Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2012-00445

Case Number:2012-00445
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:9/28/2012

Kentucky Power Company

Case Nature:

Establish Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

Case Filings
1/7/2013 2:45:53 PM

Order Entered: Kentucky Power is authorized to establish a regulatory asset in the amount of $12.146 million, based on its costs for storm damages and service restoration due to the four major 2012 storms that affected customers in its service area. 2. As the total actual storm costs become known, Kentucky Power shall adjust the amount of the asset downward if the total is less than $12.146 million. 3. Kentucky Power shall file the accounting entries it makes to establish and record the regulatory asset authorized herein. Kentucky Power shall file these entries with the Commission no later than January 31, 2013. 4. The amount, if any, of the regulatory asset authorized herein that is to be amortized and recovered in rates shall be determined in Kentucky Power’s next rate case based on an examination of its storm preparedness, its storm restoration efforts, reliability improvement efforts and the reasonableness of the costs incurred. 5. Kentucky Power’s motion to amend its application is denied.


Kentucky Power's Motion to Amend its Application


Kentucky Power Company's Amended Application


Kentucky Power Company's Supplemental Response to Commission Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Item No. 5

12/4/2012 8:52:47 AM

Memorandum dated 12/3/12 for Informal Conference of 10/30/12; Comments, if any, due 12/12/12.


Kentucky Power Company response to the PSC staffs data requests

11/21/2012 10:46:40 AM



KY Power Responses to Commission Staffs 1st Set of DR with CD

10/26/2012 2:56:57 PM

Commission Staff's First Request For Information to Kentucky Power Company

10/26/2012 10:31:24 AM

Order Entered: The motion of KlUC to intervene is granted. KlUC shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Should KIUC file documents of any kind with the Commission in the course of these proceedings, KlUC shall also serve a copy of said documents on all other parties of record.


KIUC's Petition to Intervene

9/28/2012 3:08:38 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Kentucky Power Company's Application for an Order Approving Accounting Practices to Establish Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Related to the Extraordinary Expenses Incurred by Kentucky Power Company in Connection with Four 2012 Major Storm Evens