Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00308

Case Number:2018-00308
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:8/27/2018

Fusion Cloud Services, LLC

Case Nature:

Oldham County Veterinary Services, Complainant; Birch Communications, LLC; Defendant

Case Filings
12/19/2018 12:08:41 PM

Final Order Entered: This matter is hereby dismissed without prejudice.


Oldham County Veterinary Services Supplemental Response pursuant to Commission Order

10/5/2018 9:42:53 AM

Order Entered: 1. Oldham County Vet and Ms. Ford shall have 28 days from the date this Order is entered to supplement this complaint by filing a paper indicating the type of service at issue and name of the customer as listed on the bill provided by the companies providing telephone service. 2. If the telephone service was in the name of a corporation during the period at issue, then the corporation shall have 28 days from the date of this Order to obtain counsel to represent it in this matter. 3. The Commission will dismiss the complaint without prejudice if Oldham County Vet or Ms. Ford does not provide the information requested in numerical paragraph 1, or if the service is in the name of a corporation and no attorney enters an appearance on behalf of the corporation within the period prescribed by numerical paragraph 2. 4. Birch Communications shall have no obligation to file an answer or responsive pleading to the complaint or any supplement or amendment thereto until ordered to do so by this Commission. 5. Nothing in this Order shall be construed as limiting the authority of the Commission to open an independent investigation based on the factual allegations made in the complaint pursuant to another provision of KRS Chapter 278 or applicable administrative regulations.

9/7/2018 3:32:44 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Oldham County Veterinary Services V. Birch Communications, LLC