Kentucky Public Service Commission

Tariffs Library

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Reserved for Future Use
Tariff C.A.T.V. (Cable Television Pole Attachment)
Tariff C.C. (Capacity Charge)
Tariff Cogen-SPP I (Cogeneration and-or Small Power Production - 100 kW or Less)
Tariff Cogen-SPP II (Cogeneration and-or Small Power Production - Over 100 kW)
Tariff D.R. (Decommissioning Rider)
Tariff D.S.M.C. (Demand-Side Management Adjustment Clause)
Tariff E.S. (Environmental Surcharge)
Tariff F.A.C. (Fuel Adjustment Clause)
Tariff N.M.S. II (Net Metering Service II)
Tariff P.P.A. (Purchase Power Adjustment)
Tariff S.S.C. (System Sales Clause)
Terms and Conditions of Service