View Case Filings for: 2014-00226
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:8/13/2014
Category:Fuel Adjustment Clause
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
8/13/2019 2:04:00 PM
Order Entered: 1. EKPC's August 27, 2014 petition for confidential protection is granted. 2. The designated materials shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years, or until further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated materials in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. EKPC shall inform the Commission if the designated materials become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party to this proceeding requests to inspect the designated materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not expired, EKPC shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If EKPC is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the designated materials available for inspection for 30 days following an Order finding that the materials no longer qualify for confidential treatment in order to allow EKPC to seek a remedy afforded by law. |
7/10/2015 10:46:56 AM
The Commission's January 30, 2015 Order in this proceeding is affirmed and East Kentucky's Petition is denied. 2. The May 26, 2015 joint motion requesting that Grayson be dismissed as a party, and requesting that any outstanding motions or materials file by Grayson be denied as moot, is granted. 3. East Kentucky's Motion for Informal Conference is denied as moot. |
Grayson RECC and East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. Joint Motion to Permit Withdrawal of Grayson RECC as Intervener |
Grayson RECC Notice of Filing |
Grayson RECC Response |
East Kentucky Power Coop. Inc. Motion for Informal Conference |
3/6/2015 3:31:39 PM
Order Entered: Rehearing is granted to allow for further evaluation of the issues presented. |
Grayson RECC Response to Petition for Rehearing |
East Kentucky Power Coop. Inc. Petition for Rehearing |
1/30/2015 9:55:58 AM
Final Order Entered: 1. Purchase power costs of $8,538,787 are disallowed for recovery by East Kentucky through its FAC for the review period. 2. East Kentucky shall immediately begin limiting recovery of power purchases through the FAC, excluding power purchases made to substitute for a forced outage, to the fuel cost of its highest-cost generating unit available to be dispatched to serve native load during the reporting expense month. 3. Power purchases in excess of the fuel cost of its highest-cost generating unit available to be dispatched to serve native load during the reporting expense month that have been recovered through East Kentucky's FAC since the end of the review period shall be disallowed in future FAC review proceedings. 4. Beginning with its first FAC filing made subsequent to the date of this Order, or as amended if filed prior to the date of this Order, and continuing for a total of four consecutive months, East Kentucky shall include a credit of $2,134,696.75 to refund to customers a total of $8,538,787 for power purchases in excess of the fuel cost of its highest-cost generating unit available to be dispatched to serve native load during the reporting expense month. 5. The issue of RTO billing codes and the appropriateness of their inclusion in the FAC calculation shall be examined in the next FAC review proceedings covering the two-year period November 1, 2012, through October 31, 2014 for those electric utilities that are members of an RTO. |
Grayson RECC Post Hearing Brief |
East Kentucky Power brief |
12/2/2014 3:06:38 PM
Order Entered: (1) Grayson's request for a one-week extension in which to file simultaneous briefs is granted. (2) The parties shall file simultaneous briefs on or before December 17, 2014. |
11/26/2014 1:22:56 PM
Notice of Filing Hearing Documents |
EKPC response to PSC Post Hearing data request |
Grayson RECC motion for PSC to modify post Hearing Order |
Affidavit of Kentucky Press Service Inc., and newspaper clippings for notice of hearing for EKPC |
EKPC Responses to Staff's Second Request for Information and Grayson RECC's Initial Request for Information |
EKPC Responses to Staff's Second Request for Information and Grayson RECC's Initial Request for Information |
9/26/2014 10:18:16 AM
Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. |
Intervenor Grayson RECC initial request for info to East Kentucky Power |
9/12/2014 11:27:09 AM
Order Entered: Grayson's motion to intervene is granted. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the appendix, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be followed. |
9/10/2014 2:12:47 PM
Order Entered: KIUC's Notice of Withdrawal is granted. |
Grayson RECC response to motion for confidential treatment |
EKPC reply in support of motion for confidential treatment |
KIUC Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Intervene and Petition to Amend Procedural Schedule |
Response and objection to KIUC motion to intervene and motion to amend the procedural schedule |
EKPC Responses to PSC Staff's Request for Information and Motion for Confidential Treatment |
Grayson RECC Motion for Intervention |
KIUC Motion to Intervene EKPC KIUC Petition for Amend Procedural Schedule EKPC |
KIUC Motion to Intervene EKPC KIUC Petition for Amend Procedural Schedule EKPC |
8/13/2014 11:53:40 AM
Order Entered: (1) East Kentucky shall appear in HR 1 on November 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., EST, to submit itself to examination of the application of the Fuel Adjustment Clause of East Kentucky from November 1, 2013, through April 30, 2014. Neither opening statements nor summaries of pre-filed testimony will be permitted. (2) Not less than seven days and no more than 21 days prior to hearing, East Kentucky shall publish notice of the purpose, time, place, and date of the hearing. (3) East Kentucky shall file no later than November 7, 2014 proof of publication of its notice for the hearing. (4) The official record of the proceeding shall be by video only. (5)The information requested in the Appendix is due not later than 14 days from the date of this Order. (6) Any party which wishes to file testimony or requests information from East Kentucky may petition the Commission for a procedural schedule. (7) Any request for intervention must be filed by September 8, 2014. (8) A person who submits a motion to intervene after September 8, 2014, and, upon a showing of good cause, is granted full intervention shall accept and abide by the existing procedural schedule. |