Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00271

Case Number:2022-00271
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:8/11/2022

BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC dba AT&T Kentucky and AT&T Southeast

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Review of Numbering Resources Determination (NPA 270)

Case Filings
10/25/2022 12:53:07 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. AT&T Kentucky’s petition regarding the Pooling Administrator’s denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources is granted. 2. The decision of the Pooling Administrator denying AT&T Kentucky’s request for the assignment of two new thousands-blocks for the Paducah rate center in Kentucky is hereby overturned. 3. The Pooling Administrator shall assign AT&T Kentucky two thousands- blocks of 2,000 consecutive numbers for the Paducah rate center. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of AT&T Kentucky’s customer, Bon Secours. If the numbering resources requested by AT&T Kentucky are no longer required to meet the service, the associated numbering resources approved in this Order shall be returned to the Pooling Administrator. 5. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

8/11/2022 7:07:06 PM

Petition for Review of Numbering Resources Determination in the Paducah Rate Center (NPS 270)

Cheryl R. Winn BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a ATT Kentucky


AT&T Kentucky's Petition for Review of Numbering Resources Determination in the Paducah Rate Center (NPA 270)


Exhibit A - Customer Request letter dated July 6, 2022


Exhibit B - Pool Administration System Request dated August 3, 2022

8/11/2022 4:23:18 PM

20220811_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a ATT Kentucky Notice of Intent to File a Petition for Review of Numbering Resources Determinations (NPA 270) using Electronic Filing Procedures

20220811_BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC Notice of Intent and Election