Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00102

Case Number:2022-00102
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:3/24/2022

Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
11/7/2022 10:11:39 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. Bluegrass Water’s request for a CPCN for the proposed projects in its application is granted. 2. Bluegrass Water shall notify the Commission upon knowledge of any material changes to the project, including, but not limited to a material increase in costs and any significant delays in construction. 3. Any material deviation from the construction approved by this Order shall be undertaken only with the prior approval of the Commission. 4. Bluegrass Water shall file documentation of the total costs of the projects, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs within 60 days of the date that construction authorized under this CPCN is substantially completed. 5. Bluegrass Water shall file a copy of the as-built drawings, if any, and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the plans and specifications within 60 days of the substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 through 5 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the post-case correspondence file for this proceeding. 7. The Executive Director is delegated authority to grant reasonable extensions of time for filing any documents required by this Order upon Bluegrass Water’s showing of good cause for such extension. 8. This case is closed and is removed from the Commission's docket.

10/20/2022 1:31:46 PM

Notice of Filing in response to 9-30-22 Order

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Notice of Filing per 9/30/22 Order


Read1st cover letter for filing notice

9/30/2022 3:29:39 PM

Order Entered: 1. Bluegrass Water’s motion for confidential treatment is denied. 2. The designated material denied confidential treatment by this Order is not exempt from public disclosure and shall be placed in the public record and made available for public inspection. 3. If Bluegrass Water objects to the Commission's determination that the requested material not be granted confidential treatment, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission's determination of which materials should be granted confidential treatment. 4. Within 30 days of the date of service of this Order, Bluegrass Water shall file a revised version of the designated material for which confidential treatment was denied, reflecting as unredacted the information that has been denied confidential treatment. 5. The designated material for which Bluegrass Water’s request for confidential treatment has been denied shall neither be placed in the public record nor made available for inspection for 30 days from the date of service of this Order in order to allow Bluegrass Water to seek a remedy afforded by law.

6/29/2022 3:22:15 PM

Bluegrass Request for Matter to be Submitted on Written Record

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Notice of request for matter to be submitted on written record


Read1st cover letter for request

6/23/2022 4:32:35 PM

Response to 2nd set of Staff data requests

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Bluegrass response to 2nd set of Staff data requests


Read1st cover letter for responses

6/23/2022 3:56:43 PM

Order Entered: 1. Bluegrass Water’s motion for extension of time is granted. 2. Bluegrass Water shall submit their response to the Commission Staff’s supplemental request for information no later than June 23, 2022. 3. The last day for Bluegrass Water to request a Public Hearing or submit a request for the matter to be decided upon the written record shall be changed to June 29, 2022.

6/15/2022 11:16:00 AM

Motion for Extension of Time of certain deadlines

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Bluegrass motion for extension of time related to RFI response and final submission deadlines


cover letter for motion

6/1/2022 8:39:42 AM


5/19/2022 10:49:16 PM

Response to 1st set of Staff data requests

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Bluegrass Water response to 1st set of Staff data requests


Read1st cover letter for responses

5/4/2022 3:17:57 PM

Data Request

4/8/2022 2:14:36 PM

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 2. Any party filing a paper copy with the Commission shall file an electronic copy in accordance with the electronic filing procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. Electronic documents shall be in portable document format (PDF), shall be searchable, and shall be appropriately bookmarked. The Commission directs the parties to the Commission’s July 22, 2021 Order in Case No. 2020-00085¹ regarding filings with the Commission. 3. As set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(11)(a), a person requesting permissive intervention in a Commission proceeding is required to demonstrate either (1) a special interest in the proceeding that is not adequately represented in the case, or (2) that the person requesting permissive intervention is likely to present issues or develop facts that will assist the Commission in fully considering the matter without unduly complicating or disrupting the proceedings. Further, KRS 278.040(2) requires that a person seeking intervention must have an interest in the rates or service of a utility, as those are the only matters that are subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction.

3/29/2022 10:10:01 AM

20220329_PSC No Deficiency Letter.pdf

3/25/2022 9:34:47 PM

Bluegrass Motion for Confidential Treatment of certain information relating to the Application for approval of construction

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Motion for confidential treatment of certain information contained in the application


Read1st cover letter for motion

3/24/2022 5:30:49 PM

Application for approval of construction certificates at Herrington Haven site

Kathryn A. Eckert Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC


Bluegrass Application for Certificates of Convenience and Necessity at Herrington Haven site


Read1st cover letter for CPCN application

3/24/2022 12:21:17 PM

20220324_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC Notice of Intent to File an Application for Certificates of Convenience and Necessity for Projects at the Herrington Haven Site Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20220324_Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Bluegrass Water Utility Operating Company, LLC Notice of Intent and Election