Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2017-00191

Case Number:2017-00191
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:5/24/2017

Dexter-Almo Heights Water District

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
12/19/2017 11:19:07 AM

Order Entered nunc pro tunc, that: 1. The Appendix to the November 21 , 2017 Order is amended by deleting the erroneous gallon block labels, and adding the correct gallon block labels as: first 2,000 gallons at $15.14 minimum bill; next 3,000 gallons at $5.82 per 1,000 gallons; next 5,000 gallons at $5.07 per 1,000 gallons; next 10,000 gallons at $4.74 per 1,000 gallons; and over 20,000 gallons at $3.67 per 1,000 gallons. 2. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall replace those set forth in the Appendix to the November 21, 2017 Order.

11/21/2017 12:53:30 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. The findings contained in the Staff Report are adopted and incorporated by reference into this Order as if fully set out herein. 2. The rates proposed by Dexter-Almo are denied. 3. The rates set forth in the Appendix to this Order are approved for services rendered by Dexter-Almo on and after the date of this Order. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Dexter-Almo shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, new tariff sheets setting forth the rates and charges approved herein and their effective date, and stating that the rates and charges were authorized by this Order. 5. Dexter-Almo shall modify the depreciable lives currently assigned to Transmission and Distribution Mains ("Mains") from 25 and 50 years to 62.5 years and modify the depreciable lives currently assigned to Meters from 25 and 50 years to 42.5 years. These modifications reflect the mid-point of the depreciable lives of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners ranges and were found to be reasonable by Staff in its report. Dexter-Almo shall depreciate Mains over 62.5 years and meters over 42.5 years for accounting purposes in all future reporting periods. No adjustment to accumulated depreciation, or retained earnings should be made to account for this change in the accounting estimate.

10/9/2017 2:13:12 PM

Response to staff report for case number 2017-00191

Kathy Wyatt Dexter-Almo Heights Water District

9/27/2017 12:21:22 PM

Staff Report

6/12/2017 12:02:33 PM

Order Entered: 1. No later than September 28, 2017, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Dexter-Almo's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; and b. Any additional evidence for the Commission to consider. 3. If Commission Staff finds that Dexter-Almo's financial condition supports a higher rate than Dexter-Almo proposes or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Dexter-Almo's Application, Dexter-Almo, in its responses to the Commission Staff Report, shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or recommend an additional rate or charge. 4. If Commission Staff recommends changes in the manner in which Dexter- Almo accounts for the depreciation of Dexter-Alma's assets, Dexter-Alma, in its response to the Commission Staff Report, shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should require Dexter-Almo to implement the proposed change for accounting purposes.

5/31/2017 12:29:28 PM

Affidavit for newspaper notices run for rate increase application

Kathy Wyatt Dexter-Almo Heights Water District


Affidavit from newspaper for 2017-00191

5/25/2017 3:56:31 PM

20170525_PSC Deficiency Cured Letter.pdf

5/24/2017 3:09:35 PM

Response to filing deficiency dated May 19th, 2017

Kathy Wyatt Dexter-Almo Heights Water District


Response to Filing Deficiency pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076 Section 4 (1) (d).

5/19/2017 2:42:37 PM

20170519_PSC Deficiency Letter.pdf

5/15/2017 1:39:38 PM

This is the electronic filing for the Alterative Rate Filing for Dexter-Almo Heights Water District.

Kathy Wyatt Dexter-Almo Heights Water District


Board Resolution stating the intend to file the ARF and the parties responsible for gathering and submitting any documentation needed


A breakdown of the current rates and what the new proposed would be should ARF be approved by the Commission


Depreciation schedule for assets for the Dexter-Almo Heights Water District


Part 1 of 4 for loan documentation for the local bank note that the District has


Part 2 of 4 for loan documentation for the local bank note that the District has


Part 3 of 4 for loan documentation for the local bank note that the District has


Part 4 of 4 for the loan documentation for the local bank note that the District has


Rate Application for Dexter-Almo Heights District ARF


Cover Letter for Dexter-Almo Heights Water District ARF


Customer Notice ran in Local Newspaper for Dexter-Almo Heights Water District ARF


A List of the reasons why Dexter-Almo Heights Water District is applying for ARF


Revenue Requirement Worksheet using the debt coverage method


Breakdown of the operations costs and adjustments for the District in a given year


Part 1 of 2 for the Statement of Disclosures with all parties involved with the District


Part 2 of 2 for the Statement of Disclosures with all parties involved with the District


Usage Table breakdown by customer usage for test year 2016 and proposed new revenue based on test year

5/5/2017 10:50:36 AM

20170505_PSC Acknowledgement Letter.pdf


Dexter- Alma Heights Water District Notice of Intent to File Application for Alternative Rate Adjustment Using the Electronic Filing Procedures

20170505_Dexter- Alma Heights Water District Notice of Intent.pdf

Dexter- Alma Heights Water District Notice of Intent