Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00222

Case Number:2022-00222
Service Type:Gas
Filing Date:7/29/2022

Atmos Energy Corporation

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

PRP Rider Rates

Case Filings
6/30/2023 4:18:24 PM

Order Entered: 1. Atmos’s motion for rehearing is denied. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

6/13/2023 6:24:37 PM

Atmos Energy 2023 PRP Petition for Rehearing 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


Read1st - Atmos Energy 2023 PRP Petition for Rehearing 2022-00222

5/25/2023 10:41:59 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. The PRP rates proposed by Atmos are denied. 2. The PRP rates in Appendix B to this Order are approved for service rendered by Atmos on and after the date of entry of this Order. 3. Atmos may use the PRP ROE approved in this Order in its next PRP filing without filing ROE testimony. 4. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Atmos shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order. 5. Within 60 days of the date of service of this Order, Atmos shall refund to its customers all amounts collected for service rendered from October 2, 2022, through the date of entry of this Order that are in excess of the rates set forth in the Appendix B herein attached to this Order. 6. Within 75 days of the date of service of this Order, Atmos shall submit a written report to the Commission in which it describes its efforts to refund all monies collected in excess of the rates that are set forth in the Appendix B to this Order. 7. The Commission reserves its right to initiate an investigation to determine whether Atmos reasonably refunded all monies collected in excess of the rates that are set forth in the Appendix B to this Order should the Commission deem it necessary. 8. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

10/21/2022 4:03:48 PM

Atmos Energy KY PRP Hearing Waiver Letter 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation

10/14/2022 5:21:36 PM

Atmos Energy Responses to Staff Set 2 Petition for Confidentiality 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation

10/14/2022 5:18:24 PM

Atmos Energy Responses to Staff DR Set 2 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


2022-00222 Atmos Responses to Staff Set 2


Read1st - Atmos Responses to Staff Set 2 Cover Letter 2022-00222


Staff_2-11_Att1 - Additions to Plant in Service.xlsx

9/30/2022 12:02:14 PM

Data Request

9/29/2022 10:53:06 AM

Data Request

9/16/2022 4:37:54 PM

Atmos Energy Responses to Staff DR Set 1 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


2022-00222 Atmos Responses to Staff Set 1


Read1st - Atmos Responses to Staff Set 1 Cover Letter 2022-00222


Staff_1-01_Att1 - STD Cost Rate.xlsx


Staff_1-06_Att1 - Exhibit DWD-3 Update.xlsx


Staff_1-11_Att1 - PRP In-service Date.xlsx


Staff_1-15_Att1 - Kentucky Taxable Income (Loss) Detail.xlsx


Staff_1-17_Att1 - Allocated Plant Additions FY18-FY22 YTD Aug.xlsx


Staff_1-18_Att1 - KY Projected Capital Expenditures.xlsx

8/31/2022 12:14:25 PM

Data Request

8/15/2022 4:20:48 PM

Atmos Energy Notice of Intent to Implement Interim Rates 2022-00222

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


Read1st - Atmos Energy Notice of Intent to Implement Interim Rates Cover Letter

8/12/2022 9:32:13 AM

Order Entered: 1. Atmos’s proposed PRP rates are suspended for one day, October 1, 2022. 2. Atmos’s proposed PRP rates may be placed in effect by Atmos on or after October 2, 2022, pending the final Order in this matter and subject to refund, provided Atmos provides written notice to the Commission of its intention to do so as required by KRS 278.190(2). 3. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.

7/29/2022 12:51:33 PM

2022-00222 Atmos Energy KY PRP Filing Petition for Confidentiality

Eric Wilen a

7/29/2022 12:48:17 PM

2022-00222 Atmos Energy KY PRP Filing

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


2022-07-29 Atmos KY PRP Filing - Model 2022-00222


Atmos Energy 2022 KY PRP Filing 2022-00222


Read1st - Atmos Energy 2022 KY PRP Filing - Cover Letter 2022-00222

7/15/2022 11:19:20 AM

20220715_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Atmos Energy Corporation Notice of Intent to File Application for PRP Rider Rates Beginning October 1, 2022 Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20220715_Atmos Energy Corporation Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Atmos Energy Corporation Notice of Intent and Election