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Fuel Contracts
Big Rivers Electric Corporation - BREC
Duke Energy Kentucky - DEK
East Kentucky Power Cooperative - EKPC
Kentucky Power - KP
Kentucky Utilities Company - KU
Louisville Gas and Electric Company - LGE
Fuel Providers
4th Gen Fuels, LLC
ACNR Coal Sales, Inc.
AEI Holding Company
AEP Generating Company
Airgas Specialty Products
Alliance Coal
Alliance Energy Services
Alliance Resource Partners
Allied Resources
Alpha Coal Sales
Alpha Metallurgical Coal Sales, LLC.
American Consolidated Natural Resources
American Electric Power
American Energy Corporation
American Mining & Manufacturing
American Municipal Power
American Pride Petroleum
Amvest Coal Sales
Anadarko Energy Services
Antero Resources Company
Appalachian Fuels
Appalachian Natural Resources
Appalachian Power Company
Appalachian Railcar Services
Aquila Energy Marketing
Arch Coal Sales
Argus Energy
Armstrong Coal
Armstrong Hardwood Flooring
Asset Management Group
ATEL Leasing Corporation
Atlantic Leaseco
Atmos Energy Marketing
B & N Coal
B & W Coal
Beech Fork Processing
Belfry Coal
Berry & Company
BG Energy Merchants
Big Branch Energy
BioUrja Trading
Black Beauty Coal
Black Diamond Mining Company
Black Hawk Synfuel
Blackhawk Coal Sales
Blackhawk Mining
Blackjewel Marketing and Sales
Blue Diamond
Blue Grass Synfuel
BNP Paribas
BNSF Railway
Boardwalk Pipeline
Bowie Refined Coal
BP Energy
Bray Ghent
Bray Marine
Brenntag Mid-South, Inc.
Bulk Plants
Burnmore Coal Group
BWC Trucking
C & B Marine
C&R Holding Kentucky
C/C Chemical & Coal
Calla Synfuel
Calvert City Terminal
Camelot Coal
Canal Barge
Capital Energy Ventures
Captial Energy Ventures
Carbon Partners, Inc.
Carbonado Coal
Cardigan Coal & Coke
Case Coal Sales
Castleton Commodities
Cathcart Field Services, LLC
CC Chemical & Coal
CCU Coal and Construction LLC
CDR Operations
Centerpoint Energy Services
Central Appalachian Mining
Central Coal
Central Crude
Ceredo Synfuel
Ceres Solutions Coop
CH Development
Charolais Coal Sales
Chas Coal
Chesapeake Energy Marketing
Cima Energy
Cincinnati Gas & Electric
Citicorp Railmark
Citigroup Energy
CNX Gas Company
Coal Network
Coal Tek
Coeclerici Coal Network
Colona Synfuels
Colonial Energy
Colonial Oil Industries, Inc
Columbia Gas of Kentucky
Columbia Gas Transmission
Columbia Resource Group, LLC
Compass Coal Services
Concord Energy
Conectiv Energy Supply
ConocoPhillips Company
Consol Energy Sales Company
Consol, Inc
Consolidation Coal Company
Constellation Energy
Continental Refining Company
Contura Coal Sales
Converse and Company
Cook & Sons Mining
Cornerstone Energy
Covenant Coal
Crimson Coal
Cross Timbers Energy Services
Crounse Corporation
CSX Transportation
Cumberland Coal Resources
Cumberland Elkhorn Coal and Coke
Dayton Power and Light Company
Diamond May Coal
Direct Energy Buisness Marketing, LLC.
Dixie Fuel Company
Docks Creek LLC.
Dodge Hill Mining
DTE Clover
DTE Energy
Duke Energy Ohio
DXT Commodities North America LLC
Eagle Fuels
Eagle River Coal
Eastern Consolidated Energy
Eco Coal Pelletization
EDF Trading North America
Edmonson Fuels
Electric Fuels Corporation
Elevation Energy Group
Elm Street Resources
Ember Energy
Emera Energy Services
Emerald International Corp
Emlyn Coal Processing
Enbridge Marketing
Energy America
ENGIE Energy Marketing NA
ENI Trading Shipping
Enron North America
EQT Energy
Evansville Marine Services
Excell Marine
Exxon Mobil
Fifth Third Bank
Fire Star Energy Resources
First Energy Corp
Five M Transportation Company
Fore, LLC
Foresight Coal Sales
Fossil Fuel, LLC
Foundation Energy Sales
Four Star Tire Recycling, Inc
Freepoint Commodities
Gatliff Coal Company
Gazprom Marketing and Trading
GE Betz
Gladieux Energy
Gladieux Trading & Marketing Company, LP
Golden Eagle
Greenbrier Leasing Company LLC
Harlan Development Corporation
Harper Oil Products
Hartree Partners
Hartshorne Mining
Hazelton Mining
Helm Financial
Helton Enterprises
Heritage Cooperative, Inc.
Heritage Petroleum
Hess Energy Marketing
Hightowers Petroleum Company
Home Oil and Gas Inc
Hood Coal Corporation
Hopkins County Coal
Horizon Natural Resources
Huntington Coal Transportation
Huntsville Energy
Ikerd Coal Company
Illonois Fuel Company
Independent Repair
Indiana Michigan Power Company
Infinite Energy Inc
Infinity Coal Sales
Ingram Barge Company
Intergrity Coal Sales
International Chemical Company
International Fuel Group
Interstate Gas Supply
Iron Coal Sales
Island Fork Construction
J Aron & Company
J Hall
JAIX Leasing Company
James River Coal Sales
Jamieson Construction
Javelin Global Commodities (UK) Ltd
Jet Fuel
Jo Rae Coal
John Clark Oil
Jones Trucking
JP Morgan Ventures Energy
JRL Coal
Kaiser Marketing Northeast
Kanawha River Terminals
Ken American Resources
Kentucky Energy
Kentucky Fuel Corporation
Kentucky May Coal
Kentucky Oil
Kentucky Petroleum Supply
Key Oil Company
Keystone Industries
Kimble Company dba Penn-Ohio Coal
Kinder Morgan
Kindill Mining
Kinetrex Energy
KIVA Coal Sales
KM Ventures
Knighthawk Coal
Knott-Floyd Land Company
Koch Carbon
Koch Energy Services, LLC.
Kolmar Americas
KZ Energy
L & K Coal Company
Laclede Energy Resources
Lafayette Coal
Lakeway Fuel Corporation
Lanham Mining
Laurel Creek Company
LDH Energy Services
Leslie Resources
Lewis Coal Sales
LEX Coal
LHB Investments
Lhoist North America
Liberty Tire Recycling
Lightning Inc
Little Elk Mining
Lodestar Energy
Logan and Kanawha Coal
Long Run Transportation
Louis Dreyfus Energy Services
Lykins Oil
M. C. Mining
M.A. Associates
Macquarie Cook Energy
MacQuarie Energy
Magnum Coal Sales
Magnum Hunter Marketing
Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville
Mapco Coal
Maple Coal
Marathon Oil Company
Marathon Petroleum
Marietta Coal Company
Marmet Synfuel
Massey Coal Sales
MC Elroy Coal
MC Mining
McBrides Fleet
McGinnis, Inc
Meadows Excavating
Mercuria Energy Trading
Meridian Operations
Merrill Lynch Commodities
Mill Creek Harbor Services
Mitsui Rail Capital
MK and K Sales
Mountainside Coal
MR Coal Marketing & Trading
MRC Rail Services
Mulzer Crushed Stone
Munich RE Trading
Murray Kentucky Energy
Nally & Hamilton
National Coal Corporation
National Energy and Trade
NET Holdings Management
New River Energy Resources
New River Synfuels
NextEra Energy Power Marketing
NJR Energy Services
Noble Americas Corp
noble Coal
Norfolk Southern
North American Energy Standards Board
NRG Buisness Marketing, LLC
Oak Hill Coal Corporation
Ohio Power Company
Ohio River Terminals
Ohio Valley Marine Services
Omni Earthworks Assignment
Omni Materials
Oneok Energy Services Company
Onyx Coal Sales
Other- Transactions
Ovintiv Marketing
Owensboro Riverport Authority
Oxbow Carbon & Minerals
Oxford Mining Company
Paducah and Louisville Railroad
Patriot Coal Sales
Patriot Recycling
PBP Energy
PC Kentucky Synthetic Fuel
Peabody Coalsales
Peerless Minerals
Pen Coal
Perry County Coal
Petroleum Traders Corporation
Pevler Coal Sales Company
PG&E Energy Trading
Phoenix Coal Corporation
Pike Letcher Synfuel
Pilot Travel Centers
Pine Branch Coal Sales
Pioneer Fuel Corporation
Pittston Coal Sales
Pleasant View Mining
Pocahontas Sales and Logistics LLC
Ports Petroleum
Premier Elkhorn
Prime Met, Inc.
Producers Coal
Producers Dock
Progress Fuels Corporation
Proliance Energy
PSEG Energy Resources & Trade
Quaker Coal Sales
R.W. Earhart Company
Radiate Energy LLC
RAG Cumberland Resources
Range Louisiana
Range Resources
Ray Jones Trucking
RDAF Energy Solutions
Red Hill Energy
Repsol Energy North America Corporation
Resource Fuels
Resource Sales
Revelation Energy
RFI Resources, LLC.
Rhino Energy
Rice Energy Marketing
Rio Coal
River Trading Company
River View Coal
Rivereagle Corporation
RJ Corman
Road & Rail Services, Inc
Root Hog Coal Company
Rust Mining
RWE Supply & Trading
Sabbatical, Inc
Sandhill Coal Processing
Sandhill Energy
Sands Hill Coal Company
Sandy River Synfuel
Saratoga Rack Marketing LLC
SCH Services
Schoate Mining
Sebree Mining
Seminole Coal Resources
Sempra Midstream Services
Sequent Energy
Shamrock Fuels
Shell Energy North America
Smoky Mountain Coal Company
SNR Appalachian Trading
SNR River Ops
Snyder Brothers
Solar Sources
Solid Energy
Somerset Synfuel
South Kentucky Petroleum Service
Southeastern Land
Southern Appalachian Coal Sales
Southern Coal Sales
Southern Company Energy Marketing
Southern Petroleum
Southwest Energy
Southwestern Energy Services
Spark Energy Gas
Spire Marketing Inc.
Spotlight Energy
SSM Coal Americas
Straight Creek Coal Mining
Sturgeon Mining
Suez Water Treatment & Solutions
Sun Energy Group
Suncoke Energy
Sunrise Coal
Supplemental File
Synfuel Solutions Operating
Synthetic American Fuel Enterprises
T&T Coal
T&W Coal
Tanner Industries
TC Energy Marketing Inc.
TC Sales Company
TCP Petcoke
Tenaska Marketing
Tennessee Gas Pipeline
Tennessee Valley Authority
Texas Eastern Transmission
Texas Gas Transmission
Texla Energy Management
The American Coal Company
Thoroughbred Coal Company
Thoroughfare Mining
Total Gas and Power North America
Trafigura AG
TrailStone NA Logistics
Transcontinental Terminals
Transkentucky Transportation Railroad
Traxys North America
Triad Hunter
Triad Mining
Trinity Coal Marketing
Trinity Industries Leasing Company
Tunnel Ridge
Twin Eagle Resource Management
Twin Energies
Uniper Global Commodities
United Coal Company
United Energy Trading
United Power
University of Kentucky
Usher Transport
Valley Mining
Virginia Electric
Virginia Power Energy Marketing
Wabash Mine Holding Company
War Eagle Coal
Ware Trucking
Warrior Coal
Waterloo Coal
Webster County Coal
Wells Fargo Commodities
Western Kentucky Consolidated Resources
Western Kentucky Energy
Western Kentucky Minerals
White County Coal
White Oak Resources
White River Coal Sales
White Stallion Energy
Williams Energy Marketing and Trading
Williams Gas
Williamson Energy
Winn Energy
WPX Energy Marketing
Xinergy Corporation
Yager Materials
Yellow Banks Terminal
From Date
Must be true date in the format MM/DD/YYYY
To Date
Must be true date in the format MM/DD/YYYY
Fuel Contracts From: 10/01/2024
Date Received
Fuel Provider
Big Rivers Electric Corporation
Supplemental File
Cover Letter
Cima Energy
Cima Energy 10-2-24.pdf
CIMA Energy, Ltd.
Eco-Energy 10-2-24.pdf
Eco-Energy Natural Gas
Heritage Petroleum
Heritage Petroleum 10-2-24.pdf
Knighthawk Coal
Knighthawk Coal 10-2-24.pdf
Knight Hawk Coal, LLC.
NRG Buisness Marketing, LLC
NRG Buisness Marketing, LLC 10-2-24.pdf
NRG Business Marketing, LLC
Sequent Energy
Sequent Energy 10-2-24.pdf
Sequent Energy Management, LLC
Tenaska Marketing
Tenaska Marketing 10-2-24.pdf
Tenaska Marketing Ventures
Twin Eagle Resource Management
Twin Eagle Resource Management 10-2-24.pdf
Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC