View Case Filings for: 2019-00388
Service Type:Gas
Filing Date:11/6/2019
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
3/22/2021 3:04:34 PM
Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky’s February 14, 2020 petition for confidential protection is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years, or until further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Duke Kentucky shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a nonparty to this proceeding requests to inspect the designated materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Duke Kentucky shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Duke Kentucky is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. |
3/22/2021 2:52:40 PM
Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky’s January 7, 2020 petition for confidential protection is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years, or until further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Duke Kentucky shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a nonparty to this proceeding requests to inspect the designated materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Duke Kentucky shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Duke Kentucky is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. |
3/22/2021 2:42:34 PM
Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky’s November 6, 2019 petition for confidential protection is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years for Exhibit 2(e), and until the facility is no longer in service for pages 5–10, 12–13, 18–28, 33–37, and 42–43 of Exhibit 2(a), pages 3, 6–7, 10, 13–14, 17–19, and 22–23 of Exhibit 2(d), and Exhibit 4, or until further Orders of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated materials in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Duke Kentucky shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order become publicly available or no longer qualify for confidential treatment. 5. If a nonparty to this proceeding requests to inspect the designated materials granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the materials have been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Duke Kentucky shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the materials still fall within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Duke Kentucky is unable to make such demonstration, the requested materials shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. |
3/27/2020 12:51:43 PM
Final Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky is granted a CPCN to construct and operate the proposed natural gas pipeline as set forth in its application. 2. Duke Kentucky shall file “as-built” drawings or maps within 60 days of the completion of the construction authorized by this Order. 3. Duke Kentucky shall immediately notify the Commission upon knowledge of any material changes to the scope of the natural gas pipeline Project, including, but not limited to, increase in cost, any significant delays in the construction of the natural gas pipeline Project, or any changes in the route of the natural gas pipeline. |
2/14/2020 10:35:05 AM
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. hereby submits its Response to the Commission Staffs Second Request for Information Deborah Gates Rocco O. DAscenzo |
1/30/2020 1:07:03 PM
Data Request |
1/20/2020 3:11:21 PM
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s Supplemental Permit Approvals Minna Sunderman Rocco DAscenzo |
1/7/2020 2:04:07 PM
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. submits its Response to the Commission Staffs First Request for Information Deborah Gates Rocco O. DAscenzo |
12/20/2019 9:20:19 AM
Data Request |
12/19/2019 12:06:15 PM
Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky's Motion to Deviate is granted. 2. Duke Kentucky is granted a deviation from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 15(2)(b), and it's application for a CPCN is accepted for filing without all permits from the proper public authority for the proposed construction. 3. Duke Kentucky shall supplement the case record upon receipt of each permit from the proper public authority for the proposed construction. |
12/18/2019 2:34:53 PM
20191218_PSC No Deficiency Letter.pdf |
11/15/2019 4:04:11 PM
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s Supplemental Permit Approval Minna Sunderman Rocco DAscenzo |
11/6/2019 5:33:01 PM
Application of Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing the Construction of a Gas Pipeline from Erlanger, Kentucky to Hebron, Kentucky Minna Sunderman Rocco DAscenzo |
10/21/2019 4:30:03 PM
20191021_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf |
Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Notice of Intent to File an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing the Construction of a Gas Pipeline from Erlanger, Kentucky to Hebron, Kentucky Using Electronic Filing Procedures |