Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00428

Case Number:2011-00428
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:10/28/2011

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

Case Nature:

Modify and Extend Availability of RTP, Real Time Pricing Program

Case Filings
12/28/2011 2:31:05 PM

Final Order Entered: (1) Duke Kentucky's request to continue to offer its Rate RTP tariff for two additional years, through December 31, 2014, is denied. (2) Duke Kentucky's Rate RTP Program is authorized to continue until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (3) No later than April 20, 2012, Duke Kentucky shall file an evaluation of the Rate RTP Program as described in this Order, which shall include Duke Kentucky's recommendation whether Rate RTP should or should not be continued on a permanent basis. (4) Within 10 days of the date of this Order, Duke Kentucky shall file a revised tariff for its Rate RTP with an effective date as of the date this Order and stating that it was issued by authority of this Order.

10/28/2011 11:01:53 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Application of Duke Energy Kentucky for Approval To Modify And Extend the Availability of Its Rate RTP, Real Time Pricing Program.