Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 1992-00510C

Case Number:1992-00510C
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:7/12/1994
Category:Fuel Adjustment Clause

Licking Valley R.E.C.C.

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Case Filings

COMMQNNEALTH QF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLZC SERVICE COMMZBBION In the Matter oft AN EXAMINATION BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE APPLICATION QF THE FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE OF LICKING VAILEY RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CQRPQRATION FROM NOVEMBER lg 1993 TO APRIL 30r 1994 0 R D E R ) ) ) ) CASE NOe 92-510-C ) ) Pursuant to Commission Regulation 807 KAR 5 i 056, the Commission on July 12, 1994 established thi ~ case to review and evaluate the operation of the fuel ad)ustment clause ("FAC") of Li
