Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00029

Case Number:2022-00029
Service Type:Water & Sewer
Filing Date:1/26/2022

Knott County Water & Sewer District

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Extension of Time per KRS 74.020 (6)

Case Filings
4/13/2022 2:52:15 PM

Order Entered: 1. Knott District’s application is denied. 2. Knott District’s commissioners who were paid $2,400 in violation of KRS 74.020(6) shall pay back the $2,400 to Knott District. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/26/2022 3:38:45 PM

Application for Extension of Time per KRS 74.020(6)

Calvin R. Tackett Knott County Water Sewer District Board of Commissioners

1/26/2022 2:35:06 PM

20220126_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Knott County Water Sewer District Notice of Intent to File an Application for Extension of Time per KRS 74.020 (6) Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20220126_Knott County Water and Sewer District Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Knott County Water and Sewer District Notice of Intent and Election