Kentucky Public Service Commission

Tariffs Library

Parent Folder
Average Underground Cost Differential
Bill Format
Cable Television Attachment
Cogeneration and Small Power Production
DSM-5-Commercial and Industrial Advanced Lighting Program
DSM-6-Industrial Compressed Air Program
DSM-Appliance Recycling Program
DSM-Button Up Weatherization
DSM-Direct Load Control Program-Commercial
DSM-Direct Load Control Program-Residential
DSM-Energy Star Appliances Program
DSM-Energy Star Manufactured Home Program
DSM-Heat Pump Retrofit Program
DSM-HVAC Duct Sealing Program
DSM-Touchstone Energy Home
EDR-Economic Development Rider
Energy Curtailment Procedures
Interruptible Service Rider
Prepay Service
Prepay Service Rider
Renewable Energy Program
Reserved for Future Use
Rules and Regulations
Schedule 1-A-Farm and Home Marketing Rate (ETS)
Schedule 1-Rates for Farm and Home Service
Schedule 2-Small Commercial and Small Power
Schedule 4-Large Power Rate
Schedule 5-All Electric Schools
Schedule 6-Outdoor Lighting Service-Security Lights
Schedule CS-Community Solar Power Generation
Schedule ES-Environmental Surcharge
Schedule IND B1-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule IND B2-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule IND B3-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule IND C1-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule IND C2-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule IND C3-Large Industrial Rate
Schedule NM-Net Metering