Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19009051

Case Number:19009051
Service Type:
Filing Date:1984*

Company Not Assigned

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*Case Filing Year is approximate

Case Filings




COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF THE HARRISON COUNTY ) WATER ASSOCIATIONS INC kg P 0 ~ BOX 215 ) CYNTHIANAr KENTUCKY 4103lg FOR A ) CASE NO ~ 9051 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND ) NECESSITY ) 0 R D E R Upon Request of Harrison County Water Association, Inc., filed July 19, 1984, and for good cause shown, IT IS ORDERED That the time within which Harrison County Water Association, Inc. shall file the information requested in t



COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * In the Matter of THE APPi ICATION OF THE HARRISON COUNTY ) WATER ASSOCIATION g INC g P ~ 0 ~ BOX 2 15 p ) CYNTH IANA g KENTUCKY 41031 g FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND ) NECESSITY ) CASE NO. 9051 ORDER By letter received June 5, 1984, counsel for Harrison County Water Association, Inc., ("Association" ) notified the Commission that it is not. the intention of the Association to request a rate increase in this proceedin


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF THE HARRISON COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION, INC., P. 0. BOX 215 CYNTHZANA, KENTUCKY 41031, FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY ))) CASE NO. 9051)) ORDER XT XS ORDERED that Harrison County Water Association, Inc. shall file an original and seven copies of the following informa- tion with the Commission with a copy to all parties of record by June 13, 1984. If neither the requested inform