Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2020-00017

Case Number:2020-00017
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:1/13/2020

Jessamine-South Elkhorn Water District

Case Nature:

James Lewis, Complainant; Jessamine-South Elkhorn Water District, Defendant

Case Filings
1/25/2021 10:28:03 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. This matter is dismissed without prejudice. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/27/2020 8:59:27 AM

Order Entered: 1. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 20, Jessamine-South Elkhorn District is to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the Complaint within ten days from the date of entry of this Order. 2. Within ten days of the date of service of this Order, Jessamine-South Elkhorn District shall file evidence of the date of the start of service for the Complainant, copies of bills rendered for 2019; copies of any work orders associated with 2120 Clearcreek Road, Nicholasville, Kentucky, for 2019; copies of recorded communications with James Lewis or other residents of 2120 Clearcreek Road, Nicholasville, Kentucky, for 2019; and evidence of the adjusted bill Jessamine-South Elkhorn District granted to previously for the property. 3. Within ten days of the date of service of this Order, Mr. Lewis shall file a copy of the deed of the property, including the date Complainant obtained legal ownership of 2120 Clearcreek Road, Nicholasville, Kentucky. 4. Documents of any kind filed with the Commission in the course of this proceeding shall also be served on all parties of record. 5. All documents shall be filed by electronic mail at the following address:


Jessamine-South Elkhorn Water District Response to Commission Order

1/17/2020 10:19:29 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


James Lewis v. Jessamine-South Elkhorn Water District