Kentucky Public Service Commission

Meet the Commissioners

Angie C. Hatton
Chair, Kentucky Public Service Commission

Angie Hatton was appointed to the Public Service Commission and designated as Vice Chair by Governor Andy Beshear in March 2023. She was then appointed as Chair on August 6, 2024. Her term expires July 1, 2025.

Prior to her appointment, in addition to her private law practice, Chair Hatton served three terms representing Letcher, Pike and Harlan Counties in the House of Representatives, and served the General Assembly as House Minority Whip. Much of her legislative work centered around energy and utility issues. She served on the House Standing Committee on Natural Resources and was appointed by the Speaker of the House to the Southern Legislators Conference Committee on Energy and Environment.

Chair Hatton was named to the Kentucky Gazette’s 50 Most Notable Women in 2019, named a KACO Outstanding County Advocate, awarded the Legislative Champion Award at the 2022 Senior Hunger Summit, given a Warrior for Working Families Award from the Working Families PAC, the Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative Henry Clay Award, the Cumberland Valley ADD Outstanding Advocate Award, the KCTC Outstanding Higher Education Advocate and numerous other awards. She serves on the Board of Directors for Kentucky Youth Advocates, Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, Eastern Kentucky Red Cross, Kentucky Community Farm Alliance, and EKY Heritage Foundation among other nonprofit boards. Currently she serves on the Board of Directors for both OPSI (Organization of PJM States) and OMS (Organization of MISO States). For NARUC, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissions, she serves on the Energy Resources and Environment Committee, the International Relations Committee and the Clean Coal Committee. Also, she serves on the Advisory Board for the New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities.

After graduating from Eastern Kentucky University in 1994 with a degree in journalism, she worked as a newspaper reporter before earning her law degree at the University of Kentucky College of Law in 1999. Chair Hatton and her family reside in Whitesburg.

Chair Angie C. Hatton
Mary Pat Regan
Commissioner, Kentucky Public Service Commission

Mary Pat Regan was appointed to the Public Service Commission and designated as Commissioner by Governor Andy Beshear on July 11, 2022. Her term expires July 1, 2027.

Prior to her appointment, Commissioner Regan was the Commonwealth’s Deputy Secretary for Education & Labor. Her previous professional experience includes key senior executive roles with the AT&T Corporation including responsibility as National Vice President-Regulatory for AT&T and Kentucky State President of AT&T Communications. Commissioner Regan also held several senior sales executive positions with MCI Telecommunications Corporation.

Commissioner Regan has participated in and provided Chair leadership for several Louisville based community and civic programs during the last ten years including Greater Louisville Inc., Kentucky Chamber, Business Leaders for Education, and United Way. She has served as member of the Board of Directors for Kentucky Educational Television, The Louisville Science Center, the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation and the Louisville Collegiate School.

Commissioner Regan attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has a life-long interest and participation in sports and competitive athletic activities to include cycling, running and swimming. She has earned participation completion medals in seven Ironman National Competitions.

Originally from Minneapolis, Commissioner Regan has resided in the Commonwealth for over twelve years and currently lives in St. Mathews.

Mary Pat Regan
John Will Stacy
Commissioner, Kentucky Public Service Commission

John Will Stacy was appointed to the Public Service Commission by Governor Andy Beshear on September 4, 2024. His term expires July 1, 2028.

Prior to his appointment, Commissioner Stacy served for over 20 years in the Kentucky House of Representatives and during his tenure served on various committees, including the Natural Resources and Environment Committee, the State Government Committee, the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue, and as chair of the Budget Review Subcommittee on Education. Following his time as a state representative, he also served as the Morgan County Judge Executive.

Commissioner Stacy received his BS from Morehead State University, and continued his education, graduating from Northern Kentucky’s Salmon P. Chase College of Law. He is the proud father of 4 children, and grandfather to 6 grandchildren.

John Will Stacy