Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2014-00392

Case Number:2014-00392
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:10/17/2014

City of Danville Water Dept.

Case Nature:


Case Filings
8/13/2015 11:33:27 AM

Final Order Entered: 1 . The rates in the Appendix for the provision of wholesale water service to the jurisdictional water utilities for service rendered on and after May 1, 2015, are approved. 2. Danville's request to recover its rate-case cost through a surcharge is denied. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Danville shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, a revised tariff noting the rates approved in this Order and shall remove the language stating the possibility of a refund if a lower rate is determined in this case. 4. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Lake Village shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System , revised tariff sheets removing the language indicating the rates are subject to refund. 5. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Parksville District shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets removing the language indicating the rates are subject to refund.


Parksville Water District Post-Hearing Brief


City of Danville Brief

6/15/2015 10:59:30 AM

Order Entered: Movant's Petition for Confidential Protection is hereby granted. 2. The participant manual from an AWWA seminar is granted confidential protection and will not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period of time, or upon further Orders of this Commission.


Parksville Water District Response to Commission Staff Request for Information


City of Danville Response to Commission Staff Second Request for Information

6/8/2015 3:28:16 PM

Notice of Filing Hearing Documents


City of Danville Water Dept. Notice of Publication


Parksville Water District Witness List


City of Danville Water Dept. Witness List and Evidence

5/15/2015 1:21:12 PM

Order Entered: 1. Danville's motion to cancel the hearing is denied. 2. Danville's motion to reschedule the hearing is granted. 3. The hearing scheduled led for June 9, 2015, is cancelled. 4. A formal hearing in this matter shall be held on Wednesday June 3, 2015, at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 5. No later than Tuesday, May 26, 2015, each party shall provide the names and titles of each witness the party intends to call at the June 3, 2015 hearing and the order in which the party intends to call its witnesses. 6. Each party shall file with the Commission no later than May 26, 2015, a list of all documents that it intends to offer as exhibits and ten single-sided copies of any document that will be presented as an exhibit that has not been previously filed with the Commission in this proceeding. A party filing a document containing personal information shall , in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 4(10) , encrypt or redact the document so that personal information cannot be read. 7. Parties will present their witnesses in the following order: a. City of Danville; b. Garrard County Water Association, Inc.; then c. Parksville Water District. 8. Cross-examination of witnesses will be conducted in following order: a. City of Danville; b. Garrard County Water Association, Inc.; c. Parksville Water District; then d. Commission Staff. 9. No opening or closing statements shall be presented by any party.


City of Danville Water Dept. Tariff Pages

5/5/2015 3:34:07 PM

Order Entered: Within 15 days of the date of this Order, Danville shall file its tariff setting forth the rates it is placing in effect and designating those rates as being subject to change and refund. 2. Danville shall maintain its records in such manner as will allow it, the Commission, or any customer to determine the amounts to be refunded and to whom in the event a refund is ordered upon final resolution of this matter.


Parksville Water District Response to City of Danville's Response to Post IC Information Request


Parksville Water District Response to Motion to Cancel and Submit


City of Danville Water Dept. Motion to Cancel or Change Hearing Date


City of Danville Water Dept. Notice of Implementation


City of Danville Water Dept. Second Supplemental Response


Parksville Water District Motion for Extension of Time


City of Danville Water Dept. Response to IC Information Request

4/14/2015 11:21:05 AM

Letter Filing Document into the Record

4/9/2015 1:45:59 PM

Memorandum dated 4/9 for Informal Conference of 4/7; Comments, if any, due within 5 days of receipt


Response of Parksville WD to PSC staff request for info


City of Danville Water Dept. Supplemental Response to Information Request

3/18/2015 2:57:58 PM

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Parksville Water District


City of Danville Responses to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information

2/19/2015 2:30:08 PM

Order Entered: 1. A formal hearing in this matter shall be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. No later than Tuesday, June 2, 2015, each party shall provide the names and titles of each witness the party intends to call at the June 9, 2015 Hearing and the order in which the party intends to call its witnesses. 3. Each party shall file with the Commission no later than June 2, 2015, a list of all documents that it intends to offer as exhibits and ten single-sided copies of any document that it has not previously filed with the Commission in this proceeding. 4. Parties will present their witnesses in the following order: a. City of Danville; b. Garrard County Water Association; and then c. Parksville Water District. 5. Cross-examination of witnesses will be conducted in the following order: a. City of Danville; b. Garrard County Water Association, Inc.; c. Parksville Water District; and then d. Commission Staff. 6. No opening or closing statements shall be presented by any party. 7. The city of Danville shall publish notice of the scheduled hearing in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b), no more than 21 days and no less than seven days before the day of the scheduled hearing. 8. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9)(a), the record of the formal hearing in this matter shall be by digital video recording.

2/19/2015 12:59:36 PM

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to the City of Danville Water Department


City of Danville Copy of Cost-of-Service Study on Disc


City of Danville Response to First Request for Information Vol. I & II


City of Danville Response to First Request for Information Vol. I & II


City of Danville Petition for Confidentiality

1/21/2015 3:56:48 PM

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to the City of Danville Water Department


City of Danville Response to Information Request at IC with CD

12/31/2014 12:45:00 PM

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.

12/23/2014 2:22:05 PM

Memorandum dated 12/23 for Informal Conference of 12/15; Comments, if any, due within 5 days of receipt


City of Danville Notice of filing

12/15/2014 3:42:05 PM

Order Entered: (1) The procedural schedule established in the November 14, 2014 Order is suspended. (2) An informal conference with all parties shall be scheduled by Commission Staff. (3) All provisions of the November 14, 2014 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in full force and effect.

12/15/2014 2:02:13 PM

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference


City of Danville's Response to Commission's Order Issued November 14, 2014


City of Danville's Response to Commission's Order Issued November 14, 2014


City of Danville's Response to Commission's Order Issued November 14, 2014

11/24/2014 3:43:49 PM

Order entered: (1) All issues raised in Case 2014-00314 and 2014-00361 shall be consolidated into Case 2014-00392; (2) Case 2014-00314 and 2014-00361 shall be closed upon entry of this Order; (3) After issuance of this Order, all documents that would have been filed in Case 2014-00314 and 2014-00361 shall be filed in Case 2014-00392; (4) Documents filed prior to entry of this Order in Case 2014-00314 and 2014-00361 shall remain in their respective case files, with a copy of each such document being made by the Commission and filed in Case 2014-00392.


Copies of Documents Filed in Case Nos. 2014-00314 and 2014-00361 Per Order Dated November 24, 2014

11/14/2014 10:42:32 AM

Order Entered: (1) Danville's proposed rates for wholesale water service are suspended for five months from November 19, 2014, to April 18, 2015. (2) Garrard Association and Parksville District are joined as parties to this case. (3)The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed. (4) A person who submits a motion to intervene after December 12, 2014, and, upon a showing of good cause, is granted full intervention shall abide by the existing procedural schedule. (5) Any party requesting an Informal Conference earlier than the April 7, 2015 Informal Conference indicated in the procedural schedule shall file a written request for such Informal Conference. (6) Danville shall file with the Commission, no later than December 1, 2014, the responses to the requests for information listed in Appendix B to this Order. (7) a. Responses to requests for information shall be appropriately bound, tabbed and indexed. When a number of sheets are required for an item, each sheet should be appropriately labeled: for example, Item 1(a), Sheet 2 of 6. Each response shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided. Danville is to file with the Commission the original and ten copies, and a copy to all parties of record.


City of Danville Wholesale Water Rate Adjustment