Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00413

Case Number:2011-00413
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:10/6/2011

Sarah E. Wolford, Complainant; Kentucky-American Water Company, Defendant

Case Nature:

Sarah E. Wolford, Complainant; Kentucky-American Water Company, Defendant

Case Filings
6/8/2012 3:33:29 PM

Final Order Entered: (1) Complainant's Motion to Dismiss is granted. (2) The June 5, 2012 hearing scheduled in this matter is cancelled. (3) This case is dismissed with prejudice and removed from the Commission's docket.


Motion to Dismiss from Sarah Wolford


KAW's Notice of Resolution

5/29/2012 2:22:14 PM

Order Entered: 1. A formal hearing in this matter shall be held on June 5, at 1O:OO a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and continuing until completed. 2. By June 4, 2012, each party shall file an original and eight copies of the following with the Commission and serve a copy upon all parties of record: a. List of the names and addresses of all witnesses that it intends to call at the formal hearing. b. A summary of the expected testimony of each witness. c. A copy of ail documents and exhibits that it intends to introduce into evidence at the scheduled hearing. 3. As the Complainant bears the burden of proof in this matter, her failure to appear at the formal hearing and to present proof in support of her Complaint may result in the dismissal of her complaint with prejudice. 4. Failure of the Respondent to appear at the formal hearing may result in the entry of an Order granting the Complainants' request relief.


Sarah Wolford Requests Hearing RE: Complaint Against Kentucky-American Water

4/9/2012 1:16:48 PM

Order Entered: that the Complainant shall, within 20 days of the date of this Order, inform the Commission in writing whether she (1 )is he’s to withdraw her Complaint; (2) wishes to have this matter submitted for decision based upon the existing record; or (3) requests a hearing in this matter.

3/21/2012 8:43:13 AM

Letter to Parties Filing Meter Test Results into the Record

1/25/2012 1:45:08 PM

Letter notifying Parties meter will be tested January 31, 2012 beginning at 9:00 a.m.


Kentucky-American Water's Description of Conditions of Storage

1/10/2012 3:05:25 PM

Letter granting Kentucky-American Water Company's petition for confidentiality filed 11/04/11 for protection of certain information

12/22/2011 2:01:22 PM

Order Entered: (1) Within 30 days of the date of this Order, Defendant shall make available to the Commission the meter that it used to provide water service to the Complainant at 118 Arcadia Park, Lexington, Kentucky, from August 2 to August 30, 2011. (2) Within 30 days of the date of this Order, Defendant shall file with the Commission all records related to and all tests performed on the meter in question that Defendant did not include with its Answer and, if the meter has been removed from service, shall advise the Commission in writing as to the conditions under which the meter has been stored. (3) The Commission’s Executive Director or his designated representative shall contact Defendant and make arrangements for the transportation of the meter to the Commission’s offices. (4) The Commission’s Executive Director shall ensure the testing of the meter in question and shall file a report of the test results with the Commission within 90 days of the date of this Order. (5) The Commission’s Executive Director or his designated representative shall advise the parties of the proceeding of the date and time when Commission Staff will perform testing on the meter in question and provide the parties the opportunity to observe the testing. (6) Failure of the Defendant to produce the meter in question shall result in the burden of proof transferring to the Defendant to demonstrate that the meter in question was functioning properly and that the billed amount was accurate.


Sarah Wolford Submission of Oct Bill from KAW


KAW's Petition for Confidential Protection


KAW's Answer and Motion to Dismiss

10/21/2011 10:52:09 AM

Order Entered: to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days of the date of service of this Order Should documents of any kind be filed with the Commission in the course of this proceeding, the documents shall also be served on all parties of record.


Sarah E. Wolford vs. Kentucky-American Water Company