Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2013-00120

Case Number:2013-00120
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:4/15/2013

Nolin R.E.C.C.

Case Nature:

Obtain Loan Not to Exceed $12,000,000.00

Case Filings
5/30/2013 10:59:09 AM

Order Entered: The loan from CFC as described in Nolin’s application is approved. Nolin shall execute its note as security for the proposed loan in the manner described in its application. 3. The proceeds from the proposed loan shall be used only for the lawful purposes set out in Nolin’s application. 4. The terms and conditions of the new CFC loan shall be consistent with the CFC financing program as described in Nolin’s application. 5. Nolin shall provide the Commission with the exact amount of the new CFC loan within 10 days of finalizing the transaction. 6. Any document filed in the future, pursuant to ordering paragraph 5 herein, shall reference this case number and shall be filed in the utility’s general correspondence file. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed a warranty or finding of value of securities or financing authorized herein on the part of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or any agency thereof.

5/8/2013 11:09:47 AM

Memorandum dated 5/08/2013 for Informal Conference of 4/26/2013; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt


Nolin RECC Response to Commission Staffs Request for Information

4/24/2013 11:39:51 AM


4/16/2013 3:19:07 PM

Deficiency cured letter


Nolin RECC Response to Filing Deficiencies Request

4/2/2013 2:41:32 PM

Deficiency Letter

3/27/2013 10:42:11 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Application of Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation for an Order Pursuant to KRS 278.300 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 11 and Related Sections Authorizing the Cooperative to Obtain a Loan Not to Exceed the Amount of $12,000,000.00 from the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation