Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2015-00157

Case Number:2015-00157
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:5/15/2015

Windstream Kentucky East, LLC

Case Nature:

Review and Reversal of a NANPA Decision

Case Filings
6/4/2015 2:48:35 PM

Order Entered: Windstream's petition to overturn the Pooling Administrator's denial of its application for assignment of additional numbering resources is granted. 2. The decision of the Pooling Administrator denying Windstream's request for LRNs and assignment of two new NXX codes along with a thousand-block of numbers in both the Columbia and Lebanon rate centers in Kentucky is hereby overturned. 3. The NANPA and/or the Pooling Administrator shall assign Windstream the NXX codes and thousands-blocks requested in their petition for each of the affected rate centers. 4. The numbering resources considered in this Order are to be assigned for the sole use of serving Windstream's need for LRNs and new thousands-blocks for deployment of packet switches and corresponding services in connection with a Connect America Fund project. If the numbering resources requested by Windstream are no longer required to meet its service requirements, the associated numbering

5/18/2015 9:36:04 AM

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Windstream Kentucky East, LLC Petition for Commission Review and Reversal of a Decision of the North American Number Pooling Administration and Request for Expedited Treatment