View Case Filings for: 19009115
Service Type:
Filing Date:1984*
Company Not Assigned
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*Case Filing Year is approximate
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * 4 * 1 In the Matter of: RENTAL UN IFORM SERVI CE g INC ~3916 OAKLAWN DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40219 COMPLAINANT VS ~ LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY311 WEST CHESTNUT STREET LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40202 DEFENDANT ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO ~ 9115 ) ) ) ) ) 0 R D E R IT XS ORDERED that Louisville Gas and Electric Company ("LG&E") shall file an original and ten copies of the following information with the Commission with a copy to all par |
Iv COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * 4 0 * In the Matter of RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICEg INC. 3916 Oaklawn Drive Louisville, Kentucky 40219 COMPLAINANT LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. 311 West Chestnut Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202 DEFENDANT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 9115 ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER TO SATISFY OR ANSWER To: Louisville Gas and Electric Company: You are hereby notified that a Complaint has been filed in the action entitled as above against you as Defendant, and you |