Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00120

Case Number:2018-00120
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:3/27/2018

Kentucky Utilities Company , Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Case Nature:

Andy McDonald, Jack Morris, Carl Bogel, Alice Howell, Andrea Wilson Mueller, Nancy Givens, Wallace McMullen, Roger Ohlman, Complainants; Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company, Defendants

Case Filings
5/15/2018 10:41:48 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. The Complaint is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

4/2/2018 3:06:39 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Andy McDonald, Jack Morris, Carl Bogel, Alice Howell, Andrea Wilson Mueller, Nancy Givens, Wallace McMullen and Roger Ohlman v. Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company