Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2015-00071

Case Number:2015-00071
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:2/27/2015

Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Case Nature:

Gas Line Tracker

Case Filings
3/30/2015 2:29:40 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. LG&E's motion to amend its application is granted. 2. The GLT rates in the Appendix to this Order are approved for service rendered by LG&E on and after April 30, 2015. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, LG&E shall file with this Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.


LGE Motion to Amend

3/2/2015 9:37:01 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


LG&E Application for Approval of Revised Rates to be Recovered Through Its Gas Line Tracker Beginning with the First Billing Cycle for May, 2015