Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2015-00365

Case Number:2015-00365
Service Type:Radio - Telephone
Filing Date:11/19/2015

East Kentucky Network, LLC dba Appalachian Wireless

Case Nature:

Elkfork Site; Located near 6678 Hwy 172, West Liberty, Morgan County, KY

Case Filings
12/23/2015 9:38:54 AM

Order Entered: The Applicant is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a wireless telecommunications facility. The proposed facility consists of a self-supporting antenna tower not to exceed 310 feet in height, with attached antenna, and is to be located at KY 172, West Liberty, Morgan County, Kentucky. The coordinates for the proposed facility are North Latitude 37° 56' 50.90" by West Longitude 83° 10' 12.7". 2. The Applicant shall file a copy of the final decision regarding the pending KAZC application for the proposed construction within ten days of receiving the decision. 3. The Applicant shall immediately notify the Commission in writing, if, after the antenna tower is built and utility service is commenced, the tower is not used for a period of three months in the manner authorized by this Order. 4. Documents filed, if any, in the future pursuant to ordering paragraphs 2 and 3 herein shall reference this case number and shall be retained in the utility's general correspondence file.

11/23/2015 1:35:12 PM

No Deficiency Letter

11/19/2015 11:37:34 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


East Kentucky Network, LLC dba Appalachian Wireless Application for the Issuance of a CPC&N to Construct a Tower in Morgan County, Kentucky