Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19009642II

Case Number:19009642II
Service Type:Gas
Filing Date:1/18/1991
Category:Purchased Gas Adjustment

Western Lewis-Rectorville Water and Gas District

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Case Filings

COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE TBE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE NOTICE OF PURCHASED GAS ) ADJUSTMENT FILING QF WESTERN LEWIS- ) CASE NO. 9642-II RECTORVILLE WATER AND GAS DISTRICT ) 0 R D E R On February 4, 1987, the Commission issued its Order in Case No. 9642 approving certain ad)ustments in rates and providing under certain conditions for the further adjustment of such rates when the wholesale cost of gas is increased or decreased or a refund is received. On January 18, 19