Kentucky Public Service Commission

Columbia Gas Customer Choice Pilot Program

Consumer Tips for the Columbia Gas "Customer Choice" Program

The Public Service Commission wants to help you understand the options you now have in purchasing natural gas.

It's Your Choice...

In September, 2000 Columbia Gas of Kentucky initiated, with the approval of the Kentucky Public Service Commission, a three-year pilot program called "Columbia Gas of Kentucky Customer Choice." The program allows residential and small commercial customers of Columbia Gas of Kentucky to choose an alternative gas supplier, that is a gas marketing company. Customers may also choose to continue having Columbia Gas of Kentucky as their gas supplier. Whether a customer chooses to purchase gas from an alternative supplier or from Columbia Gas, Columbia will be the company responsible for transporting and distributing the gas to the customer.

The following information is intended to make your choice of supplier (alternative or Columbia Gas) easier.

Know the Supplier

Before contracting for service with any supplier, make sure it's on the approved supplier list for your area. You can get a current list of approved suppliers from Columbia Gas or by clicking on this link:

Each supplier on this list met Columbia’s credit standards and has agreed to conduct business in accordance with Columbia’s standard of conduct for all the "Choice" approved marketers.

Safety and Reliability

Whether you continue to get your natural gas supply from Columbia Gas, or sign up with one of the competitive suppliers, Columbia Gas will still deliver the gas to your home or business. Columbia Gas will bill you and will respond to your natural gas safety concerns. Throughout the entire pilot program, Columbia Gas and the Kentucky PSC will continue to ensure that you receive safe, reliable and adequate gas service.

Before You Sign

  • ASK the supplier if it is on the approved supplier list.
  • READ carefully any material the supplier provides.
  • KNOW the terms of the contract. How long does it last? Does the gas price change during the contract period? Is there a discount? What are the terms of cancellation? Are you required to cancel in writing? How many days notice are required? Is there a penalty for cancellation?
  • OBTAIN a copy of the contract, and make sure all terms, conditions and prices are provided in writing for your records.
  • Ask the supplier to explain any risks, as well as the potential benefits, of the program. Weigh the risks and the benefits carefully, and take your time before making a decision.
  • REMEMBER -- it's your choice. You can always call the Public Service Commission toll free at 1-800-772-4636 or e-mail us at if you have questions. We cannot recommend a supplier or make your choice for you, but we can answer questions about the details of the program.

Who To Call

For safety concerns:

Columbia Gas of Kentucky
24 hour service - 1-859-288-0205
Toll Free - 1-800-432-9515

For questions about your new contract, call your supplier. The phone number should be on your contract.

Complaints and Disputes

The Kentucky PSC is available to help resolve any complaints and disputes you may have with either your gas utility or your gas supplier. Before contacting us, you should first:

Contact the supplier if you have a complaint or dispute about your contract.

Contact Columbia Gas if you have a complaint or a dispute about your bill or the meter at 1-800-866-9345

Please e-mail us at or contact the Consumer Services Division by phone at 1-800-772-4636 if you are unable to resolve a dispute with either your marketer or Columbia Gas of Kentucky.


In September, 2000 Columbia Gas of Kentucky initiated, with the approval of the Kentucky Public Service Commission, a three-year pilot program called "Columbia Customer Choice." The program allows residential and small commercial customers of Columbia Gas of Kentucky to choose an alternative gas supplier, that is a gas marketing company. Customers may also choose to continue having Columbia Gas of Kentucky as their gas supplier. Whether a customer chooses to purchase gas from an alternative supplier or from Columbia Gas, Columbia will be the company responsible for transporting and distributing the gas to the customer. Any savings under the program will affect the portion of a customers bill labeled, "Gas Supply Costs."

Columbia will continue to deliver gas to your home or business, will read your meter and will respond to your safety concerns.

You will continue to be billed directly by Columbia Gas. Columbia will reimburse the marketer for the gas you have used.

Gas Cost Comparison Chart

While no one can make a decision for you, the Kentucky PSC offers information that can help residential customers make an informed choice. Below is a chart listing the marketers that Columbia Gas has approved to participate in the pilot program and an estimate of the annual costs of each offering, assuming you use 120 Mcf annually, which is typical for a residential customer. An "Mcf" is the unit of measure under which gas is sold. It is equal to one thousand cubic feet of natural gas.

The information in this chart will assist residential customers in comparing and calculating the various options being offered. The information is the most recently provided to the Commission by Columbia Gas. The first of each month, the Kentucky PSC will update its comparison. You may use the information from this chart in the sample bill attached below the chart as an additional tool to assist you in evaluating the various options offered by the approved marketers. It is important to note that a marketer may change its offer without prior notice to this Commission.

as of March 2025
Columbia Gas of Kentucky
(CKY) 800-432-9345
Current Gas Cost Recovery Rate** plus applicable taxes. EGC $6.2412 $748.94
GCR $5.8189 $698.27
Interstate Gas Supply (IGS)
Fixed price of $9.99/mcf for 12 billing cycles ($99 cancellation fee applies) $9.99 $1,198.80
Fixed price of $10.99/mcf for 36 billing cycles ($99 cancellation fee applies)
$10.99 $1,318.80
Constellation NewEnergy- Gas Division LLC
Fixed price rate; 12-month term; $6.79 per mcf ($150 cancellation fee applies) $6.79 $814.80
Stand Energy (Stand)
Currently no offers    
Xoom Energy
Variable price rate; SimplyFlex (Promo)-monthly term; $7.49 per Mcf 2-month promotional period (no cancellation fee) $7.49 $898.80
Variable price rate; SimplyFlex-Airline Rewards-monthly term; $8.49 per Mcf 3 billing cycle promotional period (no cancellation fee) $8.49 $1,018.80
Fixed price rate; SureLock 4 month term; $7.99 per Mcf ($50 termination fee) $7.99 $958.80
Fixed price rate; SureLock 12 month term; $8.99 per Mcf ($150 termination fee)) $8.99 $1,078.80
Fixed price rate; SureLock24 month term; $9.49 per Mcf ($300 termination fee) $9.49 $1,138.80
Fixed price rate; RescueLock 12-month term; $9.49 per Mcf; $150 cancellation fee $9.49 $1,138.80
Vista Energy
Currently no offers    
NOVEC Energy Solutions Fixed price rate; 1 year term; $6.50 per Mcf; no cancellation fee $6.50 $780.00
Fixed price rate; 2 year term; $6.50 per Mcf; no cancellation fee $6.50 $780.00
Winter fixed price rate; 1 year term; $5.67/Mcf fixed from November-March, Variable April- October; no cancellation fee $5.67 $680.40
Winter fixed price rate; 2 year term; $5.67/Mcf fixed from November-March, Variable April- October; no cancellation fee $5.67 $680.40

* The rates disclosed are those most recently provided to the Ky. PSC. As market conditions change, a marketer may change the rates it offers without notice.

** The Gas Cost Recovery Rate or "GCR" is the cost of gas per Mcf currently being charged by Columbia Gas. This rate typically changes on a quarterly basis as Columbia files with the Commission to collect from customers its true cost of gas.

***This rate does not include Columbia's transportation charges or Columbia's minimum monthly charge of $16.00 for residential customers.

**** For purposes of this chart, we have calculated estimated annual total gas costs using 120 Mcf as the average annual residential usage. A typical residential consumer uses 14 to 17 Mcf per month during the winter months. Your actual cost will vary according to your actual usage.