Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2017-00365

Case Number:2017-00365
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:2018*

Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC dba altafiber Network Solutions

Case Nature:

ResComm Security Systems, Complainant; Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, Defendant

*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings
2/7/2018 12:59:52 PM

Final Order Entered: this case is dismissed without prejudice and is removed from the Commission's docket.

9/12/2017 3:40:06 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Complaint filed by ResComm is rejected for filing. 2. Within ten days of the date of this Order, ResComm shall have an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky file a signed complaint. Failure to have an attorney file a signed complaint in this case will result in dismissal without prejudice of the Complaint and its removal from the Commission's docket without further Order. 2

9/5/2017 12:07:09 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


ResComm Security Systems vs. Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company