Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2012-00460

Case Number:2012-00460
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:10/9/2012

Windstream Kentucky East, LLC

Case Nature:

Notice of Intent to Disconnect for Non-Payment

Case Filings
10/30/2012 9:22:20 AM

Order Entered: 1. Navigator shall notify the Commission within seven calendar days of the date of this Order of its intent to pay the delinquent bill to Windstream within ten days of the date of this Order or, in the alternative, of its intent to notify its end-users (if any) of the proposed service disconnection. Such written comments shall include a copy of Navigator’s customer notice and an affidavit indicating when the notice was mailed and the number of Kentucky customers to whom it was mailed. 2. A copy of Windstream’s notice of intent to disconnect Navigator is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. If Navigator has not responded as prescribed in ordering paragraph 1 within seven calendar days of the date of this Order, Windstream may disconnect Navigator consistent with the procedures Windstream listed in its Notice. 4. A copy of this Order shall be sent by certified mail to Navigator.

10/9/2012 1:21:42 PM

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Windstream Kentucky East, LLC's Notice of Intent to Disconnection Navigator Telecommunications, Inc. for Non-Payment