Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00054

Case Number:2018-00054
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:1/26/2018

Kentucky Utilities Company

Case Nature:

John C. De Moisey, Complainant; Kentucky Utilities Company, Defendant

Case Filings
4/17/2018 9:44:42 AM

Final Order Entered: This proceeding is dismissed and shall be removed from the Commission's docket.

2/19/2018 12:48:15 PM

Order Entered: 1. Copies of the electric bills issued to Mr. De Moisey by KU that Mr. De Moisey alleges reflect an inaccurate meter reading. 2. The amount that Mr. De Moisey alleges he has been overcharged by KU , broken out by date and amount of alleged overcharges. 3. Clarification of Mr. De Moisey's allegation that the meter is defective, explaining how the meter is defective. 4. Copies of all correspondence between KU and Mr. De Moisey regarding this matter. If correspondence is not available, then Mr. De Moisey shall provide estimated dates for his correspondence with KU.

2/1/2018 12:38:46 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


John C. De Moisey vs. Kentucky Utilities Company