Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2013-00258

Case Number:2013-00258
Service Type:Sewer
Filing Date:8/6/2013

Classic Construction, Inc.

Case Nature:


Case Filings
3/6/2014 11:48:50 AM

Order entered; The rate proposed in Classic Construction's Application is denied. 2. The rate shown in Appendix B is approved for sewer service rendered on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Classic Construction shall file revised tariff sheets with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, containing the rate set forth in Appendix B to this Order. 4. Classic Construction shall properly report the account balances for Utility Plant in Service, Other Deferred Debits, Miscellaneous Operating Reserves, Accumulated Depreciation, Other Current Assets, Retained Earnings, and Contributions-in-Aid-of-Construction in its 2013 Annual Financial and Statistical Report that it files with the Commission. 5. In all future reporting periods, Classic Construction shall depreciate its assets using the straight-line method. No retroactive adjustment to accumulated depreciation or retained earnings shall be made to account for this change in accounting method.

2/6/2014 2:34:33 PM

Order Entered: 1. The hearing in this matter scheduled for February 18, 2014, is cancelled. 2. This case is now submitted for a decision.

2/3/2014 11:14:56 AM

Letter dated 1/31/2014 responding to Givens telephone message

1/22/2014 2:31:10 PM

Letter Regarding Hearing

1/17/2014 3:13:01 PM

Letter Regarding Scheduling Informal Conference

1/16/2014 11:12:39 AM

Letter Dated 01/15/2014 Filing Documents into the Record


Classic Construction Inc. Notice of Filing and Waiver of Hearing and Notice Regarding Attorney Robert Moore

12/23/2013 11:36:38 AM

Memorandum dated 12/23 for filing of electronic letter Comments, if any, due within 5 days of receipt


Invoices from Doug Carpenter and Robert Moore to Classic Construction


Attorney General's Formal Notice Regarding the 12-05013 Memorandum Updating Commission Staff Report Findings

12/6/2013 10:24:05 AM

Memorandum dated 12/05/2013 for Informal Conference of 12/04/2013; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt

12/6/2013 9:37:55 AM

Order Entered: 1. The documents containing bank account numbers shall be afforded confidential treatment. 2. The Executive Director shall remove from the public records the documents containing bank account numbers and shall substitute a copy in which all bank account numbers have been redacted.

12/6/2013 9:29:49 AM

Order Entered: 1. Classic Construction's motion to file its written comments outside the time set forth in the November 15, 2013 Commission Order is granted. 2. Classic Construction's motion to waive the requirement of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 7(1), to file ten copies of its comments to the Commission Staff's Report is granted. 3. Classic Construction's written comments tendered on November 26, 2013, are accepted for filing. 4. All other provisions of the November 15, 2013 Commission Order remain in full force and effect. 5. Classic Construction shall file with the Commission an original and five copies of all further documents unless the Commission grants a motion filed by Classic Construction to file documents electronically.


Classic Construction Inc.'s Revised First Page of Comments and Affidavit of Russell Givens


Classic Construction, Inc. Motion to File Comments Late and to File and Original and One Copy of Comments


Classic Construction, Inc.'s Comments to Commission Staff Report


Attorney General's Written Comments on Staff Report

11/18/2013 8:45:21 AM

Letter dated 11/15/2013 Filing Documents into the Record

11/15/2013 3:10:08 PM

Order Entered: Classic Construction's motion for an extension of time to file its response to the Commission Staff Report is granted. 2. No later than November 25, 2013, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on, and any objections to, the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; b. Any additional evidence for the Commission's consideration; and c. Written notice as to whether this matter may be submitted for decision based upon the existing record without hearing. 3. A party's failure to file written objections to a finding or recommendation contained in the Commission Staff Report by November 25, 2013, shall be deemed as agreement with that finding or recommendation. 4. All other provisions of the September 18, 2013 Order shall remain in full force and effect.


Classic Construction, Inc.'s Notice of Entry of Appearance of Counsel


Classis Construction, Inc.'s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Staff Report

11/1/2013 4:04:12 PM

Letter Correcting Filing Date for Comments to Staff Report

10/31/2013 1:25:06 PM

Notice of Filing of Commission Staff Report

9/18/2013 2:33:20 PM

Order Entered: 1. No later than 10/31/13, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Classic Construction's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than 11/14/13 or14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party shall file with the Commission: a. It’s written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Staff Report; b. Any additional evidence for the Commission's consideration; c. Written notice as to whether this matter may be submitted for decision based upon the existing record without hearing. 3. If Commission Staff finds that Classic Construction's financial condition supports a higher rate than Classic Construction proposes or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Classic Construction's application, Classic Construction in its response to the Staff Report shall state its position on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge. 4. If Commission Staff recommends changes in the manner in which Classic Construction accounts for the depreciation of Classic Construction's assets, Classic Construction in its response shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should require Classic Construction to implement the proposed change for accounting purposes.

9/4/2013 2:37:00 PM

Order Entered: Unless all parties request that this matter be submitted for decision upon the existing record, a formal hearing in this matter shall be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Classic Construction, Inc. shall publish notice of the scheduled hearing in accordance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b), no more than 21 days and no less than seven days before the day of the scheduled hearing. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9)(a), the record of the formal hearing in this matter shall be by videotape. 4. Commission Staff shall prepare a written list of all exhibits presented at the hearing and shall file this list with the Commission with all hearing exhibits and a copy of the video transcript of the hearing. 5. Any request to cancel or postpone this hearing shall be made by motion filed with the ommission at least one week before the hearing is scheduled to commence.

8/26/2013 10:53:00 AM

Order Entered: 1. No later than September 18, 2013, Commission Staff shall file with the Commission and serve upon all parties of record a written report containing its findings and recommendations regarding Classic Construction's requested rate adjustment. 2. No later than October 2, 2013, or 14 days after the date of the filing of the Commission Staff Report, whichever occurs earlier, each party of record shall file with the Commission: a. Its written comments on and any objections to the findings and recommendations contained in the Commission Staff Report; b. Any additional evidence for the Commission's consideration; and c. Written notice as to whether this matter may be submitted for decision based upon the existing record without hearing. 3. If Commission Staff finds that Classic Construction's financial condition supports a higher rate than Classic Construction proposes or the assessment of an additional rate or charge not proposed in Classic Construction's application, Classic Construction in its response to the Commission Staff Report shall also state its position in writing on whether the Commission should authorize the assessment of the higher rate or the recommended additional rate or charge.


Classic Construction's ARF Form 3

8/20/2013 9:41:25 AM

Letter to Russell Givens Regarding ARF Form 3

8/14/2013 10:15:36 AM

Order Entered: The motion is granted and the Attorney General is hereby made a party to these proceedings.


Attorney General's Notice of Substitution of Counsel

8/12/2013 1:34:58 PM

Deficiency Cured Letter


Classic Construction Inc New Public Notice


Classic Construction Inc Customer Notice

7/16/2013 10:32:10 AM

Deficiency letter, information due 7/26

7/16/2013 9:12:51 AM

Order Entered: 1. The federal tax identification numbers contained in Classic Construction’s application shall be afforded confidential treatment. 2. The Executive Director shall remove Classic Construction’s application from the Commission’s public files and shall substitute a copy in which all federal tax identification numbers have been redacted.


AG's Motion to Intervene

7/3/2013 11:04:11 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Classic Construction, Inc.'s Application for Rate Adjustment for Small Utilities Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:076