Kentucky Public Service Commission

tariffs Library

Parent Folder
Charge for Reconnection of Service
Electricity Emergency Procedures for Long-Term Fuel Shortages
Emergency Electric Procedures
Low Income Neighborhood Program
Low Income Services Program
My Home Energy Report Program
Rate DP - Service at Primary Distribution Voltage
Rate DS - Service at Secondary Distribution Voltage
Rate DT - Time-of-Day Rate for Service at Distribution Voltage
Rate EH - Optional Rate for Electric Space Heating
Rate GS-FL - Optional Unmetered General Service Rate for Small Fixed Loads
Rate GSA - Green Source Advantage
Rate LED - LED Outdoor Lighting Electric Service
Rate NSU - Street Lighting Service Non-Standard Units
Rate OL-E - Outdoor Lighting Equipment Installation
Rate RS - Residential Service
Rate RTP - Real Time Pricing Program
Rate SC - Street Lighting Service - Customer Owned
Rate SE - Street Lighting Service - Overhead Equivalent
Rate SL - Street Lighting Service
Rate SP - Seasonal Sports Service
Rate TL - Traffic Lighting Service
Rate TT - Time-of-Day Rate for Service at Transmission Voltage
Rate UOLS - Unmetered Outdoor Lighting Electric Service
Residential Direct Load Control - Power Manager Program
Residential Energy Assessments Program
Rider DSMR - Demand Side Management Rate
Rider GP - GoGreen Kentucky Green Power Carbon Offset Rider
Rider GSS - Generation Support Service
Rider LM - Load Management Rider
Rider PSM - Profit Sharing Mechanism
Rider X - Line Extension Policy
Section III - Customers Installations
Section VI - Billing and Payment