Kentucky Public Service Commission

Tariffs Library

Parent Folder
Bad Check Charge
Bill Format
Charge for Reconnection of Service
Cover Page
Curtailment Plan for Management of Available Gas Supplies
Gas Cost Adjustment Clause
Local Franchise Fee
Rate AS-Pooling Service for Interruptible Gas Transportation
Rate DGS-Distributed Generation Service
Rate FRAS-Full Requirements Aggregation Service
Rate FT-L-Firm Transportation Service
Rate GS-General Service
Rate GTS-Gas Trading Service
Rate IMBS-Interruptible Monthly Balancing Service
Rate IT-Interruptible Transportation Service
Rate MPS-Meter Pulse Service
Rate RS-Residential Service
Rate SSIT-Spark Spread Interruptible Transportation Rate
Rider ASRP-Accelerated Service Replacement Program Rider
Rider DSM-Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider
Rider DSMR-Demand Side Management Rate
Rider GCAT-Gas Cost Adjustment Transition Rider
Rider TCJA-Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Rider
Rider X-Main Extension Policy
Section I-Service Agreements
Section II-Supplying and Taking of Service
Section III-Customer's Installation
Section IV-Company's Installation
Section IX-Gas Space Heating Regulations
Section V-Metering
Section VI-Billing and Payment
Section VII-Deposits
Section VIII-Application
Section X-Availability of Gas Service
Table of Contents