Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00030

Case Number:2022-00030
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:1/26/2022

Kentucky Utilities Company

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Alfred Saylor, Complainant; Kentucky Utilities Company, Defendant

Case Filings
12/12/2022 1:51:17 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. Alfred Saylor’s amended complaint is rejected for failing to state a prima facie case and is dismissed. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

7/11/2022 3:00:56 PM

Amended Formal Complaint

Randy Strobo Al Saylor


Read 1st letter


Appendix (Exhibits A-L)

7/1/2022 10:43:48 AM

Order Entered: 1. Alfred Saylor’s complaint is rejected for failing to state a prima facie case. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, Alfred Saylor shall file with the Commission an amended complaint that states a prima facie case. 3. If Alfred Saylor fails to file with the Commission an amended complaint that states a prima facie case, the Commission shall dismiss the complaint by separate Order.

7/1/2022 10:12:34 AM

Complainants Motion for Determination

David Spenard Al Saylor

1/26/2022 4:27:28 PM

20220126_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Alfred Saylor v. Kentucky Utilities Company