Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00313

Case Number:2022-00313
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:8/18/2022

Bracken County Water District

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
2/10/2023 2:44:39 PM

Order Entered: 1. Bracken District’s proposed leak adjustment policy is approved, as modified herein, as of the date of service of this Order. 2. Bracken District’s proposed revised language in subsection (i) of its leak adjustment policy is denied and shall be replaced with the following: “A customer account shall be considered to be current while the leak adjustment request is being reviewed if the customer continues to make undisputed payments and stays current on subsequent bills.” 3. Bracken District’s proposed revision regarding the evidentiary requirements is approved as modified herein. 4. Bracken District’s proposed revision regarding the standard for reviewing and evaluating a customer’s leak adjustment is denied and shall be replaced with the following: “A customer must show the existence and repair of the leak and that the leak caused the above-average water usage by providing at least one of the following with the customer’s application: a plumber’s statement, invoices for materials and labor, or sworn affidavits from persons with knowledge of the leak’s existence and repair. The Customer is encouraged to provide all available information that supports the request for adjustment. The District will review the application and verify the existence of the leak and repairs.” 5. Bracken District’s removal of the provision requiring a customer to request a leak adjustment prior to the payment of the bill for which the adjustment was sought is approved.

12/5/2022 3:55:22 PM

Response to PSC Staff First Request for Information

Gerald E. Wuetcher McCreary County Water District


Transmittal Letter


Response to Request for Information

11/21/2022 1:04:18 PM

Data Request

11/7/2022 12:13:15 PM

Order Entered: 1. Bracken District is granted rehearing on the issue of whether the proposed policy conflicts with 807 KAR 5:006, Section 11(6). 2. Bracken District is granted rehearing on the issue of whether the proposed policy provides adequate notice to customers of the requirements necessary to obtain a leak adjustment. 3. Bracken District is granted rehearing on the issue of whether the proposed policy imposes an unreasonable burden on customers. 4. The Commission denies Bracken District’s request for rehearing on the issue of due process as moot.

10/20/2022 10:04:50 PM

Application for Rehearing

Gerald E. Wuetcher Bracken County Water District


Transmittal Letter

9/27/2022 3:22:46 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. The Commission initiates this proceeding to investigate Bracken District’s proposed leak adjustment tariff. 2. Bracken District’s proposed leak adjustment tariff and leak adjustment form are denied. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

9/12/2022 2:10:37 PM

Bracken County Water District Tariff Filing