Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00417

Case Number:2011-00417
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:10/17/2011

Bronston Water Association, Inc.

Case Nature:

Water Shut Off Agreement & Deviation from 807 KAR 5:006 § 14

Case Filings
7/17/2012 8:45:58 AM

Order Entered: (1) Bronston’s application for a deviation from 807 KAR 5:006, Section 14, is granted. (2) Bronston’s proposed rule regarding the termination of water service to customers who fail to pay for sewer service that Citizens National Bank is approved. (3) Within. 20 days of the date of this Order, Bronston shall file with the Commission a tariff sheet containing its proposed rule regarding the termination of water service to customers who fail to pay for sewer service that Citizens National Bank provides. The tariff sheet shall be signed by an officer authorized to issue tariffs and shall state the effective date as the date of this Order. (4) Bronston is authorized to terminate water service for a customer's failure to pay a bill for sewer service that Citizens National Bank provides to the same location. (5) Bronston is authorized to charge a reconnection fee to those customers to whom it terminates water service for failing to comply with the proposed rule.

10/17/2011 12:08:43 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Bronston Water Association's Application for Approval of Water Shut Off Agreement and Deviation from 807 KAR 5:006 § 14