Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00151

Case Number:2022-00151
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:2022*

Kentucky Utilities Company

Case Nature:

Nicholas Coleman, Complainant; Kentucky Utilities Company, Defendant

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings
8/23/2022 8:48:08 AM

Order Entered: 1. This matter is dismissed. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

6/30/2022 2:10:56 PM

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Coleman shall file the following within 20 days of the date of this Order: a. A copy of the completed, signed, and dated Level 1 interconnection application. b. The date the Level 1 interconnection application was submitted to KU and documents that evidence the submission date. c. The date that KU approved the interconnection application and a copy of KU’s approval. d. If an initial inspection and witness test was required by KU, the date the inspection and witness test occurred and a copy of the inspection and witness test report. e. The date that the Net Metering Facility was interconnected to KU. f. The date the bi-directional meter was installed. 2. Mr. Coleman shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to 3. If the documents are not filed within 20 days of the date of this Order, the Commission shall dismiss the complaint by separate Order.

5/25/2022 1:49:32 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Nicholas Coleman V. Kentucky Utilities Company