Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2021-00134

Case Number:2021-00134
Service Type:Gas
Filing Date:3/31/2021
Category:Purchased Gas Adjustment

Peoples Gas KY, LLC

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
5/12/2021 10:27:13 AM

Order Entered ORDERED, nunc pro tunc, that: 1. The Appendix to the April 26, 2021 Order is amended as follows: RATES All Mcf Base Rate - $4.3185 Gas Cost Recovery Rate - $3.3946 Total Rate - $7.7131 2. All other provisions of the April 26, 2021 Order shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Within 20 days of the date of entry of this Order, Peoples shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rates approved herein and reflecting that they were approved pursuant to this Order.

4/26/2021 10:17:09 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. The rate proposed by Peoples and set forth in the Appendix to this Order is approved for final meter readings on and after May 1, 2021. 2. Within 20 days of the date of entry of this Order, Peoples shall file with this Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/31/2021 11:53:47 AM

Quarterly Gas Cost Filing

Andrew Weisner Peoples Gas KY LLC


Supporting Documentation

3/18/2021 3:22:37 PM

20210318_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Peoples Gas KY, LLC Notice of Intent to File a Purchased Gas Adjustment Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20210318_Peoples Gas KY, LLC Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Peoples Gas KY, LLC Notice of Intent and Election