Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2012-00506

Case Number:2012-00506
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:12/21/2012

Breathitt County Water District

Case Nature:

KY 3237 Canoe Road Waterline Extension Phase II Project

Case Filings
8/6/2013 2:21:24 PM

Order Entered: 1. Breathitt District is granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to proceed with the proposed KY 3237 Canoe Road Waterline Extension Phase II Project as set forth in its application. 2. Breathitt District shall notify the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 3. Any deviation from the construction approved shall be undertaken only with the approval of the Commission. 4. Breathitt District shall furnish documentation of the total costs of this project, including the cost of construction and all other capitalized costs (engineering, legal, administrative, etc.) within 60 days of the date that construction is substantially completed. Construction costs shall be classified into appropriate plant accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts for water utilities prescribed by the Commission. 5. Breathitt District shall file with the Commission a copy of the “as-built” drawings and a certified statement that the construction has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract plans and specifications within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction certificated herein. 6. If any surplus from the budgeted funds remains upon completion of the proposed project, Breathitt District shall advise the Commission in writing of this fact within 60 days of substantial completion of the construction.

12/26/2012 2:17:52 PM

Filing Now Meets Requirements Letter


Breathitt County's Contract and Technical Specifications and Bid Plans


Breathitt County's Contract and Technical Specifications and Bid Plans

11/21/2012 1:45:25 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Application of Breathitt County Water District for a CPC&N to Construct Pursuant to KRS 278.020