Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2016-00295

Case Number:2016-00295
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:8/12/2016

Grayson R.E.C.C.

Case Nature:

Request for Relief From Some Data Collection Requirements

Case Filings
9/13/2016 9:15:30 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. Grayson's request to be relieved of the filing requirements set forth in the 2012-00426 Order is granted. 2. Grayson shall track data and maintain records as it requested and as described above, and shall submit the information to the Commission as a separate report filed at the time it files its Annual Reports for 2016 and 2017. Thereafter, Grayson shall maintain its records so as to be able to provide the same information upon request by the Commission. 3. Any documents filed in the future pursuant to ordering paragraph 2 shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

8/12/2016 12:49:51 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Grayson RECC Request for Relief from Some of the data Collection Requirements Order in Case No. 2012-00426