Kentucky Public Service Commission

tariffs Library

Parent Folder
AES-All Electric School
DSM-Demand-Side Management Cost Recovery Mechanism
ECR-Environmental Cost Recovery Surcharge
FAC-Fuel Adjustment Clause
FLS-Fluctuating Load Service
GS-General Service
GT-Green Tariff
LE-Lighting Energy Service
LS-Lighting Service
NMS-Net Metering Service
OSL-Outdoor Sports Lighting Service
PS-Power Service
RLS-Restricted Lighting Service
RS-Residential Service
RTOD-Demand-Residential Time-of-Day Demand Service
RTOD-Energy-Residential Time-of-Day Energy Service
RTS-Retail Transmission Service
SQF-Small Capacity Cogeneration and Small Power Production Qualifying Facilities
TE-Traffic Energy Service
Terms and Conditions
TODP-Time-of-Day Primary Service
TODS-Time-of-Day Secondary Service
VFD-Volunteer Fire Department Service