Kentucky Public Service Commission

tariffs Library

Parent Folder
Cable Television Attachment Tariff
Cogeneration and Small Power Production
Cover Page
DSM - Direct Load Control Program - Commercial
DSM - Direct Load Control Program - Residential
DSM-1 - Electric Thermal Storage Incentive Program
DSM-10 - Energy Star Manufactured Home Program
DSM-2 - Button-Up Weatherization Program
DSM-3 - Heat Pump Retrofit Program
DSM-7 - Touchstone Energy Home
Energy Emergency Control Program
Interruptible Service
Kentucky Energy Retrofit Rider
Qualified Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities
Renewable Energy Program
Renewable Energy Purchase Agreement
Rules and Regulations
Schedule AES - All Electric School
Schedule CS - Community Solar Power Generation
Schedule EDR - Economic Development Rider
Schedule ES - Environmental Surcharge
Schedule GP - Renewable Energy Program
Schedule LGS - Large General Service
Schedule LIS 1 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 2 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 3 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 4 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 4B - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 5 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 5B - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 6 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 6B - Large Industrial Service
Schedule LIS 7 - Large Industrial Service
Schedule NM - Net Metering
Schedule OLS - Outdoor Lighting Service
Schedule RSP - Residential and Small Power
Schedule RSP-ETS - Residential and Small Power-Electric Thermal Storage
Schedule RSP-IB - Residential and Small Power - Inclining Block
Schedule RSP-PPM - Prepay Service
Schedule RSP-TOD - Residential and Small Power Time of Day
Schedule SGS - Small General Service
Service to Individual Mobile Homes
Special Contracted Service - Texas Eastern Transmission Corp
Underground Cost Differential