, on June 11, 2013 is accredited and approved for a maximum of 5.75 credit hours of water district management training. 2. EFCN shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentation. 3. No later than July 12, 2013, EFCN shall file with the Commission: a. A sworn statement attesting that the accredited instruction was performed; b. A description of any changes in the presenters or the proposed curriculum that occurred after EFCN’s application; and c. The name of each attending water district commissioner, his or her water district, and the number of hours that he or she attended.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Bath District shall, for accounting and ratemaking purposes, use the “PSC Approved Service Life” set forth in Appendix B to this Order for the listed classes of assets when calculating and reporting depreciation for all reporting periods after the date of this Order, but shall make no retroactive adjustment to its books to account for the cumulative effect of this change in accounting estimate. 2. Bath District’s proposed rates are denied. 3. Bath District shall charge the rates set forth in Appendix C to this Order for water service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order and using the Commission’s Electronic Tariff Filing System, Bath District shall file with the Commission revised tariff sheets that contain the rates set forth in Appendix C.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by East Kentucky through the FAC for the period November 1,2010 to October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. East Kentucky’s continued use of the existing base fuel cost of 30.14 mills per kWh is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by KU through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. KU's proposed base fuel cost of 28.92 mills per kWh is approved. 3. KU shall transfer (roll-in) a 2.24 mills per kWh of fuel costs to its current base rates that were being charged to customers through its FAC. 4. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved to be effective with KU's first billing cycle for June 2013. 5. Beginning with the expense month for June 201 3, KU shall use an FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 28.92 mills per kWh. 6. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, KU shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order entered: The charges and credits applied by LG&E through the FAC for the period from November 1 , 2010 through October 31 , 2012 are approved. LG&E’s proposed base fuel cost of 27.25 mills per kWh is approved. LG&E shall transfer (roll-in) 5.10 mills per kWh of fuel costs to its current base rates that were being charged to customers through its FAC. 4. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved to be effective with LG&E’s first billing cycle for June 2013. 5. Beginning with the expense month for June 2013, LG&E shall use an FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 27.25 mills per kWh. 6. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets with the Commission setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered; The charges and credits applied by Duke Kentucky through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31 , 2012 are approved. 2. Duke Kentucky’s proposed base fuel cost of 27.466 mills per kWh is approved. 3. Duke Kentucky shall transfer (roll-in) 1.719 mills per kWh of fuel costs to its base rates that were being charged to customers through its FAC. 4. The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved effective with Duke Kentucky’s first billing cycle for June 2013. 5. Beginning with the expense month for June 2013, Duke Kentucky shall use an FAC rate based upon a base fuel cost of 27.466 mills per kWh. 6. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Duke Kentucky shall file, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets with the Commission setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Big Rivers through the FAC for the period November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Big Rivers’ continued use of the existing base fuel cost of 20.932 mills per kWh is approved

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Big Sandy through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Big Sandy’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Blue Grass through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Blue Grass’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Clark through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Clark’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Cumberland Valley through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Cumberland Valley’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Farmers through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Farmers' proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Fleming-Mason through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Fleming-Mason’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Grayson through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Grayson’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Inter-County through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Inter-County’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Jackson Energy through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Jackson Energy’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Licking Valley through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Licking Valley’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Nolin through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Nolin’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Owen through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Owen’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The charges and credits applied by Salt river through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Salt River’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Shelby through the FAC for the period from November 1 , 2010 through October 31 , 2012 are approved. 2. Shelby’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by South Kentucky through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31 , 2012 are approved. 2. South Kentucky’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Taylor County through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Taylor County's proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Jackson Purchase through the FAC for the period from November 1 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Jackson Purchase’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Kenergy through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2012 are approved. 2. Kenergy's proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The charges and credits applied by Meade through the FAC for the period from November 1, 2010 through October 31,2012 are approved. 2. Meade’s proposal to maintain its rates at their current level is approved.

5/17/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Nolin’s proposed tariff is approved for service on and after the date of this Order. 2. Nolin is relieved of the filing requirements set forth in Case No. 2011-00141. 3. Nolin shall make annual filings for calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015 as set forth in the Findings above, and thereafter, maintain its records so as to be able to provide the same information upon request. 4. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Nolin shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised tariff sheets indicating the date of issue, the effective date, and that they were issued by authority of this Order.

5/20/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: A hearing shall be scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at 1O:OO a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Grayson RECC shall publish notice of this hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5001 , Section 9(2)(b). 3. Grayson RECC shall file with the Commission no later than June 14, 2013, proof of publication of its notice of the hearing in each of the publications in which it published notice. 4. The official record of these proceedings shall be by video only. 5. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the Commission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

5/20/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/21/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: this proceeding is initiated to determine whether Corinth District has violated KRS 278.300.

5/22/2013 PSC_TCC_NOTICE


5/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KIUC’s petition for leave to conduct additional discovery is granted. 2. Big Rivers shall file responses to KlUC’s additional discovery within seven days of the date of this order.

5/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: an informal conference shall be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 9:30 a.m.

5/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Fountain Run Water District

5/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 2. a. All responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound and indexed and shall include the name of the witness who will be responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided. b. Each response shall be under oath. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information that indicates that the response was incorrect when made. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. 3. The parties shall consider any request for information from Commission Staff as if ordered by the Commission. 4. Service of any document shall be made in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(8). Service upon a party shall be considered completed upon delivery of the document or pleading to the party, upon mailing the document or pleading to the party’s address of record, or by sending it by electronic means to the electronic mail address listed on party’s pleadings. 5. Any party filing a document with the Commission shall serve such document upon all other parties to this proceeding. 6. Any document that a party serves upon the other parties to this proceeding shall also be filed with the Commission.

5/22/2013 DATA_REQUEST


5/22/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Big Sandy’s proposed adjustment of $0.03 per 1,000 gallons is approved for water service rendered on and after May 16, 2013. 2. Big Sandy’s proposed rates are approved. 3. Big Sandy’s proposed tariff sheets submitted with its application are approved as filed.

5/22/2013 PSC_Data_Request

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Columbia Gas of Kentucky

5/23/2013 20130523_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: (1) Unless otherwise ordered by Commission, the procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8, shall be followed when filing papers in this proceeding. (2) The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed in this proceeding. (3) a. Responses to requests shall be filed in accordance with electronic filing procedures set out in 807 KAR 5001, Section 8, and shall be appropriately indexed, bookmarked and include name of witness responding to questions related to information provided, with copies to all parties of record and paper copy to Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person’s knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior responses if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though cor

5/28/2013 20130528_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: Movant’s motion for confidential protection is hereby granted. The materials for which Movant seeks confidential treatment shall not be placed in the public record nor made available for public inspection until January 1, 2019. At the end of

5/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Upon a motion filed by Kentucky Power Company on May 20, 2013, an informal conference will be scheduled on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 2 of the Commission’s offices located at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. The purpose of the requested informal conference is to consider the possibility of a settlement in this matter.

5/28/2013 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: (1) The formal evidentiary hearing scheduled to begin May 29,2013 shall be continued until July 10, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. EDT in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices for the purpose of taking evidence and cross-examination of Kentucky Power's application and any non-unanimous settlement agreement. (2) The May 29, 2013 hearing shall commence solely for the purpose of taking public comments. (3) Kentucky Power shall file no later than June 28, 2013, an analysis of the net present value revenue requirements of the bids received in response to the March 29,2013 solicitation.

5/28/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. South Kentucky RECC’s motion for an extension of time is granted. 2. South Kentucky RECC shall file its response to the Commission’s May 6, 2013 Order on or before June 7, 2013.

5/28/2013 20130528_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: (1) The evidentiary hearing in this matter shall begin at 9:00 a.m. EDT, on June 4, 2013. (2) All other provisions of the Commission's Order of April l4, 2013 shall remain in full force and effect.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Frontier's motion is granted and that it shall file its revised tariff sheets with the Commission no later than May 30, 2013.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Finding Paragraph 6 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are fair, just, and reasonable and should be approved to be effective with KU’s first billing cycle for July 2013. Finding Paragraph 7 of the May 17, 201 3 Order is amended to read as follows: Beginning with the expense month for July 2013, KU should use a FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 28.92 mills per kWh. Ordering Paragraph 4 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved to be effective with KU’s first billing cycle for July 2013. Ordering Paragraph 5 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: Beginning with the expense month for July 2013, KU shall use an FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 28.92 mills per kWh.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Finding Paragraph 6 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are fair, just, and reasonable and should be approved to be effective with LG&E's first billing cycle for July 2013. Finding Paragraph 7 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: Beginning with the expense month for July 2013, LG&E should use a FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 27.25 mills per kWh. Ordering Paragraph 4 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: The rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved to be effective with LG&E's first billing cycle for July 2013. Ordering Paragraph 5 of the May 17, 2013 Order is amended to read as follows: Beginning with the expense month for July 2013, LG&E shall use a FAC rate based on a base fuel cost of 27.25 mills per kWh.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: I. EKPC’s revised DSM tariffs as filed on January 22, 2013 are approved for service rendered on and after June 1, 2013. 2. Any amended DSM contract with AGC Automotive shall be filed through the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, and any entirely new service contract with AGC Automotive shall be filed for approval by an application. 3. The provision in the Commission’s March 11, 2013 Order requiring EKPC to file semi-monthly status reports is terminated.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. No later than July 15, 2013, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Fern Lake's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than July 29, 2013, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. It’s written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; b. Any additional evidence for the Commission’s consideration; and, c. Written notice as to whether this matter may be submitted for decision based upon the existing record without hearing. 3. If Commission Staff finds that Fern Lake’s financial condition supports a higher rate than Fern Lake proposes, or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Fern Lake’s application, Fern Lake in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge. 4. If Commission Staff recommends changes in which Fern Lake accounts for the depreciation of Fern Lake’s assets, Fern Lake in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should require Fern Lake to implement the proposed change for accounting purposes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Auxier Road’s request to withdraw its application in this matter is granted and that this case will be removed from the Commission’s docket.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Ballard Rural’s proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June 1 , 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Ballard Rural shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1 , 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013. c. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. e. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. f. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: . Brandenburg’s proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June I , 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Brandenburg shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:OOl Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1 , 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013 c. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. e. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. f. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Coalfields Telephone’s proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June 1, 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Coalfields Telephone shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:OOl Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1, 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1, 2013. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company e. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. f. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Foothills Rural’s proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June I, 2013 . 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Foothills Rural shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High-Cost Loop Support beginning July 1, 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mountain Rural's proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June 1 , 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Mountain Rural shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1 , 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013. c. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. e. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. f. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Thacker-Grigsby's proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June 1 , 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Thacker-Grigsby shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1 , 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013. c. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. e. Historical and projected federal universal service support and its effects on the company. f. A narrative of any other circumstances that justify or support the proposed rate changes.

5/29/2013 20130529_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order Entered: 1. West Kentucky Rural's proposed rates for its basic local exchange service are suspended for one day from the effective date of May 31, 2013, and will be effective subject to refund on June 1 , 2013. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, West Kentucky Rural shall file with the Commission an application to support its proposed tariff to increase rates for local exchange service. The application shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16, except for any waivers that may be granted or requirements other than those specified in the findings above. 3. The application shall also contain: a. The estimated annual revenue to be received from High Cost Loop Support beginning July 1 , 2013. b. The estimated annual revenue to be lost due to adjustment of terminating access rates effective July 1 , 2013. c. The total estimated annual revenue (increase or decrease) to be generated by the tariff changes. Include a breakout for each service or category of service to show changes in revenue. d. Historical and projected line counts and the effects of any line changes on the company. e. H

5/30/2013 20130530_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Final Order Entered: (1) Each jurisdictional electric distribution utility shall collect and maintain all records necessary to evaluate its system reliability performance in accordance with the methodology established by the most recent edition of the (“IE

5/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The hearing in this matter scheduled for July 11, 2013 is rescheduled for Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, at the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, KY.

5/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: Hardin District's request to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 16(3)(a), by publishing an abbreviated notice of its proposed rate adjustment for sewer service in lieu of written notice to each customer is denied.

5/30/2013 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: The AMRP rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for billing with Columbia’s June 201 3 billing cycle effective May 30, 2013. 2. In every future filing of annual update data and application for increased AMRP rates, Columbia shall continue to file the detailed breakdown of additions to Account 376.25, Mains-AMRP, as required herein. 3. Columbia shall file future AMRP rate increase applications annually no later than March I. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Columbia shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the AMRP rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this