Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00103

Case Number:2011-00103
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:3/18/2011

Kentucky Utilities Company , Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Case Nature:

Modify & Rename Brownfield Development Rider

Case Filings
8/11/2011 1:24:16 PM

Order Entered: (1) The Applicants' EDR tariffs are approved effective on and after the date of issuance of this Order. (2) Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Applicants shall file their EDR tariffs.


The Companies Request Commission to Issue a Final Order


LG&E and KU's Response to AG's Initial Data Request dated 040111


LG&E and KU's Response to Commission Staff's First Information Request dated 041411

4/14/2011 1:38:58 PM

Commission Staff's First Information Request to Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities Company

4/13/2011 2:23:41 PM

Order Entered: the motion is granted, and the Attorney General is hereby made a party to these proceedings.

4/5/2011 3:10:20 PM

Order Entered: (1) The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix shall be followed. (2) a. Responses shall be appropriately bound with copies to all parties of record and an original and seven copies to the Commission. (2) b. Each response shall be answered under oath. (2) c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response. (2) d. Any request a party fails to furnish the requested information, that party shall provide a written explanation. (3) All parties shall respond to any interrogatories and requests that Commission Staff submits in accordance with the procedural schedule. (4) Any party filing testimony shall file an original and seven copies. (5) At any public hearing, neither opening statements nor summarization of direct testimony shall be permitted. (6) Motions for extensions of time shall be made in writing. (7) Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.


Attorney General's Motion to Intervene


Attorney General's Initial Data Request

3/18/2011 4:00:07 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


LG&E and KU's Application to Modify and Rename the Brownfield Development Rider as the Economic Development Rider